>use language learning app in actual earnest to learn Spanish >somehow fall into having 3 online "gfs" who message me everyday and want me to visit their country
I don't know how to feel about this. It's not like it's a real relationship. Maybe it's a scam or something, I don't know, but they seem pretty genuine and they're real people. They're also really cute and mesh well with my personality.
Do any robots have any experiences with online gfs? Should I stop pining for these women and just try to meet actual IRL women? I mean, I have tried to do that for the last 20 something years but it hasn't worked, so...
Pick which one is best and put your effort into a relationship with that one. If you spread yourself too thin, you will lose them all. Both of my sisters ended up marrying people from another continent.
Christian Bennett
If you haven't received nudes from them, they're not interested. They're most likely being polite and happy an English-speaking guy is giving them attention.
Owen Baker
I mean, really? I don't think real life is like a dating sim, I don't see the problem in keeping options open in case one relationship sours. Emotionally dishonest, maybe, but if I start meeting one IRL then obviously I'd just focus on her. Why do you say to just focus on one?
Nah, they've really expressed their interest. Keep calling me good looking, asking if I have a gf, talking about love and relationships, when can I come visit, etc. I might be getting emotionally manipulated like an idiot, but they don't seem like gold diggers who want a green card or something like that.
Colton Foster
>Why do you say to just focus on one? You asked if I had experience. I do, and that is my experience. If you juggle women, you will drop the ball.
Benjamin Johnson
well I appreciate it
Alexander Carter
Don't ask this place for relationship advice, they're only going to lead you astray.
yeah but /adv/ is dead, and I think online GFs is an Zig Forums related topic (normies just get IRL gfs lol)
Aaron Gutierrez
Okay but don't let them convince you to do anything stupid or to lose hope/demoralize you. My only concern would be that they are scammers desu.
Adam Butler
I mean a scam would be rather easy to spot right? If they ask for money, such as for a plane ticket, obviously I'm getting scammed. But, they want me to visit them, not the other way around, so not sure what scam involves me going to them.
Aiden Baker
>not sure what scam involves me going to them stealin ur kidnehs :p
Nicholas Edwards
is this a real thing to be concerned about or just a meme lol
Jonathan Sullivan
Voice chat and video with them
Ethan Peterson
planning on it fren
Michael Gonzalez
its never fucking worth it
Jace Gonzalez
why do you say that'
Tyler Hughes
I remember I stumbled across a random chat with a filipina girl, her english was broken but she made sure I knew she was trying. eventually she started to send me pics, and surprisingly she was pretty fit. I caved in and sent one back, which made her start to get flirty. Naturally I'm too retarded to handle even that so I ghosted her. Not really into asians anyways but point is, american girls are trash and there's women who need us throughout the world but you know good luck finding yours in this lifetime
Mason Campbell
>I ghosted her bruh what literally nothing to lose over online
>american girls are trash 100% my man, god I hate American women
Parker Cruz
Can anyone with experience posts tips and how-to's for finding a 3rd world gf
Noah Carter
So Op is from some english speaking or first world country, and is getting to know these women from latin america. Ain't nothing wrong with it OP; you can consider them to be practice gfs. It's good to learn how to speak with women, flirting, getting nudes and shit. Don't get too wrapped up into it, unless she is an absolute gem and you have a concrete plan to get together.
Source: I've spoken with many a woman from elsewhere on this planet and I've received many a nudes and many a indications of interests.
Brody Foster
I had a blog once, and this lady from the lands of Philip the Second of Spain started the commenting on it. Long story short I had fallen head over heels for her and even went to visit. It didn't end well. So yeah, finding le third world gf is easy as fuck, but seldomly practical or even smart. God bless.
Charles Butler
What is the gf app called
Christopher Cruz
unironically language learning apps...however, if you go into it JUST to find a gf that's creepy as fuck and you should kys. I honestly was just looking for language partners, they came onto me lol. Maybe actually take up learning a language, having hobbies is attractive to girls in general.
How do you work yourself up to getting nudes? One girl keeps sending me pictures but fully clothed; I don't want to be creepy but I'm also a red-blooded male...
Also, I have a secret desire to quit my job next year and go backpacking in latin america to meet these girls (if covid ends). I wonder if this is a good idea or not; my parents probably won't approve lol.
>even went to visit. It didn't end wel
story user?
Matthew Bailey
Getting nudes is a matter of smelling what the lady wants, it takes practice. I know from within a few minutes of conversation if she's going to show her boobers and vagene. At that point being creepy is virtually impossible unless you're fucking retarded. This being said, once you smell she ain't going to send nudes don't push it, especially if she's older than a retarded teen, it ain't going to work. Sometimes I have sent a well placed dick pic and that worked, other times I've literally said shit like "Bitch I'm horny send nudes I wanna jerk off". Get some exp op, it will become self-apparent in due time.
As far as visiting the lady went... I did go to visit her, and we spent two weeks together traveling around the archipelago of Philip. It was a sweet time and a ridiculous time at the same time. I've never had my balls empty like that ever again. But we had built up too much of a thing and it sort of petered out in the face of reality. Sad, but also proof that long distance shit ain't shit but long distance shit, reality is the only way to figure this shit out.
Josiah Jackson
Hm, well the girls I'm talking to aren't retarded teenagers so I don't want to push it. One of them basically heavily implied that she would be down to fuck if I came and visited
Maybe it's a bad idea in the long term, but fuck it, I'm only 23 and want to make some mistakes.
David Edwards
Well then don't push it broseidon. If you are 23 I'm assuming these ladies are around your age. Go with your gut, go visit them, if they send nudes beforehand good, if they don't but they hint that they'd like to see and meet you then just go. Just don't get 'em preggers. Show them a good time and blow some money
Noah Nelson
>they don't seem like gold diggers who want a green card That would be on my mind. Plenty of people who just marry someone, get citizenship and bail afterwards. Imagine being used like that. Anyways, just b urself, if you string these women along for too long they might become resentful "Y u no visit user? I thought u liek me" You should just try meeting one of them if you're interested in something serious and not just an egoboost because online relationships are divorced from reality and not necessarily a good indicator of compatability.
This is the issue with meeting people over the internet. The chances of meeting someone who is attractive, nice and in a close enough location is slim. Just to give you hope, one of my friends has an online gf that has visited him by flying out multiple times and he has flown out to her multiple times. Honestly it makes me seethe a bit because he radiates virgin energy and yet somehow online he was chad enough to get a girl to fly to him also I have a crush on him and so I am jealous of her fuck these feelings are too hard :'(
I met a spaniard girl doing this and then I went to go to spain one day and bought a plane ticket like a literal nutcase and she ghosted me at that point.
Isaiah Turner
explain Did you discuss meeting beforehand or did you just go without telling her like a supreme autist? How did that trip in Spain go for you lmfao