I feel nothing but bitterness towards people who are more successful than me...

I feel nothing but bitterness towards people who are more successful than me. I'm even more bitter towards e-celebs and Hollywood celebrities that basically get paid to exist. Why the fuck do some people literally have happiness just dropped on their lap while my life is a constant war?

Rich people and beautiful people live fantastic lives. They are living the proper, defacto human experience. Humans were not made to sit in offices and work for eight hours a day. If you're poor and ugly you genuinely should just consider suicide, because your life is not going to get better.

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go out and socialize more. you'll realize you enjoy it more than being bitter.

>celebrities get money thrown at them for breathing
No shit.
>being a wageslave is hard
O rly
>poor and ugly people should kill themselves cuz they're poor and ugly
Wow, way to say nothing of supstance faggot

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Socializing doesn't mean dick all when you're an ugly manlet with no money.

ive seen lots of ugly guys have fun and socialize

Ah yes, and your response is truly something to behold, user. Now THIS post is of substance.

I can guarantee you that they are not socializing in a meaningful way. I can absolutely promise you that.

Not him but that's really anecdotal.

what do you mean by 'meaningful' socializing

they are though, it's pretty fun.

oh nice! i didn't know people don't live their own lives.

I can guarantee you that girls weren't getting wet when looking at your friend. I can guarantee you that nobody was sincerely laughing at your friend's jokes, and if they did it was because of his height, not in spite of it. Your friend does not get free food when he's at a restaurant because the cashier thinks he's cute. Your friend is physically incapable of commanding a conversation. He is the joke of the group.

a commie lole

In all seriousness being bitter about life won't change it, especially pushing it onto others, also everyone can look good and i'm not even joking, whoever works on themselves can at least look 5/10, and yeah life is unfair that everyone isnt born a 10/10 but whining won't change that

i mean they have dated girls before and experience most of the same things anyone else does. do you really rely on free food that much? it's not something i've seen people care about lol

is that what defines your will to live, random people thinking you're hot, free coffee at starbucks...?

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>In all seriousness being bitter about life won't change it
You're right, NOTHING will change it. That's kind of the problem. You're not smart by adding this non-contribution to the conversation. Also not wanting to work until you die doesn't make you a commie, retard.

>have dated girls
Interesting past-tense.

Yup! Unless you're some autistic religionfag, the purpose of living is purely materialistic. Money and social affirmation are literally all that matters in life.

having enough money for food is pretty easy though. there are lots of guys in relationships who are ugly, try it out if you're interested.

>having enough money for food is pretty easy though
Okay, but what about fancy computers and fast cars? What about being able to bungee jump off the tallest building in the world? What about being able to fuck LITERALLY anyone you want? Being able to eat shouldn't be the peak of human experience.

are you able to fuck mike tyson bro? that's a weird frame of reference and you should go out and socialize more instead of fantasizing about weird shit. bungee jumping is fun you should try it!

...What? This is word salad, I genuinely don't understand your point. I want to be a billionaire and live a good, meaningful life. If you aren't a billionaire then you're a worker drone and should probably just die.

By god, just imagine the kind of drugs that rich people do. They probably don't even make you sick.

drugs are fun man, try them out some time. you can live a very similar life to what billionaires experience, go out and socialize more for starters.

>utterly trivial dose of adrenaline
>metal box go fast vooom
>pointless sex because i fried my seratonin receptors jerking off to stacy from hs
literal failed c(ons)oomer holy fuck

Why do you have this fetish for socializing, homie? I'm explaining to you that if you're ugly and poor socializing literally doesn't mean anything. You don't command respect. People don't fear you. People don't love you.

And I do drugs, but they always make me feel like shit during the comedown.

>i like that people fear me lol
bet. you should still take the advice though, i've seen lots of ugly dudes have fun.

Cool, so give me your heckin epic secret to life that's beyond materialism, friend! What is it, religion? Spiritualism? Some gay shit about muh inner peace or whatever?

Life is about objects. It's about owning stuff and having experiences - experiences that only rich people get to have.

Okay, define "fun". Pushing a hoop with a stick is considered "fun" to some people, but that's fucking boring to me. I want to live on the fast lane.

why not live on a faster lane than where you are at now? you either value speed or you value being an attention whore, you can't really say you do both.

>why not live on a faster lane than where you are at now?
Because you need money and good looks in order to get that far. I want it all, man. I want to do everything before I die.

lol, ok man sounds like you are perfectly happy in the slowest possible lane.

Okay smartass, so how do I get people to fear and respect me without any money? How do I get that fast sports car, by stealing it?

what car you drive now bro?

It's a really obscure make called the Shoelace Express. Everything I need is within walking distance.

so you are objectively happier driving a pair of autism shoes than driving a mercedes?

...What? No I'm saying the opposite of that. I'd be objectively happier if I had the mercedes.

well you're not getting any closer to "doing it" all by sitting on Zig Forums and complaining.

It's not a matter of getting closer homeboy, I'm already fucked. I explained that my genes are bad and I'm an ugly fuckgoblin of a man. Success is a massive lottery that's determined by your genes, upbringing and education.

ok cause i'm getting vibes that you would rather do nothing than get a car that isn't a ferrari. good luck bud

Which genes do you have? Please don't use phenotypes to describe your genes btw.

I mean yeah, for the most part. You only get one chance at life, why not desire the best of the best?

I am a schlubby white guy with ibs, deformed pinky toes and arthritis in my goddamn 20s. I don't know the LITERAL science of it, but I do know that deformities and abnormalities like this are a result of fucked up mutt breeding.