How to smell really good

I want to smell good and be suave. What should i do?

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I'm sorry bro, I only know how to smell badly.

come on i wanna be suave for the fembots.

Buy somewhat expensive clothes, get some nice cologne, shower, wash your clothes frequently, shave, get some good looking jackets if you're chubby to hide the fat.

Shower and wear deoderant for starters OP.

Literally just shower regularly. Also, buy a $15 cologne sampler and find one you like. Run each one by your close female friend(s) to find the best one.

You don't want my advice bro. I eat onions, garlic, haven't showered in a week and haven't worn deodorant since 2009.

this should give you ideas

Have a decent diet. You have no idea how much this helps.

hey I do that!

do pizza and oreos count?

>- - - -

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what happened in 2009?

No they don't count. Does your room smell like stale cookies and grease?

That's when I started to give up.

Fuck that let's talk about pheromones, how do we maximise attractive pheromones. Are there specific foods beyond "eat healthy" that heighten pheromone production? Any legit supplements?

>your close female friend(s)
... um well you see... ahh It's a funny story actually: I have no close female friends I could ask to sniff me.

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why? origababababababaooo

Because I am alone.

>No they don't count.

>Does your room smell
mmm, i don't think so. Smells fine to me.

Attached: disappointed bed time apu.png (481x406, 64.49K)

I'm sorry fren
>r 4 seconds, because your com

Attached: sad api.jpg (654x527, 35.81K)

Ok few more questions
1. Are you overweight
2. Do you actually have an odor problem

If you have to ask how to smell good then you are either genuinely retarded or too far gone to be interacting with women in the first place. Did mumsy never teach you to wash or something?

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What made you alone sadiq?

i'm a little overweight, i tried running for three months but when my new work after covid started i didn't have any time at all. I'm still kunda tubby. You wouldn't notice it through clothes though.

> Do you actually have an odor problem
i just wanna smell god user, i think i smell a little grubby. i thhought i'd ask if anyone knew how to smell good.

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You come off insecure complaining to a guy asking for advice. And your half ironic picture makes you come off like a passive aggressive prick. Are you like this with everyone in your life?

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Ok here's bit of tips OP. Eat healthy and shower at least once a day. If you want a clean body you also need a clean room so if that's all fucked up try cleaning that stuff out. Hope you also wash your worn clothes every week. Don't jack off. And for acting suave don't even bother that shit is for rich fags. Put on some good lookin pants and a simple shirt and that's all you need. I hope I also don't need to tell you that you should wash your face once a day too.

>Eat healthy
what's healthy?

>Don't jack off
what does that do?

>that shit is for rich fags
... i wanna be a rich fag....

>you should wash your face once a day too
I do that in the shower with water, i feel like every time i use a face cleaner i start breaking out. No pimples on my face at all actually.

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>You come off insecure complaining to a guy asking for advice.
Asking questions that you already know the answer to is silly. Everyone without a genuine learning disability who is not a child knows about hygiene, deodorant, and cologne/perfume.
>And your half ironic picture makes you come off like a passive aggressive prick
>Are you like this with everyone in your life?
Nope, just with random people over the internet in an anonymous atmosphere for shits and giggles.

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>What's healthy
Eat more greens whatch your intake of processed foods

>what does that do
General rule of tumb if you don't want to be a lsoer

>Rich fag
Can't help you there

>Shower with water
You use a face cleaner? Regular soap works fine

First off with your hair, any type of hair unless its like an afro you're going to want it shorter on the sides and back. Invest into a hairstyle, pomade smells amazing, the ones i used are water based and can get cleaned off easily with water, I use suavacito I also used layrite and I might look into a pomade called byrd. Shave your face or invest into facial hair oils or aftershave if you're shaving. Shower twice a day. Brush your teeth and floss at least once a day. Change your underwear every day. Use deodorant I prefer dove and I also use dove soap. If I were to get cologne I would get lacoste or gucci, I have experience with some gucci cologne it was less than 100.00 and it was good. My experience with lacoste is i smelt it off of this aaa worker who helped tow my car, and he said it was lacoste. When I work I wake up two hours prior, it takes 30-40 minutes to shower, brush my teeth while listening to music, put deodorant, slick my hair back, and use warm water to get any residue off of my face. I do this for work. When I'm not working its 50% chance of brushing my teeth, I shower once, I change underwear and apply deodorant. Also if you're gonna smell nice you want to dress decently, dress shirt/dress pants etc to cologne and normal shirts to just deodorant. If you apply cologne outside of work or with a normal t shirt you look like a little high school turd. Those are my tips.

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Clean your sheets once a week, vacuum your place once a week, clean your bathroom once a week, clean your kitchen every few days. You smell the way your house smells

Try a good smelling body wash, there are some really nice ones for cheap. Obviously deodorant but if you want to smell suave as fuck get some spice bomb cologne