"Good morning user, I made you a glass of tea :)? Would you like surger or hunney to sweeten in it?"

>"Good morning user, I made you a glass of tea :)? Would you like surger or hunney to sweeten in it?"

Attached: ufvle420cf061.jpg (640x852, 76.19K)

>surger or hunney?

Attached: pp,550x550.jpg (349x550, 23.03K)

lets start a hairy girls thread

>Crotch hidden by foot

>Why yes I drink my coffee black
*tips fedora*

Attached: ivan Kramskoy_Portrait_of_a_Woman 1883.jpg (1200x630, 104.16K)

>glass of tea
you drink tea in mugs user, sorry to break your fantasy

>"how about some of your vaginal honey and your brown sugar"
Take notes incels

Also the very masculine legs, Still would smash lmao

Yeah, well, being a fudgepacker is nothing to be proud of. But you do you, I guess.

I meant if it was a women I would in spite of the man legs lmao
Hate fags myself.

>I meant if it was a women I would in spite of the man legs lmao
>Hate fags myself.
Oh, well that changes everything. You're based. My bad.

75% sure its female
Dont currr eitherway though cuz im not insecure in my sexuality, would smash

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Insecure? So you're just bi then?
Also looks like my ex lmao

No im straight
Its literally not gay to fuck a trap is you are not attracted to the dick
By definition being straight is being attacted to femininity

Like yeah if I jerked her off itd be gay, but getting your dick sucked and ramming some boipuss of a trap that "appears" female is really not gay

whats the name of this semen demon

Nah, coffee with a bit of walnut cream is god tier

That's a lot of memtal gymnastics. Just admit you're a faggot and shut up.

What? You couldn't avoid the dick if you get down to business, if they where post op and identical to a woman they kinda? Maybe? But you talk about fucking them in the ass lmao

Thanks but no sugar. I'm not five years old

>You couldn't avoid the dick if you get down to business
Dude when you are high test you just fuck the TIGHT boypuss and dont think about that gay shit

"Boypuss" is gay shit, user. Even the name itself sounds gay as fuck. There's no two ways about that.

Bruh, fucking trannies is high test now? I can't keep up
Leave him in the closet let him find his own way out

>Put dick in warm tight hole
>feels good
>be an alpha and dominate another low test male
how is this hard to understand?

>Leave him in the closet let him find his own way out
Yeah, that was going to be my last reply to him. He's so deep in the closet he's delusional.

Sad thing is there's so many guys on here who think the same way because they want to get their dick wet, sad times.

more of her please oh god

Hairy girls that drink coffee or tea in the morning instead of doing shitty makeup are the only ones i accept for gf

i don't like tea you subhuman whore

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Just imagine walking in on someone having gay sex and they say to you, "im not gay im just secure with my heterosexuality"

honey, and as soon as she turns around to get it i slap her butt

it is past 8pm euro fag, who tf drinks tea at night