Retarded femanons

What is ACTUALLY stopping you from finding love?

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My boobs are only A cups and I'm severely underweight.

dumb bitches wont stop talking to 7 other dudes bc they have risk free social interaction and dont actually have to think about the other person, just send a couple wholesome memes and coom

That's not an excuse because
i'd be closer to your heart

thats fine i can just impregnate you

she has big boobas
this is likely a girl off instagram

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there aren't any good men around, they are all porn or video game addicts

This is what a guy that doesn't watch porn and isn't addicted to anything sounds like though dumb foid :^)

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>that webm
unironically something you'd see out of silent hill

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yeah yeah fembot whatever BOOBA HUMINA HUMINA

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bc no one talks to me ;D

That's what happens when you lewd the nurse monsters

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Chads don't settle with us, they will never settle for nobody if they can have 8 side bitches whenever they want. Low status betas aren't even an option

You've been talked to in this very moment, what now?

Most of the bitches here are ugly and lack social interaction who cares same goes for both genders, for the little time I spend on this board this same question is always posted baiting females to finally interact with you once even if its just a single message

Same as robots. autistic, socially avoidant, and not pretty to make up for it. I realise I do have as a female I understand I have some advantages over the men here. but its not simple get over the mental aspect. I would not be a good companion and I know it.

also I don't even leave the house.


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fuck think i had a stroke there. what I meant is as a female I understand I do have advantages

Are you virgin?
Are you clean from drugs?
Good or bad companion most women are a weight in relationships, so why do you think a guy isn't willing to lift you along?

those factors aren't even relevant, they don't change anything about the situation. and im not competing to look like the best waifu for this board,. I wouldn't be interested in the sort of guy who only goes for virgins

also to answer the last question, because I have no real redeeming qualities that set me apart from any other choice of woman. even if I did actually leave the house, which I havent done since just before the first lockdown. Or knew how to talk to people.

>I wouldn't be interested in the sort of guy who only goes for virgins
A guy that values shared experience?
One that values the strongest form of pairbond and a common growth?

I'd say it's rather shallow of yours, it translates as you seek a guy that doesn't care about the qualities of his woman, which translates as you seek a guy that simply doesn't care as long as he gets a woman.

I'm ugly. Ugly people aren't attracted to each other.

I'll add, drugs are important, drugs are not only a bad behavior that leads to self destruction, but also sign of someone that doesn't have self respect, so it's rather shallow to not care if someone does drugs or not.

Are you american?

No, guys who put it on some sort of extreme pedestal. If its a preference, thats eh but whatever. If its a dealbreaker then I find that a redflag and move on. nobody is losing out. I'm not a virgin, i had one relationship with a robot and it was horrible. I understand not wanting an extreme slut, but I personally think a few partners over a lifetime is normal and healthy for both sides. Its nothing personal, but to me I dont like the attitude surrounding virginity.

>another thread to bait the attention of fembots

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because i'm fat. i've lost like 40 pounds but am still fat

My disability. I have to the rest of my life to keep trying though so I'm not so worried yet. I think one day I'll find someone.

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im not talking about drugs, im just asking what it has to do with the thread as it is right now. Its not a factor in my life, i listed those. Nobody wants a junkie but I wouldnt demonise someone who had dabbled or occasionally smokes weed, even if I don't.

>but to me I dont like the attitude surrounding virginity
I see your point seeing your backstory, and yet it is just a preference of mine, a strong one, as i am a virgin myself.
I wish my growth to be at the same level of my partner, and i wish to not encounter blockages and trauma along the sexual part i still need to explore, due to past bad experiences.
Unfortunately femanon, your standards are very low, you can do better and secure yourself a better partner.

How underweight? I'm underweight too, and only like underweight girls as a result.

What's your disability hotwheels?

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what kind of disability? ive always wondered what life with a deaf gf would be like after watching silent voice

>i've lost like 40 pounds
Damn, that's a lot, good job
How much do you weigh rn if you don't mind me asking?