Stop using porn as a substitute for affection

Stop using porn as a substitute for affection

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Affection is for women and faggots.

and stop masterbating to replace intimacy

I've used porn everyday for the last 16 years. Legitimately at least once every single day. I get nothing from it anymore unless I'm looking at something that gives me mixed feelings of repulsion and arousal. I've progressed through vanilla, to degrading, to interracial, to trannys, to gay sex. Literal gay sex, and I'm 100% straight. I'm creeping on the edge of only being into gay rape porn.

Stop abusing porn before it's too late, jerk off to insta or tiktok or anything else that at least has some built in restraints.

Dude you need to cut that shit out or if you ever do get a chance to lose your virginity youll find you can only get hard for gay sex.

>replace intimacy

Yeah right

You're just pointing out the problem and blaming males and not giving a solution.

stop using affection as a substitute for porn

>Literal gay sex, and I'm 100% straight
lolwut, I don't understand how this works unless you have deeply repressed gay desires. Why do you find gay sex to be the most degrading, even more than interracial, which if you mean and not just interracial in general, is waaaaaay more degenerate and meant to be degrading. Side note: based on your tastes you should watch sissy hypno.

It doesn't work anyway, fuck you and fuck off.

stop using klonopin as a substitute for mental stability.

jordan's a big fraud, phoney wismen. he really exposes that all psychologists and even philosophers know fuck all about life. they are little more than pretentious pseudo scientists and edgy poets.

I need to get rid of feeling horny you jackass. I'll stop with porn if you let me pump your asshole full of this special sauce. Affection? Jaysus Christo. I just wanna nut and go about my day without a constant hardon. You low t faggots.

>I take masculinity advice from a guy with a Kermit the Frog voice

make a rig for your pants that jacks you off when you feel too honrey. like a fleshlight or a special tens unit with patches strapped to your dick. or maybe a dick sleev vibrator and some prostate stimulant so you can nut in mere seconds.

The solution is to stop

>nd even philosophers know fuck all about life
Literal brainlet. German idealism is the best description of reality ever.

If you can distinguish between raw, mindless and detached pleasure and actual affection, then you're really a retard and there is no hope for you. There is nothing wrong with jerking off to porn if you're not an actual retard, like many on this board are. Normal people can tell the difference and they see it as nothing more than mindless. I find it funny and sad that some of you unironically have problems with porn, it must be really hard being this stupid. Take a good look at your life, there's a good chance that you have fucked up in other areas of your life. Go fix those and stop being a retard.

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the fucking


>thinks the man who doesn't philosophize or even consider mental behaviors and patterns is smarter

We all still follow rules and ways of thinking although you may not realize it. I know you're trolling but damn without greek philosophy there wouldn't be internet

get a sex doll and AI chat bot

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MrPeePeeson, where do babies come from?

this and idkdfg

I want to be completely apart from porn. But I also want my 10 years ago.

mental behaviors are 90 nonsense and meaningless. western philosophy poses a lot of questions and gives out bullshit wisdoms that are false. philosophy itself is a limited way of viewing life. the only schools of western thought that have any value are nihilism and existentialism. Why? because they are more reminiscent of eastern thought as in they are just trying to see the world as it is as opposed to adding transcendental nonsense and falty made up meanings.

the most insightful pieces of western literature i've read weren't even written by philosophers but rather novelists like dostoevsky. Indian mysticism is where you'll find real wisdom. Nihilist and existentialist text is just for unwinding your cultural programming so you are open to eastern thought.

Even a substitute is better than nothing.

Cope, it makes literally no difference on the end, Porn or no porn, I will still not have GF

i'll never see a woman's naked body in the flesh user. how would that make you feel?

stop using benzodiazepines as a substitute for being a bitch

Where else am I going to get affection