Why don't you just settle for a flat-as-a-board gf?

why don't you just settle for a flat-as-a-board gf?

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>flat,smooth and petite cutie
Literally my type
Shame i am a 4/10 subhuman,otherwise that's the only kind of girl i'd go for

Already have. She has the tiniest tittys and cute lil pink nipples. Nice plump butt too. When we cuddle sometimes I wish I could get a massive handful of titties tho

I like my women to look like women.

you can just go for men though and get what you want.

>you can just go for men
I tried that too
Spoiler alert: femboys are just as picky,if not more so,as common women

because they dont want a mentally fucked shutin gamedev either

does liking this make me a pedo?

This girl is a literal 10/10 for me, holy shit. Unlucky that I am a short, ugly, white ginger male whose skin looks so horrendous that she would probably throw up once she sees me naked.

most definitely. There isn't a single adult feature on that girl's body

Because they're very rare

I wouldnt mind as long as she had wide hips.

I gave a girl like that a chance. I didnt mind her body desu it's kinda cute. I miss the sex with her though. We both lost our virginities to each other and it was more vanilla, I didnt have to be putting on the whole dom act that you have to with 99 percent of women. I was pleasantly surprised when she told me that she wasn't into getting choked. She was the first person I had sex with and I wish it had worked out.

Because nothing makes me nut harder than big fat titties jiggling in my face. I honestly don't know if I could cum with a flat board gf

I can't settle for anyone. I am undateable unfit and unfuckable.

Okay whatever you say buddy.

They're usually bigger sluts than any other demographic of foid

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Hey user can I have the source of that photo pretty please?

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Damn, she's flawless. Fucking hell.

I would but none of them want me :|

>that FUCKING feel when you will never get to suck on her nipples and play with her flat chest

I gladly would. Give me a qt sticc fembot.

Yes, but it's fine since some adult women do look like that.

>why don't you just settle for literal perfection
that's not how "settling" works OP

I would. That's the dream.
Fuck you.

tfw no legal loli gf to cuddle.

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She has wide hips so she isn't exactly board tier flat.


Originally nigger

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>why don't you just settle for a flat-as-a-board gf?

OP is a nonce.

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Why not go on Grindr and fuck twinks?

Because when you're me, it isn't settling.

Why not go on Tinder and try to get PEGGED

>for a goddess
Try again


but this is what I like OP.
I wish I could "settle" for one indeed.

You might as well want to fuck a little boy you gross faggot

Twinks smell bad and aren't cute.

Why when he can go on Grindr and get TOPPED with a for sure chance to do it get creampied

Flat is a based choice and in excellent taste. Small tits or flat is my type down to a T

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