I am a tall boy who likes to occasionally dress up and look cute. I love the attention I get from fat hairy virgins...

I am a tall boy who likes to occasionally dress up and look cute. I love the attention I get from fat hairy virgins. The way they try so hard and are so turned on and willing to do anything and everything for me. They'll send me as many pictures of their dick as I want. To them I must be the best thing that has ever come by in their entire life, and I like feeling like I'm the best for someone. This is what femoids are talking about when they complain about bad attention. It's just amazing attention from ugly people, so they dislike it. Don't worry robot, I love your attention!

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pics or ur fake

looks like its faggot hour already

Nice larping! Do you larp here often?

yes the americans are awake

>I am a tall boy who likes to occasionally dress up and look cute.
we call those faggots

dang bussy is based

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How is it larping? Fat desperate losers will give you attention easily! Women are hilarious when they complain. The attention makes me feel happy and cozy.

I'm a fat neet bastard. Can you please step on my dick?

Absolutely~ I'll step on your disgusting neet cock and watch you get off to it like a faggot!

That's kind of mean, user.
P-Please keep degrading me

Of course it's mean, you fat sweaty fagboys love it! And you'll listen to me and do whatever I say aslong as I bully you.

Y-Yes user...
Do you have a discord? I'd love to be your neet slave

No, you post yours and MAYBE I'll add you. Or post your cock here and we'll see what I think.
See, look. Got some dumb fatass retard who is ready to be my bitch just from a little text chatting! He'll butter me up and do whatever I say. Femoids take this for granted.

I want to fucking crawl to you like a slave. I'm stroking myself like a mindless animal.

>I love the attention I get from fat hairy virgins
Would you accept attention from a subby crossdressing twink?

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>tall boy who likes to occasionally dress up and look cute

Tall man, you mean. I'm imagining Ed Kemper in a skirt right now. Here's the thing about irl traps: the group of people who get off on playing dress up are a minority. Attractive people are also a minority. Men who are effeminate enough to "trap" you dressed in drag are a minority. Attractive, feminine traps are a minority within a minority within a minority. I'm not saying they're nonexistent; Sayuri Mattar and Caroline Cossey exist. I'm saying the chances of that trap you're talking to on Discord looking like the cat boy from Re:Zero are slim to none. It's important to consider that attractive people tend not to be socially outcasted. Attractive, mentally stable people tend to enjoy higher amounts of social success, actually. As a result, the eccentricities that fester from social rejection and the Internet, and more specifically those that lead a person to cross-dress almost never come about in people who are attractive. This is another factor that mitigates attractive traps from coming into being.

Astolfo isn't real, convincing traps aren't real. The highest tier traps are butterfaces at best. The traps you jack off to obscure their faces for a reason. OP is a faggot.

Hmmm, gonna need the balls to post a picture here if you want me to add you. Cock or belly.
Absolutely, as long as you realize you are lucky to have someone like me who even gives you the time of day.

I'm not really comfortable with that. Thanks anyway.

Lmao dumbass I never said I was a trap. I look like a cute twinky boy who crossdresses. Skinny and muscular enough with a low enough bf% that looks good

>I never said I was a trap
>posts a picture of a trap and talks about cross-dressing

I guess twinks that cross-dress aren't traps now.

Hot...would you mind the attention from non-fat virgins too? I would love it if you were able to force me to suck while laughing at how I am turning gay and then step on me when you finish!

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>Absolutely, as long as you realize you are lucky to have someone like me who even gives you the time of day.
Yes, I totally do! Thank you so much for even bothering to respond to me. You're the best!

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post Discord pls i wanna message you uwu

Correct, because I look like a boy.
Of course, I love all the attention. It makes me feel special. Idk wtf is wrong with femanons, but amy attention from any robot is nice. I'm already laughing at how much of a faggot you are and that you even said something so gay. You'll have to get in line behind the other anons ;^)
I know I'm the best. I'm glad that you understand. Such a good boy! Yes you are!
No, you post yours. I didn't message the other retard because he didn't post his dick like I said. I mean, how you gonna try to simp for a boy giving you a foot job and not do what he says?

my discord is Jacko336#7047 bulli me pls~

>posts a a picture of a trap
>"no no, I posted a picture of a trap not because I consider myself to be one, but coincidentally for no reason!"
>a trap is defined a man who cross dresses
>"no no, I'm too masculine to trap straight guys, even though I said I was a twink earlier and I meet the definition of a trap"

Really adds up

>Such a good boy! Yes you are!
Being called a good boy by you really made my night... Thank you so much for that. I would dote on you more but it's getting late. I hope you have an amazing day/night!

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Are you the cute user that wants to mount loser anons and also enjoys musk, feet and piss, among other very lewd fetishes?

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No problem user. You'll always be my cute little boy.
No, but I can be. I like all lewd fetishes that no other people would be willing to try for disgusting anons, except me. Except really gross ones like poop. That's really gross

Do you have a nice butt? I'd let you sit on my face

It's okay. It's definitely a more male looking butt, but it can jiggle and there's more than enough for two hands, and definitely plenty for one face

I'd love for you to tie my wrists together and sit on me all day long. I'd be your personal throne.