Wear the masks forever, this is a permanent flu, China has been dealing with SARS for decades, we need to spend decades staying inside right now everyone spread the word economy doesn't matter really
6 months later the exact same image with the exact same text.
What is meant to evoke the 180th time you post it?
>scientific advisor group gives press conference
>"we should avoid screaming or singing indoors"
Just fucking nuke my country
i actually have a mask that i wear when confronted by social compliance volunteers but its from 2012 and likely provides no protection whatsoever
Start wearing it even after it gets old, dont let the fear die
I actually don't think the mask policies are strict enough. If I was in charge, I would mandate that all masks worn must be N95/surgical grade, not the cheesecloth crap getting passed around as a stopgap. The supply issues have largely been overcome and you have been able to buy the good masks all over the place in stores for months now. In fact, the free masks that get handed out for people who don't have one are the more effective kind. The hilarious thing is when I bring this up, people assume I'm an anti-masker since they only listen to the key words.
I only wear the mask because facial recognition software unnerves me and because I come off as schizo already people can't read my body language so it makes them as uncomfortable as I am. Crabs in the bucket
People who aren't wearing an N95 should be shot on sight.
What's it meant to evoke the 180th time I'm told to wear a mask that does fucking nothing?
If I have anything to do with it youll be being told to wear the mask for the rest of your life
this is what pure unhinged mental illness looks like
I don't understand why basic public health measures like wearing a mask are so controversial since they don't add an extreme burden, if any, on anyone. Even conservatives outside the US generally support it .
Because the government is fining and closing businesses that don't enforce their tyrannical laws. This is government overreach at its finest.
>go to 7/11 for snacks
>overhear some bitch LOUDLY complaining that she cant breathe in the mask
>its not even over her nose
>talking about how everybody is doing what the government is saying and just bending over
>harassing the 7/11 cashier about it as though the cashier can do anything about it
Anti maskers are just obnoxious. Its such minimal effort. Of the two scenarios of the virus being real or fake, you lose nothing by wearing the mask
i cant breathe in those shitty masks, especially if i have to wear for a period longer than 1 hr
It's too late for society, embrace the destruction
>random redneck in some random shithole area
>this is supposed to be the average anti masker
Here everyone wears masks, even the dumbest immigrant wears it, it's always the mentally unhinged far left and especially far right conspiratards always throw a hissy fit.
Dobson channels himself through this poster
>this is what pure unhinged mental illness looks like
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)06:56:45 No.61015839
> (You)
>I don't understand why basic public health measures like wearing a mask are so controversial since they don't add an extreme burden, if any, on anyone. Even conservatives outside the US generally support it .
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)07:02:34 No.61015900
>Because the government is fining and closing businesses that don't enforce their tyrannical laws. This is government overreach at its finest.
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)08:53:54 No.61016869
>>go to 7/11 for snacks
>>overhear some bitch LOUDLY complaining that she cant breathe in the mask
>>its not even over her nose
>>talking about how everybody is doing what the government is saying and just bending over
>>harassing the 7/11 cashier about it as though the cashier can do anything about it
>Anti maskers are just obnoxious. Its such minimal effort. Of the two scenarios of the virus being real or fake, you lose nothing by wearing the mask
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)08:59:09 No.61016907
>File: 1605232879349.jpg (3 KB, 125x119)
>i cant breathe in those shitty masks, especially if i have to wear for a period longer than 1 hr
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)09:00:48 No.61016920
> (You)
>It's too late for society, embrace the destruction
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)09:05:42 No.61016954
>>random redneck in some random shithole area
>>this is supposed to be the average anti masker
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)10:21:38 No.61017601
>Here everyone wears masks, even the dumbest immigrant wears it, it's always the mentally unhinged far left and especially far right conspiratards always throw a hissy fit.
> Anonymous 11/21/20(Sat)10:23:34 No.61017618
>Dobson channels himself through this poster
Is this meta-meta-satire? Like is it making fun of schizos by being an exaggerated schizoid-post? Or is it making fun of the people who make meta posts?
Trying to interpret this is like making sense of performance art.
Wearing a mask + hat + shades (in summer) is the comfiest shit ever, I don't get why this board out of all places gets upset at having to cover your face.
are t here honestly still people who think that the virus is fake or not dangerous at all?
I accept that there are some people who are just selfish and assume they will survive it and ignore the virus on this behalf.
but really thinking the virus is fake is kinda insane at this point isn't it.
We are now at the point of shitposting that is equivalent to one of those found art pieces that the janitor throws out because it can't be discerned from actual garbage without looking at the placard
Exactly. It is now socially acceptable to hide your ugly fucking face, I love it. I hope mask wearing becomes common in the west like it is in the Asian countries so I never have to show my face outside again.
easy af to shoplift now as well, as long as you keep your spyphone at home
maybe they want you to wear the mask so you shut the fuck up
How out of shape are you?
You should visit a doctor and tell them you have a breathing problems, because I am obese fat fuck and I can bike 4km back and forth to store while wearing a mask