The digital cretin factory. This is the title of the latest book by neuroscientist Michel Desmurget (Lyon, 1965), director of research at the National Institute of Health of France, in which he has hard and conclusive data how digital devices are seriously affecting, and for worse, the neural development of children and young people. There is simply no excuse for what we are doing to our children and how we are endangering their future and development," the expert warns in an interview with BBC Mundo, who has behind him a vast scientific and popular work and has passed by renowned research centers such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) or the University of California.
Are today's youth the first generation in history with a lower IQ than the last? >Yes. IQ is measured by a standard test. However it is not a "frozen" test, it is often revised. My parents did not pass the same test as me, for example, but a group of people can be put through an old version of the test. And by doing that, researchers have observed in many parts of the world that IQ increased from generation to generation. This was called the 'Flynn effect', in reference to the American psychologist who described this phenomenon. But recently, this trend began to reverse in several countries. It is true that the IQ is strongly affected by factors such as the health system, the school system, nutrition... . >But if we take countries where socioeconomic factors have been fairly stable for decades, the 'Flynn effect' has started to wane. In these countries, "digital natives" are the first children to have a lower IQ than their parents. It is a trend that has been documented in Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, France, etc.
Although it's plausible that the radical emergence of home technology would have a tremendous neurological effect, have they demonstrated that it's actually related to use of digital devices and not some other factor like education or hormones or something
Andrew Gutierrez
Those countries have a different racial demographic among young people now.
Brody Cooper
i havent read the paper but i would imagine they asked participants how often they use digital devices if kids who didnt use DDs aslo had low IQs they could rule them out as a cause
Jonathan Hughes
You mean human beings weren't meant to be inundated with flashing images for 10 hours a day?
Late stage capitalism will kill us all
Christian Morris
I for sure feel dumber than both my parents, and I've been using the internet for 14 years since I was about 5.
Brody Garcia
I grew up addicted to games and gambling
I have a 130 IQ and make a living making youtube videos. I have insight everyone else misses in almost every subject thats brought up. Technology, I believe, made my brain a lot smarter than had I just played outside all day. All the curious research I did and attentiveness online
Austin Russell
>accuses entire generation of being stupid >"i havent read the paper" You are the problem you're trying to solve.
Jace Morales
thats probably related to the fact you sit inside doing fuck all
Jeremiah Price
im similar, I grew up in a rural town and if it wasn't for the internet there I would not have learned 90% of what I know. But most people don't really use the internet for research
Mason Rodriguez
precisely and exactly my point
Ryan Sanders
so its not technology its the fact you did and do fuck all
Juan Lopez
This. 88% of citizens aged 50+ in the Netherlands are natives, but below that age natives are barely a majority, if even that.
There's research that IQ is also declining within family samples, the "dysgenic migration" theory is one academics talk about, but there's some evidence that there's something else afoot, e.g. you have IQ tests for several generations of people somewhere (I forget where, I want to say Norway) and IQ is declining within families where there is no dysgenic migration/breeding.
Caleb Campbell
I think it's a combination of technology use, dumbed down schoolsystems and dysgenics (dumber people can more easil survive).
Jaxson Lopez
It's all a symptom of the technological system, essentially.
The technological usage is a major factor for the decline, but don't forget the easier curriculum. If the students have difficult tasks in school, they try to find solutions for that and develop some problem solving skills through that. If the curriculum is dumbed down, they won't develop good problem solving skills. That way they don't become really smarter and are worse in iq tests when it comes to problem solving tasks.
Luke Reyes
The dumbing down of schools has two reasons. One reason is the increase of dumber children (through technological degeneration and low iq immigrants). They have adjust the curriculum to the lesser abillities of the students. Another one is ideological. We need to makw the students more equal. More students with better grades means that more students can go to college and have better jobs. Therefore we need to make the requirements for a good grade less, so that more students will succeed. Another reason could be the influence of companies. The students need less critical skills, they need less universal education and more just skills to be worker drones. More students with more diplomas means better workers (according to some companies). Maybe the government also wants to dumb down the population? Therefore it makes schools worse.
Julian Brooks
this is why im never gonna have kids in america. modern 1st world countries are hell designed to break your humanity.
Ayden Campbell
I like how Zig Forums incels and ledditors complain about social media 24/7 yet waste their youth on these hellhole forums, nothing-of-value anime and brain dead video games. At least the kids on instagram, facebook and tiktok interact with other normal people
Kevin Diaz
instagram is widely known as the cause of mental health deterioration for young people though. looking at all these pictures of people trying to project the best image of themselves for hours can destroy your own image of yourself. and what's worse is that they designed the app to keep you hooked to it long enough until you consider to buy products off of them. Zig Forums is the bottom of the barrell in social media but it's far more honest to you than those places.
Cooper Powell
In my opiniom Zig Forums is some kind of social media. It's anonymous but it behaves exactly like social media and has the same bad consequences.
Alexander Torres
Haven't read yet, but if it's so important that you had to spam it on both arcanine and pol then it must be something worth my time
Alexander Anderson
The person who posted it on Zig Forums was a different one. I just copied the thread from Zig Forums and changed the non-ASCII signs.
Nathan Martin
In my work everyone older than 45 is too dumb to use a PC despite using one for 20 years or more. Also immigrants where you'd usually need 2 generations or more so it nearly evens out.
Hudson Perry
>there's there's larger percentage of blacks now >and the average IQ is lower >but I'm sure these two facts are completely unrelated
Brayden Long
This should not even need a study it's so fucking obvious. The internet is like a dopamine drip and it is sucking away the attention spans of young people. It is giving girls massive narcicistic complexes (yes even moreso than before) and boys porn addiction. Memes are stagnating peoples creativity as they become more format based in their thinking rather than having complete freedom of thought. It's also just a massive time sink that takes away time people could be studying or practicing something worthwhile.
If you stare at a glowing rectangle all day you're gonna become a retard, big surprise.
Lucas Diaz
>But if we take countries where socioeconomic factors have been fairly stable for decades
Is this where we find out they started on a false premise because of economic illiteracy?