You know how it goes. Screenshot your desktop without editing it. Rate/judge at least three other user's desktops so we can keep the thread interesting
Desktop Thread
you don't need anything moar
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't :D
Why tf do these threads get made by anime fags? Do you guys just like showing people your world revolves around cartoons and being a total faggot
Post your desktop or shut the fuck up faggot
obsessed with anime girls
heroes 3 complete? user knows what's good
>obsessed with anime girls
can u share that paper, please?
>desktop icons
Really, WTF?
Icons are comfy. I don't care for minimalism
Thanks, I never go to /w/ for papers but that thread have some really nice jewels!
Also no, icons aren't comfy. They're just useless and pointless by now.
/w/ is a board you have to sift through. Everyone has threads they like but you have to look for them
>Also no, icons aren't comfy. They're just useless and pointless by now.
I just personally find them comfy. I'm not trying to make an objective statement about them
>heroes 3 complete?
yes, with all the original expansions. today i downloaded this community expansion which is free (you need to own an actual game for it) and can be seen in the picture. it fixes prior game bugs and has a new faction called the cove, then they added very useful keyboard shortcuts, such as splitting army into 1's or transferring artefacts and the whole army between heroes by a click of a button. however, they nerfed the necromancer faction a little bit D:
don't have any on my linux desktop, it's just that i didn't bother configuring windows to my likings since i don't use it very much, desu
>Sora no Method screenshots
>that borderline safe background
Fucking lolicons baka
I tried this but it was nothing for me. I rather play the original stuff, just with qol, should be the same dev. Pic related
I've had the same PC since 2009.
I've upgraded this beast through the years and it's like a cybernetic dinosaur.
My desktop consists of:
>smut (erotica)
>hentai games
>a few pirated games (NEET and can't get a job, can explain if anyone wants.)
>screenshots, mostly random.
>an old clip from a 1950's zombie movie
>a shitton of piano sheets
> roblox
>some school shit (online uni)
I felt insecure about running win7 for a while but I don't really give a fuck, I can run most modern games very well but I mostly have played the same old games for years.
Ask me about anything and I'll try to answer.
>fucking broforce
Incredibly based, I was expecting Postal too.
have you tried clicking on that drop-down thing that reads "Heroes3 HD.exe"? maybe the issue on your end could be that you don't own homm 3: complete in order to use the expansion itself? pic related
very original comment
>Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat your post
definitely not spam
it got a little uglied because of having to resize it twice in paint
ehh fuck icons unless theyre games
I'm on my phone, here
you should organize your desktop, take advantage of the start menu and get rid of the images, also why do you have lewds of a child what the fuck
respect for using fucking xp in current year, you crazy bitch
clean the desktop icons, I promise you it'll look better!
a bit too many task bar pins, otherwise it's very good
pls clean up, why can't u get a job?
use the start menu
also before anyone asks, the small picture is cuz I'm watching a hbomberguy video, amazing YouTuber
So many apps, do you use them all? Also cool painting
Gay layout/10
>among us
>virus tier applications
>a few literal viruses
>cringe and unfunny instagram cat meme
>gay layout
I've had it for years I know where everything is, don't give a shit.
>please clean up
It's fine to me.
Diagnosed schizo, -be cautious about seeing a therapist as your mental health record is worse than a criminal record for employment.
icons are trash anyways
Looks very appealing, and you have good taste in games too. Is the background from a game too?
Obvious zoomer, decent background though
Extreme zoomer tier
I dig the simplicity and that wallpaper, mind sharing?
forgot to post my desktop, oops
here you go dude this one is edited if you want I can post the original it is brighter and more yellowish
Thank you, I like your edit quite a bit
I have the game from gog like you and it works fine for me, I installed it years ago, maybe you changed your folder path or it has isuess with win xp?
Are you proud of me dad?
no not really and its from Anno 1800, your res gives me eye cancer no offense
good you are not using icons, I would never find anything here.
Icons are cool, when its not on the desktop I would forget I had those stuff lol.
i only keep games on my desktop if i pirated them or if they arent from steam