/r9gay/ #1205

Satisfied edition.

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What kind of person wakes up, knowing that they are a literal FAGGOT, and is able to go through the day without commiting suicide?

Me, that's who

Strong man.
Chad energy radiates from this user.

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someone who isnt prisongay, or hates themself for being gay.

personally i think everyone should use their estate to greatly benefit me

20. If you knew of a way to use your estate, following your death, to greatly benefit humanity, would you do it and leave only a minimal amount to your family?

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boys are cute, men are handsome
boys are also handsome and men are also cute.

I feel bad for not calling that user cute in the last thread.

i like this as a way of describing your taste
i'm attracted to cute boys, handsome boys and cute men
i feel no attraction towards handsome men

i wish all shitposters wore a trip

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Fuck humanity, they've been shit to me

I'm the last of my line. I'd just give it to the world for medical research.

If that ever happened, we'd be having world peace by now. But I agree, I wish that too.

youtu.be/y9VrSRhxoPU im listening to this because im sad and i dont want to go to work tomorrow.

Yeah, I grew up with shit. Kids will have to work a bit, if I ever have any. The rest will go to St. Jude's. Those are the kids that really need help.

Fuck that religious user from the previous thread, sure nofap has benifits but besides those benefits theres zero """cures""" for homosexuality, even I became celibate (which I already am) it doesn't matter to the religious person because in their eyes I'll always be faggot deserving of death! Yes even if I do literally everything they suggest they'll still hate me!

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You're right, but calling out an user from a previous thread is pretty not based

>it doesn't matter to the religious person because in their eyes I'll always be faggot deserving of death!
Because its online bullshit.
Irl I have met priests who recommended against my homo ways but still were very kind and appreciate me being in the churches visiting.
It's all about how you speak with people.

I love you all so much that I

>tfw no bf that asks me cute questions
Were it to be left to anyone, certainly my estate; I dare say that it would benefit humanity more so should this be done than wasted on most people

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A ~5'10", chubby twink, trilingual, mathematician/physicist bf that asks cute questions!

Here's a question, go fuck yourself, asshole

I love you too kind-hearted boi!

Not a question you grammatically incompetent graham

>tfw married bf


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You should move in together.

>the average r9g poster

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whew that is very hot. is that timby?
sadly most r9gay is pretty damn skinny.

I ain't skinny anymore thanks to the various lockdowns. Meat does that to a guy.

I need a chubby bf to cuddle in winter