Where on the internet can I find my good cute asian boi with cat ears to dom if there is none in my country? Checked localised apps already. What are some sites with high asian male presence? I lurked all sort of discord servers and thread but tehy seem to be absent from literally everywhere? Do they all have gfs already or are that "given up on dating"?
Where on the internet can I find my good cute asian boi with cat ears to dom if there is none in my country...
Just go on tinder, retard.
learn to read retard
> checked localized apps already
Fuck off stupid cunt sage in all fields fuck off my board go looking for orbiters at discord
I dont keep orbiters. They have no use. I only need ONE cute asian boy REEEEE
Well a good start is Grindr
post more lenore
Grindr is for gay, I need a hetero boy, or at leadt bi. He must love pussy.
just go to an asian country and kidnap an asian boi
>none in my country?
You checked your entire country?
Yeah, It seems they all moved back to their chinchongtowns due to corona. Unfortunately. As for locals, I actually havent seen a single asian with local citizenship in my life.
You're just an autistic coomer retard.
I've talked to a few people like you and you're just impossible to please, like most other fembots and retards here when it comes to their unrealistic expectations of a relationship. There is very likely asians where you are unless you're in middle american or european countries. If you're anywhere near a city there's definitely asian guys. Don't jerk off for a month and go back on tinder, fag.
Nghhhh i wish i could...
I think they would use line
You can try using Interpals or other language exchange apps, lots of effay Asian boys on those
Dude my capital is literally less than 600k ppl.
There is just none, 0. There used to be like 1 per 300 swipes but now, none.
Then you're just going to need to get a mail order husband or move to chingchong land. Coomers like you are literally some of the most frustrating people.
>It seems they all moved back to their chinchongtowns due to corona
Do you live in like the Vatican or something? What kind of country can have its entire Asian population just leave? Also you could try volunteering in your area's equivilant of a Chinatown or Little Tokyo to cast a wider net.
Where can I find a mail order husband?
> Coomers like you are literally some of the most frustrating people.
You are literally calling me frustrating for being born in a small country.
We dont have any chinatowns or whatever.
Vatican is not a country,I must point this out.
> What kind of country can have its entire Asian population just leave?
All the asians here were only exchange students.
>Vatican is not a country,I must point this out
I'm pretty sure it is, city-states count as countries imo
Can you give us a country location cause advice will be different if you live in Finland, or the Ivory Coast
You can take finland as reference point, whatever. The more isolated parts of it.
>You are literally calling me frustrating for being born in a small country.
No, I'm calling you frustrating because like I said I've talked to multiple people like you. I'm willing to bet you have these fetishes because you went on the slippery weeb slope, got into hentai manga and kept cooming, and then start fetishizing the people that make the content because you also think the parallel between them and their creative works of art are practically nonexistent. Then you'll actually start finding asian guys who are into this but when it comes to getting married and having kids they'll probably want to respect their familial wishes and you'll be triggered about it. I don't even help my siblings with their relationships, but you just go online where there are asians and reach out to them. If you're actually into domming I would imagine you'll have to accept the role and be the person to initiate, but my guess is that you think asian guys are so submissive that even you're able to dom them.
Yeah I know it's a LOT of fucking assumptions, but like I said I'm willing to bet most of them are pretty fucking accurate deep down.
You're going to struggle to find Asians in a pretty homogenous country outside of major cities so finding a reason to travel there more often is probably for the best. Also I don't think a lot of people advertise that they want to wear cat ears and be dommed, so you should probably widen the search for at least somewhat sub asian men who are about your age or younger, then try and push them towards being more sub and wearing cat ears.
I liked asian guys ever since I saw one as a 5 year old in the airport. While I may be weeb I dont consoom hentai or porn at all at that matter, its just arbitrary
Also what you write is mostly incoherent nonsense with broken logic, you should revise your posts better.
Lol thats understandable. But finding ANY asian men locally is impossible for me. Hence the question in the op.
Wait I think I remember you from another thread.
If I can guess correctly the country your from, will you accept me as your boy servant?
I'm not asian though, I'm southern european, you can pretend I'm filipino, hope it would be close enough
If you're a white girl should be super easy to pick up an asian guy. Bonus points if you're jewish. Chinese guys love jews. That's a big fetish.
There are plenty of meds here. I can find one on tinder if I wanted to and it would be more convenient.
>you should revise your posts better.
Yeah, I should.
>I liked asian guys ever since I saw one as a 5 year old in the airport.
uhhuh. Anyway, just go online and talk to asian guys. It's really that simple.
I'm half asian and half white. I'm mad uggo tho otherwise I wouldn't be on here.
Yeah, BUT WHERE IS THEIR HABITAT? I know that Zig Forums, reddit, discord have abysmally low asian population. What else?