Post your favorite dinosaur and I'll tell you if you're based or not
Post your favorite dinosaur and I'll tell you if you're based or not
These were my favorite when I was a kid.
I think there was one called Utah Raptor that was like Mega-Velocoraptor...IDK I like the long neck ones and I like Triceratops a lot too. T-Rex was kind of a looser compared to Carnisaurus
This is based as fuck
Gotta go with my boy, Big Al.
lots of different Plesiosauria not sure which one to post
This long-ass nigga
I love him
Very based, my favorite at one point as well
Incrediblly based
Based utahraptors, unbased triceratops, too generic
God-like and based, saw his fossil irl
Fake and cringe
Utahraptors are great.
Deinonychus, its alright.
Not a dinosaur.
Reptile not dinosaur.
Still not a dinosaur.
Uhh it's probably still Pelican.
carcharodontosaurus because it has a badass name.
i also like dilophosaurus because their skulls are funny lookin
Nemicolopterus. Pigeon sized pterosaur. Look at his little face, OP. Don't tell me you don't want to rub one's tum tum.
That is a great picture. Makes me feel like Im about to be eaten alive
even though the dinosaur looks kinda retarded with his 40 year old beer gut and fucked knees. but its all about those eyes.
Oh yeah, its horrifying
A bitch ass dimorphodon as to be my favorite
Why ain't he in more movies, bros?
guys listen...
what if we got a skull guys listen
and made it fly
the one with the scar through one eye
I get the sense you think all dinosaurs are based
Always been fond of Stygimoloch.
Ankylosaurus, he's a bit generic, but there's a documentary of one break a tyrannosaurus' leg with his tail club and he's been my favorite ever since
Just chills and eats plants
Do placiderms count?
Based animal but not a dino
Based, image makes me feel uneasy
Based, adorable, I wanna hold one
Based diplodocus
Based, he looks funny
Incredibly based
Unbased, generic opinion
Generic but still based
Not a dino but still spooky as fuck, based
Based (sort of)
These are fake
>lived in Utah my whole life and have never seen one
Carnotaurus is pretty neat.