Question for 1996-2002 zoombots. Why don't you just take HRT and become a cute girl? You're still young enough to see some major improvements, and you'll be much much happier than being a depressed lonely boy
Question for 1996-2002 zoombots. Why don't you just take HRT and become a cute girl...
im not white to submit that easily
do you even get paid to shill this shit?
I'm not lol. '99 here. I probably was cute enough until the start of this year. For some reason it wasn't until the summer after I turned 21 that my voice dropped, my shoulders got hella fucking broad, and my legs became covered in hair. Up until February I was still mistaken for a girl in public though. Too bad I still don't have any facial hair but the middle school goatee
they call it your dead name because that's what your parents bury you under.
Because I'm intersex and if I get on HRT my dormant female parts will mature and become active. I don't want periods tyvm
I'd rather die lonely than become someone's bitch
>much happier than being a depressed lonely boy
Im sure depressed trannies has it worse
Look, it's the HRT Tranny Posse again. Fuck off back to your Discord server you waste of space.
i don't like dick and i don't belive i'm a woman (you'll never be one too OP)