I don't have many steam friends, can I add you? We don't even need to talk, I'll just be in your friends list

I don't have many steam friends, can I add you? We don't even need to talk, I'll just be in your friends list.

Attached: 1603399454285.png (630x1366, 1.32M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Alright whats your @


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sure fren, link your steam profile and ill send a request.

Do you play TF2 at all?

not having friends is part and parcel of being a gacha insect

>GI tract
no, gachatards are a plague

Sent ;)

yes often

Lol, nigger.


What's your main? I like Scout but I've been trying to get good with demo

post yours and I add you.
not really


I just sent you all requests


Only if you aren't creepy and waaaay too autistic

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you may now commence laughing at OP for getting booted back where he belongs

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thanks, i'll add you later.

What if I am too autistic and creepy? Zig Forumsros have unfriended me before...

>Those profile comments

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Look bud, i have friends from poltards to canadians, so i am used to autism all the time
All i want is that you dont fucking message me every single day at every single moment of the day, cus at least this week i am busy as fuck, yet i am ok with retards talking to me
thats all

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Senpai you can add me on discord ChickenTendies#1649

I'm in steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073004199/


>All i want is that you dont fucking message me every single day at every single moment of the day, cus at least this week i am busy as fuck,
It may depend on how you see it then.

thanks! i'll add you Iater

what if i dont have eyes?

Attached: Carl-Aqua-Teen-Hunger-Force.jpg (400x300, 27.78K)

How do you type on a computer then?

i could have a voice thing, or a slave doing it for me

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