This is the cock of a 27 year old virgin

this is the cock of a 27 year old virgin
lets see those virgin cocks

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I'm 100% straight but I want that thing inside me.

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6/10, too oblong. Would be at least 8/10 with better proportions.

>tfw pent up thick neet cum to swallow

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Gay and very gay. get a life retards. Aniki would NOT approve

It seems to have decent length but it's creepy how thin it looks.

>pent up
you do realize how much we masturbate, right

i was hoping for the no nut november nut desu :c

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Sadly its attached to a weak chin

I want a robot to use my face as a cumrag after he's done with NNN.

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being neet implies having given up, complacency
no nut november is a test of will, which is what we lack

user i just want neet cum >:c

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nice cock, mogs tf out of my 5.6 incher (slightly over 6 in when im REALLY happy)

and im not even a virgin

Why, user? Neets are generally filthy and unwashed. Are you self loathing?

AUTOGYNEPHILLIA, perfect example folks. Notice none of these coom Brain weirdos post any real people? Just fake anime girls (men). Too much porn and anime has warped these mens minds, they now fetishise being a women.
Very sad! Many such cases.

Just name a time and a place

Long, thin cocks are just sad to look at.

come on anons, you're making me feel shy hurry up and post your own

it's degrading, and that's hot c;
i mean something about being subjugated by a useless neet is very hot, to be literally lower than a neet and his slutty cumrag
damn that would be the best

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sorry dude, first sexual thought i ever had was about a being used as a cumrag for a boy when i was like 10

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> Autogynephilia. Autogynephilia (derived from Greek for 'love of oneself as a woman') is the term Blanchard coined for "a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female", intending for the term to refer to "the full gamut of erotically arousing cross-gender behaviors and fantasies".

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this cock has seen pussy

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Which one of those do you look like?

like none, i am not a tranny

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Only fugg'd a femboy many times, still count as a virgin since I'm just doing it as a favour for my gay friend.

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You were molested at a young age, Many such cases, VERY SAD!

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nope, didn't have sex until like 19

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>this is the cock of a 27 year old virgin
Nice benis, fren.

Very thin and you have faggot hands.

You're jealous of OPs big cock, arentcha.

You dont remember the molestation, very sad many such cases!
Also, are you calling me a trump supporting faggot or yourself one? Either way, its a pathetic insult as I dong support trump in anyway.