Lots of money

Any financially successful bots here? What do you do with all your money? What are your long term goals?

Pic related (its me). Got no responses in Zig Forums

I keep coming back to this board over the years. I dont really fit in with the reactive people on this board, but I know there's a bunch of intelligent outsiders lurking here. That's why I keep coming back.

Im always thinking if I should spend my money and enjoy life now.. the price being I will have to work for the next 20-30 years.

Or if should live link a monk, learn how to appreciate that, and retire in 5-10 years when I reach 1.5-2.0 million (invested).

Im one of you. A social outcast. I spaghetti out around women even though they are interested. Mildly addicted to porn. Either autistic or (more likely) little social experience and just behind in that area.

Attached: Donald.png (953x494, 101.84K)

you should strive for multiple streams of income - including your own business while maintaining salary job. if your own business becomes successful - just stop trying at work but coast as far as you can while focusing all on your business

Ive thought about doing this but I dont want to do it alone. Statistically it lowers the chance of success, and just sounds exhausting.

Problem is, not having a social network, I dont know where I can go to date potential cofounders.

if it is internet based - you could pause it whenever you wanted to

While I would love that amount of money I know I've already won by not wasting my life pursuing it. Living off welfare, writing philosophy drawing porn and getting drunk are better wastes of my time. YOu shouldn't live any of your life in waiting, in putting your desires off, better to live in brutal struggle than in boredom.

test post. None of my last 4 replies are showingf

Attached: 1wxlz6px7l061.jpg (720x542, 39.35K)

Kek'd at your pic though, I see that one.

Attached: obama = cool.jpg (375x463, 16.2K)

I dont know what the fuck is going on with this site, but I attempted to reply to you 4 times. Im pissed now.

Boiled down version: I envy your freedom/independence. You're like a best friend I never had.

>YOu shouldn't live any of your life in waiting, in putting your desires off, better to live in brutal struggle than in boredom.
Sage advice, too scared to follow through

oh wow, I should convert to Islam, being a muslim sounds kinda comfy