This was voted as word's sexiest man

>this was voted as word's sexiest man

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*voted by kikes


Isn't he actually a dicklet along with Tom Hardy?

I thank the Jews for inventing bagels and matzo balls. Fucking love that shit.

2020: The year women stopped caring about sexiest man alive. Seriously they couldn't even put idris elba up there?

Idris Elba has a chin unlike this guy too

>Whitest man in London

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He should start mewing

He probably had surgery or something. His chin was worse before.

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Terrible jaw, not particularly good looking or ugly. Average or slightly above average probably

when I was a kid, Halle Berry was consistently voted as sexiest woman alive in all the magazines and she really wasn't that great either

Better than john legend thats for sure
guy isnt even attractive

women love black men because they are so athletic and sociable.

If you haven't figured out mainstream people are doing things specifically with social justice as their main intent now and have been for years you're a brain dead retarded monkey.
Main stream shit doesn't mean anything now, it's not connected to real life.

You can make anyone look worse with a bad angle. Continue being butthurt and jaded though, I'm sure you've led a very productive life as a result.

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The only girls who like black guys are easily manipulated millennial women who are worthless as partners and all live to regret dating black men

He's attractive but he's probably not even in the top 100,000 most attractive men

Loool it still looks like shit though.

yes, young women look for black men for good sex.

Nigga what the shit are you talking about?
Fuck jannies.

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I only ever see them with moms with white kids already and their divorce rates are sky high

huh? we're talking about good sex, women don't marry guys they have sex with.

Weird cope but okay

I mean, what's wrong with how he looks? Much uglier men have won the award, why seethe now? Jealous of the fact that he's more based than you'll ever be.

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He still gets mogged by Idris. Maybe even Boseman if he grows his goatee out.

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>Much uglier men have won the award
Like? I don't follow women's magazines.

He was pretty good in The Wire desu. His character getting killed has to one of the saddest deaths in TV history.

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He would've been around 18 when that was shot. Your face can definitely change past that age. I look at pictures from when I was 16 and I look completely different.
The thing is, he's not ugly because of his weak chin. He's got a nice smile and a fairly strong jawline from the front. OP's right when he's incredulous that this is the "sexiest man alive" though. Michael B. Jordan is definitely far from it.

Lmao no, he's ugly and old
>Boseman if he grows his goatee out
He's dead user.
The Rock won it once I think

people can vote for the wrong man

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