Most atheists acknowledge that religion is fundamental to keep our stupid flock of monkeys from stealing/raping/killing each other.
Religion is a fantastic tool to satisfy normies who are unable to live in a chaotic senseless world, satisfying the need to cope that comes from realizing that we are just some dust on a giant flying rock.
>Most atheists acknowledge that religion is fundamental to keep our stupid flock of monkeys from stealing/raping/killing each other. >religion is good but dont actually believe in it the same criticisms of machiavelli frederick the great had all apply except this is infinitely more banal and retarded
Alexander Powell
Atheism and theism is an over simplification of the material and spiritual world. Agnosticism is more compatible to the world around us.
Aaron Gutierrez
Christian here. I don't hate you atheists. I just think you are all edgy cringe teenagers who refuse to grow up. Besides that I don't really give a fuck what you people do. God loves you.
Andrew Hill
I'm trying to have an upper body like that goddamn
Noah Gonzalez
>not believing magic means you aren't grown up Ironic.
Samuel Torres
>hurr magic calling you a teenager is a compliment, otherwise you're very obviously just an unoriginal midwit
Henry Baker
>religion is good but dont actually believe in it This but unironically.
It's like having access to a secret backdoor on an OS that everyone uses to store their private info on. The altruist wants everyone to know about the backdoor so everyone's safe and protected from abuse - this is the "preachy atheist". The cynic keeps the backdoor info to himself, so he can shortcut through dealing with low IQ normies oblivious of the backdoor, and potentially abuse it for easy money - this is the "pragmatic atheist".
John Miller
So what do you believe in then? Old books? Child diddlers in a church?
Sebastian Edwards
I agree with this. At a certain point none of us really know, so making a definite statement is just conjecture.
Tyler Diaz
what is it with atheists and obsessing over religion? if you don't believe in it, why the fuck do you care?
Hudson Watson
Because we live in a society that's influenced by obsessively religious people. Your annoying biblethumping aunt that believes that prayer heals cancer has the same voting power as you do.
Cameron Scott
Because atheists don't realize how fucked up life is. And don't tell me they do and are just " stronger". Most just live in perpetual consumerism and hedonism like animals and refuse to believe there is another way that's all. I have problems with atheists not atheism itself. They are disgusting
The Kalam Comsmological argument and the fine tuning argument make the belief in God very plausible
Dominic Jenkins
Today, being atheist is being THE normie. Long is gone the era of Nietzsche where atheism was the realization de could maybe live without god. Now it's muh maskerinos and muh nitendo switch!!1
But that backdoor sucks though, people are usually happier with Religion. That's why I never try to convert people to atheism, since I'd rather let them enjoy their religion.
David Ross
Because Zig Forums became right-wing in 2013. They're just trolling you because they know how annoying their religious shit is. That's the whole point. They know it's annoying as fuck.
Jace Collins
Is happiness a more worthwhile goal than truth? If you follow a religion to seek happiness, then you're doing it wrong to begin with.
Ryan Thomas
>being an atheist is about being a rebel Lol nope
Dominic Sanders
I don't hate atheists and don't mind them being here but I get annoyed when turn to just shouting insults at people in threads they could have just avoided.
Eli Robinson
Why is that "another way" always a kike on a stick?
Adam Hughes
>refuse to grow up reminds me of the incel preists who rape kids
Angel Taylor
If they really wanted truth then they'd end up as atheists regardless, what right do I have to force them to pursue truth? Sure everyone claims to pursue truth, but only people who are willing to change their beliefs are actually pursuing it. Truth certainly is a worthwhile goal, but it comes with suffering, and I don't want to force people into that if they don't want to. After all, there's a reason why ignorance is bliss.
Easton Garcia
>the world wasn't "created" but it just started to EXIST
yeah that checks out autistfag
Gavin Clark
When you posit a creator you just shift the problem one level back. Who created the creator? If the creator could simply exist, why couldn't a universe?
Ayden Perez
>If they really wanted truth then they'd end up as atheists regardless If they already realize that they're following a lie, then why are they following it? That makes no sense, bruh. >Sure everyone claims to pursue truth, but only people who are willing to change their beliefs are actually pursuing it. Then what are the religious pursuing? >Truth certainly is a worthwhile goal, but it comes with suffering I disagree, it can be as blissful as life could only be. Because you can feel it's right.
Wyatt Brooks
>God wasn't "created" but He just started to EXIST christfags do they exact same thing
Justin Parker
Who says the universe had to have a beginning anyway?
Isaac Murphy
>be atheist/pagan >muh science >fag >cuck >kike on a stick >just kicked your ass in a debate
Hunter Bennett
Atheism and theism aren't assertive stances saying "I know for absolute sure that this is the truth." It's a belief, saying what you believe to be the truth based on what evidence you can gather and how you interpret it. I hate agnostics because they use their ambivalence (apathy) as a shield and an excuse. Agnosticism is a cope for brainlets who don't want to be wrong or don't want to expend any effort into thinking so they fail to make any informed choice whatsoever.
Jayden Bell
>be christian >give the whole world smallpox >rape millions of children and cover it up >seethe over losing monotheistic supremacy to muslims
Christian Carter
why make a choice on something that you have no way of knowing anyways
Josiah Hill
pretending like you're somehow above the question to equivocate is a choice too
Brody Richardson
i'm not saying i'm above that i just dont care
Nolan Stewart
>Which is tastier, the chocolate or the strawberry? >I have only enough money for one or the other, not both, so I can't know for SURE which one is tastier >I better not buy either just to be SURE This is how agnostics sound to me.
Also, why are agnostics so SURE that no one can ever know the truth?
Jace Bailey
>If they already realize that they're following a lie, then why are they following it? No, obviously they believe that what they believe in is true, it's just that they don't go out of their way to seek truth from other sources, and thus aren't truly seeking truth. >Then what are the religious pursuing? Usually some kind of happiness, and especially the sense of community that comes with being part of a church/religion. >I disagree, it can be as blissful as life could only be. That's great for you, but there's tons of truth knowledge out there that will make life shittier once you know of it. Most people are going to be happier being part of some church community of whatever than they would be pursuing real truth.