What guys do femanons like?
What guys do femanons like?
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tall, skinny and pale is my type desu
The ones with money that can support my neetdom
Eat shit hoe
Damn. None of those, except moderately skinny. My social game sure doesn't cut the mustard either. Time for me to become a crazy pet person but with a single dog.
I know who you are. Never forget that.
> be me
> literal millionaire
> multiple offers to adopt a female live-in neet on /soc/
most are serious enough to go through with it, therefore, i don't believe you
Smart dudes make my heart go BBBBRRRRR
> 630am, haven't slept
I have an IQ of 92, which means I'm smarter than 92% of people right?
Tbf, as a guy, that sounds A) too good to be true, and B) simultaneously terrifying. Most contemporary fems want their financial independence as a safety net in case their partner turns out to be not so wonderful. NEETs lack this security by default.
the ones that like them back :^)
If you can at least do some house chores I'd have you as my housewife.
But I'd like to have kids asap, even though I'm still 25y old, is that a problem for you?
LOL no. You wouldn't date jeff bezos would you?
What about tall, shredded, and pale?
this isn't /soc/, i'm not advertising here but this was my experience: pastebin.com
6 pack
6 figures
6 feet
6 inches
Taller than me at least, chubby for snuggles, gentle in nature and intelligent with similar interests as me.
bezos, musk and others like them are not "smart", mainly... they were lucky. they're willing to fuck over thousands of people to be rich. if you're a woman, unless you're a celebrity, they'll put a baby in you and dump you 10 years later. also, being in the US helps where its more acceptable to do so.
Roger Penrose is smart.
Indian girls for me
Shut the fuck up whore stop shitting up r9k
Any height. Asian. Very very asian eyes. Tan.
very handsome men, like all other women
if they say anything else they're lying through their teeth
ehh, way too general. you should add attractive to that.
Your local scumbag used car salesman is willing to fuck over thousands to be rich too, how come they aren't? That said, bezos, musk and others are smart and lucky. Luck definitely matters. It's just, if they weren't lucky, they would be millionaires, not billionaires.
You would also not be wrong if you were talking about IQ. Physicists and mathematicians and the sort definitely have the highest IQs. But, IQ is just autistic puzzle solving and number crunching. You know who else has "High IQ"? Robots, there's lots of 115 IQ folks around here who failed out of school and never held down a job. Yet, they're so smart and everyone else is stupid.
i like guys who have decided to be girls
Big dick, 6feet tall minimum, attractive and muscular and not poor. Also he has to like my hobbies and be a degenerate. Simple as .
Hot men with money who are looking for a live in sex pet
Or shit even just an apartment he pays for to use me in idc
And are you smart? What do you have to show for yourself?
Only proper answer to this is they like JT
The kind that actually care.
How smart are you talking? I'm at least smart enough to get a math degree with minimal effort.
However being able to get by with minimal effort has made me a somewhat lazy person.
>115 IQ folks
>failed out of school
This is pretty pathetic, with a 115 IQ you should be able to at least pass highschool with ease by doing to minimum of going to your classes and doing your homework.
>115 IQ
user added an extra 1 to make themselves feel better.
5'5 dudes with emo hair that are into tech stuff or whatever lolz
see women talk a big game but most don't/won't follow through