Would a fembot ever rape a man?
Would a fembot ever rape a man?
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I probably wouldn't. But I find the logistics interesting.
I would feel bad for dudes who get raped, but it implies that you've either impaired yourself with substances or you're genuinely too weak to fight off a cuntoid, and being guilty of either of those means you deserve it.
>but it implies that you've either impaired yourself with substances or you're genuinely too weak to fight off a cuntoid, and being guilty of either of those means you deserve it.
Making a lapse of judgement does not amount to deserving rape. Not being the physically strongest man in the world does not amount to deserving rape either.
I think substances would have to be involved, just like with most female rapes.
I would say the vast majority of dudes that get raped are psychologically/emotionally manipulated into sex they don't want. Its pretty hard for a female to physically force herself onto a man assuming averages.
>you deserve it.
The only people who deserve rape are females who dress provocatively and drive men up a wall. Otherwise, never say someone "deserves rape". Nobody should be raping anybody regardless.
>Making a lapse of judgement does not amount to deserving rape.
If you willingly make yourself vulnerable don't be angry when a predator makes its move, don't want to get raped/murdered while under the influence? Don't go under the influence.
>Not being the physically strongest man in the world does not amount to deserving rape either.
You don't have to be the physically strongest man to fight off a f*male, you barely even need to be average. Unless you're crippled or the woman is a roided gymrat you can absolutely ruin the cunts face.
Weakness is an open invitation to force and violence, if you're vulnerable your options are either to hide away and avoid conflict or accept the violence inflicted upon you.
Even if a male and female were the exact height and weight the man would be I think 30% stronger on average.
>If you willingly make yourself vulnerable don't be angry when a predator makes its move, don't want to get raped/murdered while under the influence? Don't go under the influence.
You live in america don't you? In civilised countries people don't have to constantly be on the look out for danger because every corner hides a rapist or a mugger.
>You don't have to be the physically strongest man to fight off a f*male, you barely even need to be average. Unless you're crippled or the woman is a roided gymrat you can absolutely ruin the cunts face.
Where were females mentioned? Men rape men. A guy like in the OP pic I imagine would attract male rapists. Anyway if you want to take women, they will rape you via psychological manipulation coercing you into sex, not by using brute strength.
I did rape one. He was hardly a man though, a twink trap. But after what I did to him, he turned "normal".
If you are gonna larp it should be funny or interesting. Just a note.
I occasionally fantasize about a woman drugging me, and waking up tied down to her bed
>Where were females mentioned?
Did you read the OP or my first post, you stupid fucking faggot? Don't reply and kill yourself, dumbass.
Good thing it's not a larp then faggot
That's unironically even worse, literally just walk away.
Yeah as far as realistic fantasies, tying someone up is up there but people are unnerved by the lack of control.
I genuinely hate people and the realisation that I'm supposed to give, and give, and give and get absolutely nothing in return makes me wish for mass suffering.
I raped a guy in college. I handcuffed him to his bed while he was sleeping. He woke up before I got his legs and it took everything I had to get them strapped down, one with a strap I had brought and the other with his own belt. I managed to get three Viagra in him and he bit my hand pretty bad. I spent like 15 minutes in his bathroom trying to get it to spot bleeding and by then the Viagra has started working so he was ready. I rode him until I bleed and he went from screaming at me, crying, hocking loogies at my face and tits and threatening to beat me to death when he got free.
I was afraid to let him go but eventually realized I would have to so I unstrapped one of his hands and was going to let him do the rest of them himself so I could get away from him but he managed to grab my hair. He smashed my head into his headboard and drug me into this one arm choked hold and I figured he'd probably kill me but I woke up on the floor. I got up and ran towards the door and he was just undoing the belt around his leg and he grabbed me again and beat me in the floor with his belt, choked me and beat me with his fists. Eventually he stopped and I crawled down the stairs. I managed to get up and into my car.
He never called the police on me, I assumed it was because he beat me up too and considered us even. I suspect he liked it a bit more than he let on but felt too ashamed to admit it hence why he didn't actually kill me.
what was the prelude to this situation
why the fuck are you in this guys bedroom while hes sleeping
sounds very cool, maybe you coulda claimed he raped you
Fake, Viagra doesn't work that way. Sadly. I'm sure something does.
Can you imagine them having sex and actually hating it. Genuinely unaroused.
I asked to stay the night. I had been drinking but I pretended to be much drunker than I really was and asked if I could stay the night.
Given what I did to myself on his dick it might have looked like he raped me.
Well, I don't know what Viagra actually does to guys but I had some and managed to force it into his mouth and he maintained an erection after that. It either worked or he wanted it more than I realized. I hope it's the latter.
no. you scrotes aren't worth the effort
Do you feel bad for raping him?
And do you feel like you deserved the beating?
And ngl I'm full on assuming this is a LARP anyway, but whatever
>he managed to grab my hair. He smashed my head into his headboard and drug me into this one arm choked hold
What a fucking lad, shame he didn't finish the job.
He probably enjoyed it on some level then unfortunately. I'd really like to induce genuine priapism without their knowledge and traumatize them after luring them into a gag and hopefully they get PTSD and can't figure out if it was consentual.
ok enough larping guys
I don't really feel that bad, mostly because I didn't hurt him I just humiliated him and he beat the shit out of me. I feel pretty even about it, men cause physical harm and women cause emotional harm.
He did his best.
Glad to hear it.
Don't be curt with me you shitty little larper
I'm not larping.
Why did you post your boobas?
why'd you rape him instead of just fuck him? he was already staying the night.
did you enjoy it?
I'm not posting my face with a story about how I committed a crime.
He always turned down my advances. He would never have willingly fucked me.
I enjoyed it so much.
show pussy
was he just out of your league since you're a fembot? did he cum in you?
fembots do not exist
shut the fuck up