What's your race tier list?

make something like this and post it.

Attached: racetier.png (1078x1519, 1.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's mine, why did you use it? Do you think I'm wrong?

Attached: Nazi7.jpg (1080x1334, 134.7K)

Link to one with images already? Just asking so I don't waste time if there already is one.

are you german bro

Im sitting at E tier, feels bad man :(

Why you put me at C? I'm latino.

I'm mixed, I'm half English with Celtic, Dutch, Scandinavian and a little Polynesian sprinkled in.

It was mostly just made to piss people off, and it wasn't all about looks either, I included mean income and crime rates in it as well. But what maters most is how good you look not your race.

Attached: Nazi4.jpg (500x375, 42.04K)

east asian>southeast asian>hapa

Checked. Latino here. Not good looking myself but glad to know you don't hate me homie.

A homosexual made that Image.

Where is Pacific Islander?

iranian guy here. you're based but I think iranians have a case for A tier.

Nordic men are the best men. Everyone else just sucks.

Not into dewds.

What is Polynesian, or Australasian.

I didn't notice it because the guy just looks like a standard nigger

Somebody better fucking post a link to the tiermaker list for this or I'm gonna freak.

Attached: 1494703432406.jpg (654x660, 52K)

There isn't one, you can have the original female one though. tiermaker.com/list/animals/all-races-compared-587496/845457

Attached: RacesTierList.png (1092x1539, 1.92M)

Explain to me how your not a faggot

This does me no fucking good because I'm a straight female.
I want to rank the sexy men reeeeeeeeeeeeee

> have a case for A tier.
they tend to be very mentally special or huge 2faced scumbags
and should be in C tier for not chasing the mullahs out yet

Attached: 9329.png (334x407, 83.47K)

I mean, I can give you the folder with all the pictures if you want.

t. Ceb the half Iranian boy

Attached: MIndo-Iranian.jpg (305x307, 27.26K)

how the fuck are indo-iranians not SS+ tier.

Do the pictures have the text attached already?
I really want to do this but only if it takes between 0 and 1 work and no more than that.

yeah that indo-iranian guy is a giga to power 1,000,000 chad.

The guy in the pic might be attractive but it's just a placeholder, not what's being rated.

No, but you can just use the picture as reference.

Attached: Dinner.jpg (622x1105, 99.39K)

Too much work, I will just write here.
On the plus side I'll get to use more correct and specific terminology.

S: Nordic, Med
A: East Baltic, North Asiatic
B: Indo-Iranian, Hamitic, Dinaric, Semitic
C: South Asiatic, Tungid, Latino*
D: All native Americans and micronesians
F: All negroid and australoid races, Dravidian

*not actually a race

I don't care enough about other people to make this kind of shit, honestly.


Meds are western civilizations town bicycle

Why yes I am based, how could you tell?

Attached: download (1).png (700x558, 442.68K)

hard to tell which was which for some when I didn't have their captions, yeah I could have cross referenced with your image but fuck it I already did it

Attached: download (1).png (1007x465, 448K)