Twinks are not real

Twinks are not real.
Femboys are not real.
Traps are not real.
You're being brainwashed into homosexuality by anime images and a fictional idea of gay relationships that don't actually exist.

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its most definetly true but whats the alternative no girl will ever love me

women that like me are not real.

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I don't care. Put on the maid dress you stupid anime posting twink.

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>brainwashed into a sexual preference
I sure hope I don't get brainwashed into finding fat ugly bitches attractive due to their immense presence IRL and in social media, by your logic OP this is very likely to happen

No guy will ever love you either, gay people are way pickier and it's all over after 30

Liking feminine men is not a natural sexual preference. You either like men or women in nature. Straight or gay. The people who like these types are brainwashed by porn.

JFL if you think faggots are picky HAHAHA

>Twinks are not real.
>Femboys are not real.
>Traps are not real.
These are all real and other than traps they are for cute girls to lovingly bully

Based user, cute image, to bad i dont actually believe in god