I don't have many steam friends, can I add you? We don't even need to talk, I'll just be in your friends list.
I don't have many steam friends, can I add you? We don't even need to talk, I'll just be in your friends list
Alright whats your @
sure fren, link your steam profile and ill send a request.
Do you play TF2 at all?
not having friends is part and parcel of being a gacha insect
>GI tract
no, gachatards are a plague
Sent ;)
yes often
Lol, nigger.
What's your main? I like Scout but I've been trying to get good with demo
post yours and I add you.
not really
I just sent you all requests
Only if you aren't creepy and waaaay too autistic
you may now commence laughing at OP for getting booted back where he belongs
thanks, i'll add you later.
What if I am too autistic and creepy? Zig Forumsros have unfriended me before...
>Those profile comments
Look bud, i have friends from poltards to canadians, so i am used to autism all the time
All i want is that you dont fucking message me every single day at every single moment of the day, cus at least this week i am busy as fuck, yet i am ok with retards talking to me
thats all
Senpai you can add me on discord ChickenTendies#1649
>All i want is that you dont fucking message me every single day at every single moment of the day, cus at least this week i am busy as fuck,
It may depend on how you see it then.
thanks! i'll add you Iater
what if i dont have eyes?
How do you type on a computer then?
i could have a voice thing, or a slave doing it for me