Why can't I find a femanon gf I make threads everyday????? REEEEE
Why can't I find a femanon gf I make threads everyday????? REEEEE
you clearly aren't making enough femanon threads every day
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I shall make more then
HI user I will be your gf
will you suck my pp?
Go on Grindr and get TOPPED be the gf OP its the best you can do
You have to give me a green card first user
Take the pinkpill and transition you would make a good boiwife or butt ut
Ahhhh thank you so much
Please be my gf
Idk what to do now aAHHHHHH
Noooooo I'm to ugly for gay shit
its gone for good now, call me an idiot, i deserve it
find one in irl
so you can hug them :D
bc you ruined your face by mouthbreathing
Give me the green card and I'll cook for you
How do I find one though?
I don't think I ever did this but idk
I am in europe :(
Well take me to Europe with you
Okay sure uhm where are you from femanon?
I'll just say I'm from a third world country
From what part of Europe are u from user?
yes, yes, keep making fun of my stupidity
Are you from africa?
Nope I'm not from africa
Where are you from please tell me
I'm from Central America, but seriously though do you wanna talk? Maybe just a couple hours if you want
Sure we can talk should I post my discord?
Yes, I'll add you hopefully you r not trolling or something kek
Why would I troll?
I mean how?
I'll add you rn
What do people do when they talk on Discord?
Thank you so much for adding me
they end up fucking each other
Hello user I will be your fembot gf. What is your discord?
I already posted it lol
Please be serious, I mean in reality
Wait I haven't added you yet user
You should look into getting a gf (male) on Grindr