Is it just me or has tranny porn gotten way better over the years?
Is it just me or has tranny porn gotten way better over the years?
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those trannies are starting to look better than the real thing they are trying to imitiate
You're just watching a man, fucking another man who's dressed like a woman. Your cock gets hard watching two men fuck. You are, therefore, a faggot.
That man is gonna need a stoma bag eventually
Its just you tranny porn will always be gross
Yeah its getting harder and harder not to go full gay.
>tfw still no r9k tranny to play vidya with
Ladyboygold and ladyboysfuckedbareback is kino. Idk if you count ladyboys as trannies. I just love how they look. They always rim the guy too which is my shit
They're not allowed to touch their pps anymore which is good, because good girls know not to pleasure themselves for their masters.
It hasn't. You've just become a bigger faggot.
I think its hotter when they play with their dicks.
Seriously, why haven't you killed yourself yet. I'm actually starting to get pissed off
That tranny's face is nice, body looks weird...
>I've got a semi
I've been too long
Truth is clearly too much for you to handle
Wtf fag, are you gay or something?
More retards think they are women than ever, so there's more variety
STOP turning me into a homosexual you gay faggots
the girl in the gif is beautiful and seems chill
she's gf material
TS Madison. I would suck that cock anyday.
May I have a link source to this video uwu
Look for Trans500 TS Jasmine Lotus
>he doesn't boof rectal tightening solutions
trans porn is sweet
yes it is very sweet
I love big shemale dicks.
Science is getting scary.
>They're not allowed to touch their pps anymore
says who?
round and round it goes
tfw no dickmaid
Literally perfect for a hypno video
>why do the men in gay porn now wear makeup?
I wouldn't have known that was supposed to be a tranny without the OP
Someone pls turn this into a gif
I don't even read the posts, I just see the gap where someone is filtered and tell them to kill themselves.
Oh and you can kill yourself too, bud. Faggot.
the fuck are those eyebrows
>dead eyed abuse victims masturbating on the internet for attention
it wasn't so horrifying when it was just girls doing this but the democrats have gone too far
I'm literally right here, user
too bad you're probably american...
>looking at the eyebrows
That's a man not a tranny.