Why don't you have any cool interests femanons? If you only like gay girly shit it's no wonder you can't get a good bf

Why don't you have any cool interests femanons? If you only like gay girly shit it's no wonder you can't get a good bf

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This thread is about to get invaded by trannies

Trannie = fembot

What's a cool interest?


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>cool interests
Anime, video games, hating women and being racist dont count as real interests, nor do they make you interesting.

>What's a cool interest?

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oh nooooo my duolingo account name, what so ever will I do? gain 50 simps who have no way of communicating with me besides the computer only forums?
guess it's time to kill myself after I smoke this cigarette and yell at Swedish cucks on Zig Forumsscandi/

forging is pretty cool!

Are there others?

Croteching, baking, and model building.

>Dets Kael
what's this name, are you some faggot elf or something

oh nice, I have one
thanks senpai

Pretty much any handicraft where you build or creat things is cool. nothing is cooler than forging tho

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I do volleyball and track for my college, is that interesting enough? Because besides that I have nothing lol

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i can crochet and bake but arent those considered girly?

>anime and vidya are not real interests
>interested in them
looks like they are interests

Which one? Please say model building.

Agreed, that's why I have better hobbies

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I do have cool interests I think, they're not really girly either.

Those are cool hobbies for femanons. You dont count.

>i can crochet and bake
you'll make a good granny

thank you

i am not sure what this is supposed to mean

He meant to say they're good hobbies as far as femanons go but femanons are extremely boring so they still don't count as cool

I assumed you were either a man or a tranny. Will you bake some cookies for me?

its a very very vague play on my irl name

>Twitter notification

Get out normie


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carpentry, metalworking, electronics, maching

overall if you're into building trades you're good in my book

>not elaborating
come on don't keep us waiting you bitch

i can't crochet but i can knit, does that count? i can make cool sweaters and stuff
baking is fun too
model building seems neat but i've never really tried it

sucking dicks is pretty manly I mean fags do it

Archery, fencing and gymnastics. As well as vidya and anime etc but that probably goes without saying. I've posted about it before I think.