FELLAS. GENTS. LADS. BROS. Come in! Whatcha drinking? Whatcha smokin? Whatcha watchin? I'm in a sad mood and could use some company. Got plenty of beer with me and watching some ghost investigation videos on Youtube. What's everyone else up to? I've just been so lonely. I don't want to be used to it anymore, I'd like to grow, but it's been so difficult. oh well. Cheers!
Plz respond :(
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Just sitting here alone on a friday once again.
aw man, I find myself looking like that particular wojack more and more. Anyways, whats up bro? Whatcha been doin this past week? This entire year has kinda been a blur, everything is moving so fast and I've been processing it so slow. How have you been holding up?
Are you the voodoo ranger user? Im drinking pic related tonight. It was cheap and 7%. Wildly bitter, dont know why they chose bitter citrus + bitter hops. Fucking hipster ipas are the thing nod
just ate turkey cheese sandwich for dinner and took melatonin
im listening to asmr and just browsing
lately ive been trying to teach myself piano learning theory and trying to play songs by ear for fun
heres a cool song i like
I'm not, but Voodoo Ranger is awesome! especially their hazy IPA. I will admit, its really bitter and weird tasting at first, but it didn't take me long to get acquainted with the taste. I'm currently going through a variety pack of Karbach's beers. Their Viva Chela cerveza is kickass!
nice song bro! i could totally listen to this while smoking. thanks! I've been doing the same thing with guitar recently too! although i seriously need to play more, work has been so hectic lately. That and I've been trying to play Destiny 2 more
Honestly this past week I've just been surviving. (Or trying to.) Sleeping a lot, not being interested in much, shit like that.
hey bro sorry to hear you arent feeling great but enjoy your brew! im not dinking tonight because im getting up early to get covid testing dont tomorrow but plan on drinking tmrw. cheers!
i am. cheers bro!
When I wasnt really interested in much, I started night walking around a few of my local parks that have nature trails. Very comfy. Just hiking a mile or two at night with nothing but armadillos and owls to keep me company, and maybe the occasional friend once or twice a week. If youre not interested in much of what youre currently doing, its always a good idea to try something new!
ah, the legendary voodoo user! whats your favorite brew from them, fren? I usually just go for their hazy. Their Imperial was alright.
i always get the imperial ipa since its strong enough to knock me out after a bunch. esp these days since i dirnk alone only really after work and im exhausted enough to get tipsy real quick. cheers again bro!
yea thats what ive been doin with vodka and orange/mango juice. 1 or two glasses puts me just right. what do you like to do while you drink? I usually just watch game/paranormal videos
got many blue moons, been meaning to watch more of the wire but now feels like not a great time for it so just dicking around on twitter and listening to Disclosure and wondering why I'm doing normie shit.
About to go to bed, been sippin' water, doing hellish uni homework. No time for fun. Find my brains on the wall. Nighty night.
AW FUCK DUDE I LOVE BLUE MOON. So fucking good with some spicy wings. or citrus wings. Have you had their ice coffee flavor? been meaning to try it. Their mango summer is awesome tho.
Why would you want to blow youor brains out after doing hellish hw user? You should do it after doing some fun shit, know what i mean? youre going through some tough times and doing some hard work, i admire you. i can t do uni, im too dumb. im sure you can get through it!
Im watching Lucky Star while trying to come up with characters for a VN i wanna make
Lucky Star has the right energy for it
>tfw my tablet can't handle the anime codecs
nah I typically stick to the belgian whites, I went to school immediately next to the coors brewery and those were the best ones that came with the free tour so its my default at this point. will look out for those though, been meaning to branch out on the beers I buy but that typically means just buying random shit lol
have ramen and high granola ceral man, not drinking shit but having a gluttonous fest
aw dude i love coors as well. Honestly, IPA's are nice, but really only if youre looking to get fucked up quick imo. I'm sure theres plenty of people who genuinely enjoy the hoppy taste, i do as well, but i really do enjoy simple beers like coors, blue moon, or any limey and salty cervezas. Keep up with the random choices tho, thats thhe spirit to have when trying to find the perfect spirit for you. If you have any questions about beers, i can help. I work at a liquor store.
aw dude are we talking about insta ramen, or actual ramen from a ramen shop/bar? that sounds so good right now, but ive just been muching on some chikky nuggies.
Sup dude. Getting stoned. Just basic pot. I'm an autistic software engineer. Probably gonna play some Destiny later?
> thats the spirit to have when trying to find the perfect spirit for you
lol. but definitely feel the same about a good simple kind of beer, its kinda like I know its not the best best but it works and isnt super in your face like some ipas can be
instant ramen, made at home, it was yum
LEMME TELL YOU LAD simple beers are not to be ignored. IPA's are good for some reasons, and simple beers are good for other reasons. You do you bro, dont get into some IPAs just bc some dude said theyre the hip thing.
have you tried adding things to your instant ramen? I usually add some green onions, bok choy, boiled eggs and some chopped up beef/chicken fajita in my instant ramen.soo fucking good bro.
I think I'm like 1120 light level, i forget. I just finished the Beyond Light campaign tho. I might be boring to play with, not a big fan of gambit or crucible, just suck at pvp fps games. i enjoy playing titan and punching things tho!
yeah I mean living in colorado there are definitely a bunch of good local IPAs that are just kinda around so I try to at least get a sense of what's out there. when I lived on the east coast I really liked flying dog too. but as far as just like something I'd like to kill 10 of blue moon might be tops
Vodka mixed with Minute Maid pink lemonade. Think I drank a bit too much, so I'm layin off of it
classic! i love vodka. I always recommend Drink-Aid when you think youre gonna get a hang over the next day.. Has B vitamins to help you avoid a hangover. It's worked everytime I've had it.
Sick. I enjoy it. Good way to kill time. To be totally honest I'm playing it to try and be better friends with this guy I know. My wife has an old friend who lives near us now. Her husband is a big Destiny dude and I'd like to be better friends with him so I play it so we have something to talk about. I'm autistic, whatever. Lol
So what kinda climate you live in? It gets pitch black by 415
go to work. go home. do nothing. ad infinitum.
Houston, TX. Gets dark around 6:30. We're all autistic here bro. I got into Destiny bc my best friend loves it. I do genuinely enjoy it tho, i love sci fi stuff, as well as just mindlessly killing things in games. i should get into warhammer, but i really dont have enough time to be autistic with another game
Never heard of it, but I'll try it out
I'm doing research chemical drugs and eating a microwaved tortilla cut into slices with cheese on it because I have covid and can't go shopping
life has been better but I can't complain
Drinking Captain Morgan private stock, it's more expensive but fockin' worth it
aw man i feel your pain. When i lived on my own with a buddy, i used to just cook up pasta or rice and ate that with some banquet meals or get fancy with some ramen, most days. i dont know where you live user, but cant you just go out and shop? how are people gonna konw you have the flu? unless youre really feeling ill from it? how are you feeling?
really? whats the flavor profile? I can only really stomach aged rums, clears are disgusting for me unless in cocktails and the only spiced rum i have enjoyed has been the kraken 94 proof. If you get the chance, you need to try Zafra's 20 year odl rum. The nose of the palette has a nice touch of oak with a mild body of sweet spice that finishes with a mellow vanilla flavor.
Its like Jack Daniels but less painful, idk how to explain it. It is an aged rum. With coke you can't even taste the alcohol. Thanks for the suggestion I'll try it