>"Heh, religion is for weak minded people and slaves." >*all his forefathers who helped contribute to modern civilization believed in God* >*meanwhile he sits in front of a screen for 12 hours a day jacking off to anime cartoons*
Atheism is literally a regression of mankind. Prove me wrong.
This is just more childish strawmanning bullshit. I'm deeply religious but my religion also teaches that practically all religions are merely human traditions and are harmful to those who are subject to them.
John Nelson
Good bait, and if not, go and read up on the middle ages you christfag. Besides nobody, and I mean nobody gives a shit if you want to worship a sky nigger, except for psuedo-intellectual redditors
Matthew Gonzalez
Friedrich the great didn't like Christianity
Christian James
>There have been thousands of gods in history but mine is the real one I promise Cope harder
Charles Perry
the vast majority of your forefathers didn't believe in god to the point that if you made a pie chart 30 feet wide you wouldn't be able to see the skice that did. time is long you retard
John Scott
They are all the same God. How dense are you? Find God for yourself and make peace with Him
Grayson Gray
I'm 3/4th siberian, this isn't the case.
Jason Powell
man god was intense back in aztec times
Cooper Adams
Kinda weird how God says to obey the law of the land because he was smart enough to know that if you didn't, his books wouldn't sell and dominate our lives.
Jason Gutierrez
Why do fedoras always come back to the book and Abraham stuff? Do they really think that because the Abrahamic interpretation is wrong, that that means God necessarily doesn't exist?
Lincoln Garcia
Literally everyone sits in front of a screen nowadays, retard. You're posting this on Zig Forums.
Hudson Watson
Oh man, god sure exists when you refuse to define hom when pressed and the write your own interpretation in private you moron. "what could have made the worpd bro?" like anything. literally anything, probably just more world but farther back. you people
Aaron Perry
Seek out the Atheist God (tm) within you and make peace with him or i am going to have to send Moloch after you
Ayden Evans
>believed in god You mean >said to believe in god in front of the masses because you cant teach ethics to mongrels in any other way
Sebastian Hall
can you provide any reasonable case for god that doesn't rely on bullshit
Alexander Harris
Lmfao. I am strong, can bench 245 and do 20 pullups. Dont watch porn or Tv. Have read the bible. Was raised with the quran. Have read opposite sides of filosophy. Have read about Ahura Mazda and Ba'al, the origins dualism and monotheistic gods. Have concluded on my own that they are retarded fairy tales by the age of 12. Have a tested 132 Iq and above average Eq.
Relifags are subhuman slaves. I spit on them, including my own family.
Mason Gonzalez
atheists if they don't grow out of the phase by 25 should be forced to smoke dmt until they breakthrough
man, the second image sure does make a whole lot more sense. How would a man be that big? what about the square cube law? oh, it's just a metaphor? a metaphor for what? oh it's ineffable, ok, maybe your ineffable thing looks a lot like the second picture. you can draw a smiley face on it if you want
Caleb Foster
oh well, you'll find god one day but keep being euphoric in this moment not cause of some silly x pills
Jeremiah Ward
>being objective is edgy
John Rogers
Hey I took dmt and found god. He said youre gay. Is this correct? How do we know for sure? Sorry for the questions Im new to the whole god thing
Caleb Butler
It only makes less sense because Daddy Government didn't prescribe it to you with a pill, you weak faggot.
Why are there many furious and unfunny religious lunatics here now? All these embarrassing attempts at memes that are just autistic rants againsts strawmen are lame. You're welcome to believe anything you like, just shut the fuck up about it, you insecure dorks.
Cooper Roberts
yup, you'd need to be on drugs to think god exists
Dominic Perry
Daddy government just prescribes it to us in our pledges and anthems, on our currency, and on the facades of courthouses. And last I checked our leader didnt swear in on an astrophysics textbook
James Smith
i would love if there is a god but there isnt. its just about realising what is real.
Julian Williams
When I'm given a reason to believe on religion is true and every single other one is wrong I'll believe in it. However as far as I'm aware no religion out there seems to have any edge on another in terms of factual proof. I have no issue with religion however, i'm not some sperg. I did my Sunday school as a kid, I'm just not convinced. Sure there are some good storys and lessons to be found but in the end the bible is no different than any other story book to me.