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Other urls found in this thread:

Spicy Mcchocken and fillet o fish are the only items with soul tbqh family

It looks literally the same though? I never had a big mac until I was in high school and I was devestated at how small it was compared to the whopper or just about every flagship burger from other franchises.

>Being a McFag
Burger King is better

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fuck off you corporate shills

Yum yum I love eating the flattest fucking patty I've ever seen sandwiched between cardboard

>big mac
>Still small
>doesn't even fill the stomach
McDonald's is shit

Are you joking ? There isn’t a single McDonald’s burger with a patty as big as the whopper.

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Nice shit food americunts

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>Americans can't go 3 minutes without thinking about burgers
>Americans feel the need to post threads to discuss burgers in a video game board.

And this is why we all laugh at you.

that's why I order a 10 piece nugget box along with my big mac meal order.

I'm not even in America
McDonald's is in every country in the world, dumbass

Zig Forums - Video Games

I don't remember asking for a faggots opinion on anything?

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Seethe harder McPoor

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>nintendo mcdonalds
Sounds based. They should have done more happy meal toys based on nintendo franchises.

a coomer thread died for this and that is good enough for me

Why don't you eat a REAL burger? Not that pussy thin patty shit.

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Burger King uses the lowest quality meat and the FDA allows it because of the way it's cooked. Why do you think it's so cheap? Enjoy your roadkill.

I bet the Big Mac would actually be good with their fresh beef patties. Too bad they insist on keeping the dried up shit

Burgers with cheese are fucking disgusting desu

>He doesn't know

Shit tastes like smoke.
And I love it

Seared bite

It's a Canadian promotion you fucking retard
Literally rent free

Burger king is fucking cringe. They had some shitty emo meals for their millennial fanbase.

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The Burger King chains here reduced their burger sizes and portions. Lame as shit.

>Dirty European thinking his opinion matters

How many black folks you let fuck your "girlfriend" this week?

for me it's the triple cheeseburger
god I love the smell of heart disease in the morning

Burger King here is absolute soggy garbage. I've never had a good burger from there. Is this normal?

I always find those fries absolutely delicious in pic.


we don't think about you at all

God I wish

Quality thread.


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I went both and McDonald is far better. Enjoy your shit meat, Burger QUEER.

That’s because it’s pounded flat, which is exactly what he’s complaining about. It’s a 1/4lb patty spread over twice the area

>You talk about burgers? Must be American

Diameter? Maybe, but whoppers are 90% bread.

>think mcdonalds is shit
>get a double cheeseburger one day
>it's actually really good.
why didnt anyone tell me. I always used to get big mac which is just shit

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Go to bed burgekistan

>his europoor country is so unfathomably poor they dont even have 1 mcdonalds

Thats not even funny, just tragic

Overrated trash (can get better at a mom and pop for half the price) still better than Wack Donald's, but to be honest anything is.

Why are there so many McShills in this thread?

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Not worth the price, this is kino. Feels good to be in a “flyover” state.

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I've had a Burger King in San Diego, Seattle, some fucking random highway in Idaho, and a BK in Riverside County, CA.

Is is as you describe EVERY SINGLE time. If I'm going to spend 10 bucks on a burger might as well go to pic related instead

Attached: burger.jpg (2122x1300, 803.08K)

Now this is real cyberpunk

>Eurocuck can't go 3 minutes without thinking about Americans and how ""inferior"" they are.
>Eurocuck feels the need to post in threads to discuss how ""superior"" they are.

I'd tell you to choke on this but I ain't sharing with you

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literally obsessed leafie
take the rake

As a person who used to work there, literally everything tastes better when fresh. Employees will always ask their co-workers to hold a fresh one for them

That picture is about $20

I think Burger King tastes just like Rustlers microwavable burgers
and thats not a good thing

>American American American American American
cope harder

It's like White Castle, or Little Caesar's pizza. Obviously it's not quality, obviously it's not amazing, but there is something really appealing about how shitty it is from time to time.

For me, it's the DT

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>People in general feel the need to defend their "honor" on an anonymous image board

The only decent part of the big mac is the sauce, and you can just tell them to put that on one of their actual good items.

>tfw just eat cheeseburgers plain
>only cheese and meat and bread
>if I get a chicken sandwich I just want the chicken on a bun
am I autistic

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I find the buns to be dry as fuck in Bongland, wish the patties were greasier to compensate

For me it's Hardees

Aren't burgers the only thing flyover states are good at?

I dont like tomatoes or pickles on my burgers

Burger Kings are the worst managed properties I have ever seen- flies everywhere, poor service, constantly out of stock. I've never seen a major fast food chain go out of business in a city till Burger King in northern Virginia.


>I actually like the microwave burgers from 7-11
they've really improved their food but I still feel guilty when I eat one, like I've done something wrong to someone somewhere

>saying McDonalds is soulless



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Hope you keep laughing when your 60% muslim population comes to behead you.


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Culver's has been expanding here in Florida recently. I'm a fan of it.

That burger is fucking hilarious. Nobody lies about their burgers more than Burger King does in their advertisment.

you have the tastebuds if a picky 5 year old and nobody likes being with somebody like that

What are some essential burgercore video games?


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eat your veggies, autismo.

the double stacker was better and I fucking miss it.

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Might as well be, I payed about 17.50 first time there. Got that user's pic related... was not impressed.

No burger is ever the same. Each one of them have their own unique combination of patty, lettuce, tomato, bread. Patties from different cows. Cheese from different udders. Sauces from different dicks. Yet the combination of all these things make the same quarter pounder we all know. When we die we will eventually be reassembled by the universe when different atoms inevitably organize themselves into becoming "us." This world is an eternal cycle of death and rebirth. An endless Hell.

For me? It's Smashburger
>Better prices than Five Fags
>Better ingredients than In N Out
>Better options than McDicks
>Based Brussel Sprouts to keep fatties from taking up space

Attached: Smashburger haystack onions burger.jpg (600x449, 52.5K)

>not pirating your burgers
What a bunch of dopes

No, I did that for years as well. Lattuce and tomatoes are good on chicken burgers, though.

Unless you own this card, you're not an American.

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Juvenile taste, not autistic. Life is about juxtaposition and contrast; enjoy some varying textures and flavors in your meals.

you mean that floppy bland piece of shit? Can't even get an alternative with their chicken burgers as those taste even worse than microwaveable chicken strips

>muh acablm
Arrest yourself

What men eat.

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>chicken burgers
No such thing. They're called chicken sandwiches.

Any of you nigger tried this? It's a limited run item but HOLY FUCK it's good with a big ol' baked potato on the side and a Frosty.

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>see burger
>immediately think about Americans

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It's not too bad, but way overpriced.

meat is meat. if it tastes good i don't care. better than the dry, flavorless hockey pucks mcdonald's serves

No but you’re 400 lbs when you can be 350

>Buying burgers
Why don't you have a piece of chicken instead? It will taste better than a soggy mess.

Good burgs, fries are a crime against humanity even if you ask for them double fried.

>*ruins your burger*
fuck em, I only like these if they're very thinly sliced which rarely happens. they ruin the texture and completely overwhelm the flavor of the entire burger.

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eat your bugs,racismo

I've had it multiple times. Pretty fuggin good desu.

>those burgers
>those cheese curds
>those fucking custards
Culver's is the goat, only wish I didn't have to drive an hour just to get to the closest one

probably not
i like plain saltines and tortilla chips myself

you will NEVER get a whopper looking even remotely like this

Smashburger sucks and their gimmick doesn't even do anything. Every one I see down here is always empty and I'm sure they'll go out of business soon.

C L O C K W O R K.

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>my local Mc's used to have these fries with cheese sauce, fried onions or sweet and spicy sauce
>went out of stock after two months
>came back some time later due to public demand
>last time I saw them, there was a stamp on the monitor showing them saying "Exhausted due to its popularity"
>never came back since
I know I can just make them at home, but the feeling isn't the same.

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who the fuck said anything about honor? did I upset you?

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>greasy fries thinner than shoestrings so you barely catch the taste of cardboard
no way fag, Five Fags is the real potato.

Out of the big 3 burger chains
Wendy's > McD > BK

>nobody likes being with somebody like that
if you genuinely have a problem with the food other people eat you need to kill yourself asap
I hate vegetables and I don't like mixing flavors of anything in general
I ate a leaf before to prove that it tasted exactly like lettuce and it literally did
plants are fucking gross

The fries are the best things.

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>Food Analogy

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>leftists consistently try to cancel them
>Christfags, closed on Sundays
>People who work there are always pleasant, more or less probably enjoy working there in the environment they've created
>Lines are always fucking packed to the road
How do they do it bros? Chick-Fil-A chads literally cannot stop winning.

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Eh, I'd rather get the bacon jalapeno

>burgers arguing about burgers
Yep, we've hit peak burger hours.

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roadkill is way fucking better for you than the shit they put in fast food burgers

You are a man of taste i see
I also hate that shit

I'm in the UK and they switched over to "making everything fresh" except they keep patties in a tray for up to 20 minutes so it doesn't make a difference, they're usually dry as shit

Worst part is that now they don't have anything under a heat lamp, so now everything's barely even warm. Last time I went the cheese on my mcdouble was still solid

>chicken on sliced bread
chicken sandwich
>chicken on bun
chicken burger
I always would've figured Canadians taste like maple and not lettuce

Seared Bunger

Attached: seared_bunger.png (1280x720, 775.22K)

>not apology
one job,dumb frogposter

if we follow your autistic retarded logic to its conclusion, we all should be just eating flavorless nutrition slurry.

>buying anything other than like 4 of those £1 saver menu burgers
I can eat a "big mac" and still be hungry, or I have have 4 of these and be stuffed for the next day.

Unironically the best thread on Zig Forums right now

I live in italy and while i know how to cook and i cook all my meals i live in a not really fast food nation. Sometimes i envy the variety of burger chains you faggots have, we have just 3-4 maybe 5 in a big city (and those are MC, king, old wild west and maybe 1-2 local or something french or somethin german) for bad or good they can be i sometimes want to try new shit.

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If any of you anons ever visit Los Angeles, go to Eagle Rock, this place is insane, Lucky Boy in Pasadena is too, I try and keep my diet pretty strict but I cheat every now and then, and these are the only two places on Earth worth their burgs.

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>>People who work there are always pleasant, more or less probably enjoy working there in the environment they've created
No. I've worked there. It's about as shit as every other fast food place. You are evaluated on your customer interactions. You get written up if you don't reply "my pleasure" to a thank you.

There are some really good burger kings, but they are hard to find. BK doesn't pay a lot so they get the bottom of the barrel employees.

If you find a good BK though that double whopper is insane.
Doubt any of you remember their fries from the 90's but they were the best.

McFags have never eaten SOUL before. They just McShill for their McDaddy.

Attached: Soul-King.jpg (1500x900, 254.5K)

depends on how old you are. If you are below 25 it's fine. Above i'd try to expand a little. Nothing crazy just try some of the more tame things and figure out what you like.

That one is surprisingly good. Shame it's just a limited thing.

britbong here, why's it so expensive? The fries look way overdone and the burger doesn't look like anything too special

Being a picky eater is not something to be proud of. It will inevitably get in the way of a social situation where the food is provided, and people will notice this and immediately think you're immature and be less likely to associate with you or otherwise help you progress whatever it is you're working towards.


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Shut the fuck up, Chick-Fil-A cow. Your meat is DELICIOUS

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Five Fags fries taste like shit. They're like that faggot that puts Old Bay on everything he makes because it tastes like cardboard without being overpowered by a spice racks worth of seasoning. Smashburgers rosemary fries are god tier.

Literally a Canadian flag on the ad. Europoors are fucking retarded

lol, i am afraid to tell people because you fuckers ruin everything anyway but the bbq is so much fucking better it's unreal.

>Talk about based burgers
No one cares, Reginald Patel

>You get written up if you don't reply "my pleasure" to a thank you.
Do they closely watch over you or do spergs actually report you to your superior?

that's what's fun about it. I cook like 6 days a week, and eat out once. Sometimes it's fast food, sometimes a sit down classy place, sometimes it's some shitty 7-11 burgers. I like the variety.

Based opinion.

The burgers are top tier... but those fries are absolute garbage. Oh and don't ask a inn n out fanboy about it because the bad fry denial is staggering.

didn't their owner do some publicity video licking N feet?

>chicken burger
This does not exist. Chicken between bread, buns or otherwise is a sandwich, not a burger. Burger requires beef, or potentially other red meats (e.g. venison burger).

Because they made cheap decent burgers for a few years and got a reputation from normalfags as being good so they jacked their prices up.

Its retard econ 101


Name 5 countries that don't have a McDonald's.

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Had to take out a second mortgage to afford that

Why are soda sizes in America so fucking big compared to everywhere else? You can't possible drink 1 litre of corn syrup right?

>obsessed with black dicks and bestiality
Every time

>10 years ago we legit had 1 dollar double cheeseburgers like McDouble or the Buck Double
>now its all like 1.29
The value menu died and we let it.

Rent free. Every time.

no but if all you care about is the taste of the meat then you should go to better places than mcdonalds

>No more spicy nuggets

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Here in Canada we were made to do the same thing. You still get the fuckers who will tell you to take an older hamburger we wrapped and add a cheese to make it a cheeseburger giving it to a poor sap. Or the dumbasses I had to work with who would keep drying old meat waaayy past its time. I hated working there but the least I could do was TRY to give people a good meal

>tfw my local joint is cheaper and tastes better than any chain garbage out there
Fuckers used to serve draft beer before this pandemic shit hit. God, miss eating in there.

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>bun is a thin piece of shit that gets totally flattened and soggy by the time you get home
>the patty itself is greasy and flavorless
>no combo meal option
>2-3x more expensive than average fast food joint
>only fry sizes are XL, XXL, and XXXL
>only one type of cheese
Literally the only thing going for them is their fries are pretty good, but you have to buy a fucking truckload even for the smallest size, and just like everything else on their menu, they are way overpriced.


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I don't know what that is but I really wanna suck it

I have a shitton of variety, i live in a coastal town and i have 3 chinese 2 sushi place 2 thai-poo loo, 3 greeks, 1 bavarian cusine place without counting italian places and kebab but i lack the BURGERS per se.



do americans really??

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>bad fry denial is staggering
only here for some fucking reason. I live in one of the early In-n-Out cities, and everyone I know doesn't think the fries are great. I have not met one local who thinks the fries are anything other than just okay.


Wassup world? Ye you. Im travis scott, and heres my mcdonalds order. Follow me! Heeeres my quarter pounder, with lettuce, pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard and bacon (YEAH) Here's my fries, sometimes I do this, then I dip them into barbeque sauce. Oh yeah, and my sprite! (ITS ME) same orders as back in Houston, and you can try it too. Gotta go. The travis scott meal, its 6 dollars. Say Cactus Jack sent you.

I demand an explanation

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I'm 23
I see no reason to try anything new
I hate trying new things especially food since it's usually fucking disgusting and makes me want to throw up
I don't interact with people and don't care what they think
if anyone ever actually insulted me in person for what I liked to eat I would call them a nigger

I've never really been a ribs person, but then I had some pulled ribs at some restaurant with my brother and they were so good.

Video games for this feel?

Attached: grilled_not_stirred.webm (394x400, 2.87M)

Get the fuck out, as soon as there is a pizzeria nearby i'm set, pizza>burgers.

>portions keep getting smaller
>americans just keep getting bigger

A modern big mac has the exact same amount of beef as a double cheese burger.
You are paying almost double the price for an extra piece of bread and some lettuce.

Obsessed. Every time.

Nah, most people are there for the job, unless they want to try gunning for a manager position, they tend to be real assholes. There's always a manager within earshot of the customers listening for that shit though.

Overrated normie meme burger

I used to when I was young. I do not drink soda much anymore, only water, coffee, and milk sometimes.
I do like a Red Bull or a Dr. Pepper, now and again but I've found I can only handle one can.

>earing disorder makes me terribly conscious about every single calorie I eat
>but literally never been more fit and lean in my life
>mfw these threads

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Video? Games?
Video games?

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enjoy sitting at the kids table your entire life with your chicken fingers faggot. Grow the fuck up I understand having taste preference but if you’re a grown man saying things like “lettuce and tomato eww yucky” unironically kys

I never held Culver's before until last year. In my senior year, I went out with a teacher I'm friends with to do some work for the school, and he brought us to Culver's for lunch. It was amazing. It turned me into a fan of them, to say the least.

It's pretty insane. I don't know how people drink a large soda at places like Wendy's. That shit is like 40 oz.

>remove an excessive amount of bread
>patty size still the same
>literally no discernible difference besides not being disgustingly carb loaded
this is your brain on supersize meals

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Butter burgers are fucking delicious

lol they do say it like they have a fun to their head now that i think about it. I don't need the my pleasure i'm happy just being treated like a non threatening human. Still they are basically the wegmans of fast food......a bit higher price than it should be but you won't ever have bad customer service and if there is a problem they will rectify it within reason.

my favorite thing from culvers is the buffalo chicken strips. they're so fucking good holy fuck. I live pretty close to one i get them often.


chicken without mayo?
you are a monster

Is 5 guys okay?

For me? It's the Chicken Selects.

Attached: mcdonalds-Chicken-Selects-3-pieces.jpg (772x440, 215.16K)

>w*st coaster cuisine

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I used to get a McDouble and a mchicken for 2.14 like 3 times a week in college. Shit was so money

Because they just order more of it

yes ill take the zoe quinn special

Yes, yes you are.

Does Chick-fil-a piss any of you off?
I swear I go there like once a month and every time the entire town is there like they eat nothing besides chick-fil-a. What the fuck is wrong with everyone? How can you eat the same sandwich over and over again?

Tomatoes on a burger fucking suck, they just make everything soggy
I'm allergic to cucumber so I don't like them because my throat closes up

Now, have you taken the eggpill? A fried egg on a burg is amazing

Every BK near me is absolutely horrendous quality and everyone refuses to eat there unless they literally have no other option
Mcdonald's is fine dining in comparison

Ayyy, me too. I'm in San Diego, so we have solid American mexican, we have refugees from after the Vietnam war, so there's EXCELLENT Viet places, the Koreans and Japs live up north a bit so they have a ton of restaurants, and Little Italy downtown retains some of the best Italian chefs from all over the country on top of the usual boss seafood from being a fishing hub.

I fucking love it.



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va-va-va-video games!

Attached: burger.webm (600x337, 1.59M)

Why the fuck is there more genuine discussion on this burger thread than 90% of Zig Forums?

As a European I get jealous from seeing these types of webms and gifs. We literally have nothing like this in our entire god forsaken continent. Would be great to just have 1 restaurant you could just enjoy yourself in.

>gifs you can hear

it's a real fuckin good sandwich.

I don't give money to ass backwards christian homophobes

those shits are like $7 it’s ridiculous



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>ITT Mike Matei audience.
What the actual fuck

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What the fuck?


Attached: eggs.webm (626x360, 2.72M)


Their chicken biscuit is banging, dont care otherwise

it's over.

How does he exit his egg shack?

im not against trying butter on a burger but that is way to much butter

>That picture is about $20
Yeah, but I would save money just to eat garbage

Anyone will tell you to just get a double cheeseburger with the big mac shit in it to save money

how does he get all the eggs

i get ya man. I am a picky eater myself and ate similar to you at your age(oldfag here) and i still absolutely refuse to eat green veggies and onions. I didn't learn to eat rice until i moved and was too poor to afford anything else when i was like 28.

You are a bit autistic but nothing abnormal really. The only reason i suggest trying new stuff that isn't something that is revolting on an instinctual level is that over time you will crave more variety.

for me it was 2008 when I worked at BK and stole a metric FUCK ton of food
>BK Stacker with a Vault soda
they finally brought the stacker back after like 7 years but RIP vault

The mcrib is always around in germany. My father actually went on a trip to germany just to eat a bunch of these

Attached: Mcrib.jpg (302x167, 7.82K)

post more burgers

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these threads are always the best until the janny nukes it for not being a Smash thread, gacha thread, or porn thread.

what is this even supposed to be?

Don't worry, millions of others are doing it for you. Your protest does nothing :)

>Australia now has corporate-funded police
>They just banned hentai
What the hell is happening in Australia? Are they turning in to the world's first Cyberpunk country? As an American, I thought America would be first.

Had it twice, is probably the best thing I've had from Wendys

Those are his eggs.

He hatched inside it, he'll spend his entire life in there.

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>i still absolutely refuse to eat green veggies
fat fuck

t. larping degenerate

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>My father actually went on a trip to germany just to eat a bunch of these
what a fucking based gentleman

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most of it is water at least

yea it's tough to find good places for ribs and such but when you find the holy grail it's fucking great. A run down rib shack owned by a old far black dude? Fuck yes. A convenient store with a smoker attached that smokes their meat for like 15 hours? HOLY GOD

They must eat all the eggs before he can escape

what the fuck even are these

he doesn't it was built around him like vendortron

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This thing has never been good but people always lose their shit when it comes back.


King shit

He doesn't have to tell you.

Why the fuck was this moved to Zig Forums and not /ck/

well at least the mod is more competent than the janny and didn't just nuke it

fuck the mods for not moving this thread to /ck/

why has this been moved here
i dont want this crap thread

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>mods moved the thread instead of deleting it
uh, based?

Edit: wow, it actually works

>moved to Zig Forums
Mods are so fucking stupid holy shit


move this to /ck/

>not /ck/

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Maybe the mod sees /ck/ more as cooking and this thread is more about eating out.

these kinds of threads before jannies, pol and summerfags infested Zig Forums were the bread and butter of this community, they're by far the most entertaining because it's just a bunch of fags arguing about absolutely trivial stuff, and I spoke too soon.

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Oh, did /ck/ mods start banning fast food threads or something?

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Have you never been to /ck/? It's at least 50% takeout and preprepared food. The board is "food and cooking," not "cooking."

>these kinds of threads before jannies, pol and summerfags infested Zig Forums were the bread and butter of this community, they're by far the most entertaining because it's just a bunch of fags arguing about absolutely trivial stuff
I agree. The random off-topic discussion that sometimes spawns on boards is the best part of the community.

>the best Mcd burger is exclusive to one country
Only chosen people tasted this masterpiece

Attached: drwal.jpg (1200x630, 138.97K)

Mods move this thread back to Zig Forums

what country has them?

is that a fucking hashbrown under the patty
why the fuck don't they do that in america it'd sell billions

Nah its regional cheese in a coating