Is there any reason at all to pursue a gf once you're 30? Women even 10 years younger than you are already old and busted, fuck dogs and other animals like black people and carry more emotional baggage than 2 people can realistically even handle. All you're going to get are near-wall messes that are just trying to get pregnant and shit out a baby before their uterus dries out. All worth they would bring into a romantic relationship is already long gone and the only thing they seem to be good for is wetting your dick, would it not just be overall cheaper and stress free to buy hookers? You're going to be getting the same cock mileage from regular women except with non-escorts it will take much more money and time to bang them, and it isn't even guaranteed and there's more ways than one they can fuck up your whole life on a whim, as opposed to hookers who at the worst case scenario give you a dickie disease.
Is there any reason at all to pursue a gf once you're 30...
Theres normal single people out there but know one here actually believes that which is the real problem
>Is there any reason at all to pursue a gf once you're 30
this is such a cope thread women arent terrible just because they dont want to fuck you
Most women are pretty even at 30, the wall ist an american thing that comes from overconsumption of high fructose corn syrup and BBC
At least 90% of women you meet will be busted or normies, so they aren't going to relate anyway.
There's an incredibly small chance you will find someone who actually invests time in you and is happy to see you, but that chance has become so diminished it's better not to risk it for now.
Women's primary value is their youth, by the time they get to 30 you're getting very low value for the high effort of "adult" relationship
Honest question, do you guys have any real life experience with women that could back up any of these points or are you just going off of what others have told you online?
Man that is some virgin cope right there
ok cope
women are humans with jobs and interests