Almost managed to get into a cuckold relationship with her today.
In the following days depending how it develops i might end up her cuckold boyfriend
Almost a cuck
Nice. Would it be to a black bull? How old?
We are both 18, I would like to start with guys around our age. But eventually I want her to fuck our ex sociology professor.
About race. Nothing wrong with BBC except it's scarce in this country. Plenty of BWC anyways
When it comes to
How did you manage to be a cuck?
What is your relationship like?
I honestly want a gf that will treat me like a gay best friend and will cuck me lots.
We were talking while drunk. And she started talking about wanting the guy she fancies to be in an open relationship but only open in her side. I jumped, and begged to be her cuckold basically, and she almost accepted. But didn't. Later this night the guy she was trynna get basically said hes completely over her. So it might be an opportunity for me
Basically im her gay best friend. And i want her to get fuckbuddies and call me boyfriend lol.
And she already made me flirt for her with the guy she wants to fuck. And told me drunkily "YOU WANT HIM TO DO ME IN THE ASS?!"
Hot I wish I had a gf that cucks me
I had never done so. But i did it, i drunkenly explained that i want to be her boyfriend. Have no sex with her, and let her have sex with anyone.
I'm so jealous of you user ngl
>a gf that fucks other people
that's literally not having a gf
You still do gf things with her
She TEASED me about it. "So you get, aroused by getting cuckolded? Basically?"IT WAS A DREAM COME TRUE.
The winking emojis as i was told to basically ask a man that is 10 times manlier than me if he is into my crush
user please you are going to kill me from jealousy
She got confused when I told her I was calling a taxi to get back home and thought I was calling him a taxi to come to her house.
"Are you paying for that?!"
this sounds like bull shit to me cause ive talked to HUNDREDS of girls and every time i bring this up i get ghosted and they just dont want to talk to me after
i really dont think its possible to find girls like this. ive never seen a girl whos into it they just want to leave after you bring it up. even sluts.
>gf things
you mean the stupid shit you have to put up with to get laid?
Yes! Only emotional labour for cucks. Bulls get all the fun!
And did you pay for that user
Please say yes
Nigga i know how it sounds like. It's incredible. We were both drunk off our asses that's why i was brave enough to even open the cuck bag.
Yes all the fun things without getting laid
Something like emotional bf
Nope. It was for me. And i didn't really have the money for it. He wasn't interested in her after all, so yeah.
Reality isn't a fantasy. But what i got to experience tonight was almost there.
Oh well still sounds hot as fuck
I want to be an emotional tampon bf so bad. It's arguably the best way to spend time with a woman if you're effeminate and submissive enough. Leave the sex part to someone who can actually handle it.
I only have female friends but when they talk about the guys they like and other girl stuff around me I feel so weak (in a good way). I'm a guy and women treat me like a female friend.
Damn I wish I had female friends
You are so lucky
This feeling is the absolute best. Being bested by other men so hard you arent up for consideration as a man. So much girls don't see a menace in you. Now you get to enjoy hearing about your betters from the mouth of the girls you wish you were man enough to at least kiss!
It's really comfy.
I feel like there's this implication of sexual denial when you're a guy hanging around pretty girls that see you as one of their own and see you as a non-sexual being.
You put it in words really well. One girl I know literally told me that her boyfriend was jealous about her hanging around me, and when she told him what I'm like he just laughed and told her that it's okay.
I actually have gotten a single hug after months of emotionally supporting a girl. It's funny to think that she probably lets manlier guys straight in her pants in a matter of days.
How do you gain female friends?
It used to bother me some the Caucasian race was being bred out of existence but with the whole white cuck and tranny culture its best it disappears.
You put it into words really well too!
I have this female friend who's like, a grade A slut. I have a collection of pics of her i gather from where i can (no creepshots, just selfies, ass pics, etc AND NO NUDES)
She once found it while casually looking at my phone. And she found it merely cute. And told me to not do it like you tell a kid...
I met most of them in uni. I was so sure that I'd get laid as soon as I met girls and had the opportunity, and I was completely wrong. I was a really bitter about it from the start. Just... seeing how girls treat masculine men and how they treat me in comparison. It made me really jealous before I accepted my place. At some point I just gave up and started being really nice to a few of them and we got close. It's really the same as making guy friends. It really helps to show them that you're not looking to date, since most girls are suspicious of guys wanting to get into their pants. So casually mentioning that you have zero sexual/romantic interest in girls when it's appropriate (e.g. when they talk about dating and stuff) will help a lot.
Oh fuck I'm to stupid to get into uni
It's not fair
Some anons have all the luck
>And she found it merely cute
That's a very good sign that she sees you as an asexual being. And she must really like you (as a friend) if she wasn't bothered by it.
We cuckolds really are beyond pathetic. My greatest goal in life is to be able to have a happy life as a house husband. In Chastity (if not chem castrated). Cleaning up for my wife while she fucks men (i pay for every expense). This on top of a full time job (from which i have to allow all my male coworkers to fuck my wife)