Secret Santa 2020 : Thread 1

Swords for everyone edition

>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wishlist link according to the instructions below. People who enter the thread may post their list at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info.
>How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter?
Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
>How often should I post my list?
Once a day or thread depending on the speed of the general
>Can I post multiple lists?
No. Only 1.

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Is this starting already lol. I thought it was after thanksgiving?

I'm so glad these thread are back ! Beware of the Grinch fellows robots and merry Christmas !

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I wasn't expecting it somearly lmao

Thanksgiving is cancelled. We're starting now! Post is going to be bad with Corona. Starting a bit early makes sense.

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I have a list but I use it for bookmarking. I'll have to remove some of the shit before hand because of the under 50 rule.

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Not even December yet and this shit again. Surprised we keep doing this when the grinching gets worse and worse

Last year was good what do you mean mate? I don't think it's good to have them yet myself and it should be after thanksgiving.

Nice, I've been wondering when we'd start back up again

Some people are just grumps. Does anyone have the old spreadsheet?

Hello again! I'm surprised it's so early, but hopefully with as shitty as this year has been (in general) we can bring some smiles to each other.

>tfw I haven't even bought my turkey and you nigger want to start this up

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But sure thing, I can do art requests and such, wont be doing much else the rest of the day.

Also saw the other thread, yea that was me in the corona threads lmao. Some dude colored this one. Been a crazy ass year lads, hope you guys are all holding up out there, I have a wishlist. Gotta clean some stuff out of it as per the rules

Also... Will people post their steam wishlists too?
Exchange rate of amazon is messed up due to financial crisis, I can't buy people stuff
But I got some money in steam and can gift games as long as steam doesn't restricts gifting to other countries


wasn't there a problem last year with trying to buy steam games for people in other countries? We had an user from one of the Stan countries who only wanted a cheap game and none of us could get it for him.

I hope swordanon still has all his fingers.

Sup nerd. Gonna try and get at least one request in. Femto you fucking nigger guess it's on again lol, get the fuck in here.

Also forgot pic

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I'm a fucking faggot

All I really want is these dope t shirts. G

Fuck yes. Please draw me a freshly creampied hairy vag my man. Add color if you can since it's gonna be slow early

>Gotta clean some stuff out of it as per the rules
we have to remake the lists? I was just going to use the same one from last year

Hello, yes, this is great! Im still so thankful for that user who gifted me that one time. Thank you so much if by any random chance you're here. Of course i'll be participating this year.

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Alright. I won't do many in color. Maybe some shitposts I will
I had alot of weights and shit over 50 on mine, I use it year round and had to take a bunch of vidya and shit off.

did anyone get that guy his drum controller in the end?

ah I get it now, that makes sense

I'm wondering about that as well. I didn't want to be accused of having two wishlists (which I did, but not to scam), and so I moved everything to one list and deleted the other. On the list, I have items I intend to by for myself and everything over $20, I just noted as "Please ignore this, here for my own use later."

Fucking shit. I was hoping we weren't doing this anymore after the dumpster fire that was last year. Haven't you guys learned your lesson yet?

Unless you where a drawfreind or provided content it was under 20 but it bumped up to nothing over 50 over time.
It was fine last year what do you mean

Konichiwa mother fuckers

We had that guy buy loads of people their entire lists.

Hope to see you work your magic on these sociopathic leeches again this year. That is, if you're the real Richfag.

While your doing my request how was your year sp00ky?

I like how you think you'll get away with gaslighting just because a whole year has gone by, not realizing the previous SS is 100% archived.

I don't recall that from last year but I was drunk most of the time. Like I said, there's a few items on my list over $50, but that's because I saved them for myself to use. I was self imposing the $20 limit.

worked fine last year imo, I gave and got a couple of things same as the past few years
the threads are comfy until people get greedy and want to have their entire lists bought out or something

So what is this thing with drawings? Can I offer drawings? And can I send surprise gifts to some anons as well, like cute envelops with little notes and stickers? I recently bought new craft supplies and it would be nice to make some anons happy with a small, homemade gift like that, if they want.

>Can I offer drawings?
In exchange for gifts? Yeah, don't. That's scummy as fuck.

Couldn't you guys just sent him a skin? I've seen people gifting skins to 3rd worlders(steam has regional pricing so it's pretty cheap) so they can sell the skin and buy the game.

Wasn't any worse than 2018, that was the worst one
Decent, somehow didn't get the rona but commissions where low, I did do a mural for a daycare that had moomin shit on it so that was a easy 500 bucks
Pretty sure if you want some actual adresses you might need to do that in a tight knit discord or something mate.

physical wont work, people dont give out addresses just amazon wishlists
its nice to do draw stuff in the threads though, doesnt have to be in exchange for anything, I still have some comfy OC saved from these threads a couple of years ago

Move your other stuff to another list and make it private. You can have multiple lists on the account but only one public list to link here.

>Wasn't any worse than 2018, that was the worst one
Nope. 2019 was definitely worse. That's not up for debate.

Did you get those boots? I bought them last year for you but never knew if they shipped.

It wasn't gaslighting. It really did happen.

Did I say that? Wtf, I just wanted to offer drawings, don't be presumptuous
Yeah, makes sense. I thought maybe some people had a PO box or there was a service you could use to send mail with more privacy etc

Whatever you need to tell yourself. Can't wait to see what kind of chaos Richfag brings this year.

A arabic guy got a fucking sword last year, that was peak. Also to the guy who bought me crash bandicoot last year I still play it on the shitter, your a vip
Yea I was going to make a thread but it was january, they lasted a good bit but they where cheap chinaman ( get what you pay for ) so the bottoms ended up seperating. I still have them tho, I never get rid of the stuff I get from you guys, still have the shirt from 3 years back, it's faded to hell but I love it still
PO boxes can still have some sperg send UPS boxes to it out of nowhere and make them pay for them. Remember Ice Posiden?