> stereotyped for having a small penis > literally pressured to go into academics > worst representation in sports in the U.S. > shortest height in the U.S of all ethnic groups
What's the point anons? Even Arabs are considered more attractive than us and they were feuding war against the western world for decades.
meh lots of arabs, especially levantine arabs, look white that's why.
you guys beat indians tho
Evan Watson
Yea but the Asian females on the other hand, they're smokin' hot.
Jace Smith
Fuck off. Unironically go fuck yourself, theres enough psyop on this fucking board and we the last thing we need is shit threads like this. Asian men are just as attractive as black and white men. I'm a white guy saying this, we don't need more divisions you faggot tranny incel.
Wyatt Morris
I always think they look immature, like they're about 14.
Bullshit Asians have greater incomes,jobs and at the end of the day stick together. You're just upset you have to settle with a cute educated needy asian woman.
Aiden Baker
My experiment results:
White Chad : 97 matches in one day Black Chad: 79 matches in one day Light skinned middle eastern Chad: 81 matches in one day Hispanic Chad: 77 matches in one day
Asian Chad: 13 matches ( 2 bots) in one day.
Justin Clark
Is that why there are subreddits like asianmasculinity and aznidentity LMFAO?
Spend 5 minutes on those sub and tell me asians aren't at the very fucking bottom of the dating hierarchy.
Daniel Reed
Ok and what is anyone meant to do with this information? There are Asian guys a lot less attractive than I am with gfs and yet I'm still a KHV. Kill yourself.
Henry Harris
How is pressured to go into academics a negative, there's more college educated women than men and they are in self imposed loneliness looking for guys with degrees.
Tyler Lewis
Clearly, you're also as retarded as a broom.
It's not meant to excuse you're unscrupulously autistic personality.
It's meant to show that every other races has better dating prospects in the most used platform (online dating) than Asian people in a metropolitan American city.
Jason Moore
Would asian bros get more chix if they were more masculine? As far as I can tell asian countries are very feminized. Asian men typically dont watch much mma, dont shoot guns with the lads, dont go hunting, dont lift weights, etc. Just a passing thought i've had.
Camden Barnes
We've been over this. Indian males are the bottom of the barrel. Then chang and look alike changs being second worst.
>Indian males I'm not going to feel bad for the wealthiest demographic in America. They make on average something like $115K annually. That's more than whites, jews, and east asians.
Adam Butler
>Even Arabs are considered more attractive than us and they were feuding war against the western world for decades. Because women are attracted to warrior type men who still have their balls intact. Arabs are the most macho race there is. You have to remember women are essentially like mercenaries who sell out to whoever the toughest or most powerful fighters are.
Asian men are overly polite, submissive, physically weak and let white guys fuck their women. How are women supposed to respect Asian men when you wont even respect yourselves?
Julian Baker
This. Women refusing to date down in terms of education means a brighter future for asian men. It will by no means be good, but their suffering will definitely be lessened.
The fuck are you talking bout nigger i see young girls wetting their underwear for asian basedboys all the time. Worst man are latinos we ate undesired by everyone. White girls want niggers, black girls want whites, asian want whites, arab want whites We are fucked
Isaiah Bennett
based lol. arabs are violent and probably as masculine as blacks desu. there's just fewer of them in the US
Camden Rodriguez
My experience with Asians is that they are extremely autistic. Asian girls are always either weird, starey, socially awkward and spaced out, OR vapid giggling airheads. But they can get away with it because men find that stuff cute.
Asian guys are kind of like robots or human computers. They are sometimes a little too tryhard. Tryhardness and defensiveness is a big turnoff to women because it shows you are insecure.
Zachary Reed
Arabs can be violent and aggressive when they need to be, but also calm and respectful and civilized when they need to be. Thats basically white womens fantasy, the tamed savage who can ravage them in bed and give them a slap when they need to, but also appear macho and cool in public.
Hudson Howard
I'm a 6'1" Chinese/Mexican. People say I look like some bizarre cousin to filipino, others can't tell what I look like. Been building some muscle lately.
What are my chances bros? I just want a pale snow white ginger girlfriend, for fuck's sake
Asians are the bottom of the bottom. Mexican lineage is good. But the asian will hold you back . White women want big dicked alpha males.
Aaron Williams
In my biology class theres a blonde Polish girl dating a skinnyfat Asian nerd, she mogs him hard. You don't speak for all women incel faggot, get laid.
Leo Ross
Nice psyop whitecel.
Adrian Smith
doubt it. nope it's just reality bro.
Joseph Martinez
I will add that I don't have the ching chong eyes, which I see as a plus. Those work best on women thanks to its feminine features.
I remember during my visit to Japan, some white tourist thought I was a local and asked me something in Japanese. My inner weeb liked that. I just replied to her in English
I've already given up desu, the world doesn't care about us, so why should we care about it? If I try my hardest to please people, and they don't appreciate it, trying harder would make me a bigger cuck. I'm going to go to some Europoor country and lose my virginity there to a nonasian girl