Leave initials either side. Try not to bait the schizos. We all have problems here.
Dear S
I saw a lovely photo of you earlier, it hurt me in such a strong way. I still do things today because of the way you would want me to. I like to think that you're doing okay without me. I'm so scared one day you're going to ring me and say that you need me and I won't be there for you. It haunts me sometimes thinking you might miss me. It's difficult at times to be without you. Everyone says I need to pull myself together, I think that I'm genuinely going crazy. Venting on here keeps me a little sane. There's nothing more I want to do right now then just drive over to yours and hold you and not talk for hours then fall asleep and when we wake up in the morning we can both just get everything off of our hearts. I don't think I'll ever stop missing you but being close to you is far more dangerous. I think that you've made me realise who I am as a person. I hope that you've become more happy without me. I really hope you'll be okay without me.
Still prepping for the holidays. Got a lot done so far. Wish you were here to partake.
Anthony Nelson
Lost River - Murder By Death
Hunter Gray
one, two, three, four, five this is how i ate my fish alive six, seven, eight, nine, ten this is how i puke it all again
David Reyes
Dear letter thread & mike I don't speak human, you can't understand a word I'm saying. -user
Jose Lewis
hey world,
Turns out I might have been super crazy. Maybe there really is no such thing as psychic people.
Anyway, ima write my letters to the void anyway.
To my Soulmates,
I love you both with all my heart and soul. I wana be with you guys every moment of the day. I really wish things were different.
Michael Hall
I'm arguing with everyone about you everyday. I text my therapist earlier pretending to be sick. I couldn't face her and tell her how bad I've gotten. I don't want anyone to know yet I'm falling apart at the seams and constantly just spilling over on people. I just wish I didn't exist at that point. I'm in too deep with so many people to kill myself. I just want the way way off. Everything fucking hurts me everyday.
What do I do? S
Julian Bailey
Soft spoken melodies in tune with your existing beliefs and conformation confirmation to remember who your friends are and remind you why you aren't part of the pack. Believe in me as I preach for your well being I'm certainly your best friend. I'm here for your well being I know your worst enemies and your nightmares too. I've watched you learn, live, laugh, love and grow so you'll have to trust me when I say I know what I know. How many times am I going to recycle this bottle before I stop filling it to the bring with the emotions I keep drinking. Follow suit and contort until it bends into your mental gymnastics but they aren't here with you, they only laugh at you. Test taking is difficult because you aren't sure what you got wrong until its given back so here we are looking at the answer sheet and the mistakes you've made are the same ones you've always done. Look at your track record, your achievements and the sun. Burr the details and remember where it all begun. On the journey to being a man you've slipped a few times away but here we are standing at the bay. So bring me out to sea and let me bury all my problems, but only bring back to shore a new man, not who I was before.
I dont initial these because i just write them for myself.
Nathaniel Wright
there is a reason we haven't left the churn. it's a process.
then why do I hear you and why does it affect me
being psychic is just being more in tune with the universal conscience. evolution in form. I praise you for being ahead of the curve.
Blake Adams
to L I miss you, do you hate me? are you even there? i hope so. I hope you don't miss me at all. I hope that - just like i told you - it was easy for you to adjust to a life without my constant borderline harassment. I love you, this is hurting me so badly but i know it's for the best. I know that you're better off without me. i'm going to delete everything so you won't have a way to reach me, not that you would anyway... silly A is going to try some classic A stuff again. An hero and all of that, you don't know what it means right? You're no degenerate... That's why i like you.
I miss having someone to write naughty things with. Porn is so boring.
Jaxon Butler
on a scale of 1-10, how tight is your pussy?
Kevin Richardson
I'm venting to a different person every night. You told me I should vent. It doesn't fucking help. It makes it worse. I hate having to defend you against all my friends. I now know everyone I know doesn't want you in my life. I want you, more than anything, to prove everyone wrong. I'm sitting here drinking myself to death every single night just fucking crying hoping one day I will be forgiven for what I've done. I wait to be forgiven, maybe I never will. I genuinely want to fucking kill myself this isn't a cry for help, it's an admission of guilt. I know it would be bad for me to do it. I just keep making these threads everyday knowing you're never looking at a single one thinking of me. I'm so scared I'll give up one day. I really try everyday I really do I promise. So why am I still so fucked up? Will I ever be okay? I really don't think so that's the problem. No one else in my life has made me this way. You're the only person capable of anything. I love you so intensely and hate myself so strongly right now. You can set me free or bang me up, just stop torturing and tell me what you're gonna do.