There is this stereotype that young men who pursue a degree in STEM never really get laid, often they are just kissless virgins. Is this true? How come that they never get any girls?
Is it normal that guys in STEM majors do not get girls?
Why would I have spent all my time on the computer as a teenager, which led to my current career, if I could have been out having sex instead?
The opposite applies to women and Chads. Why would they devote all their time to some esoteric subject when they can go fuck instead?
I'm good at what I do because I have nothing else to do, since I am autistic and ugly.
It's difficult for stem guys because girls don't usually choose those fields so they have little interaction with them. As I understand it having a stem degree helps significantly on tinder, so the girls apparently like it.
>Only women in my stem classes are fat, green-haired mature aged students who are going back to college to prove to their twitter followers that women can do it too, mannnnnn
If Chad went into STEM then you would not be able to keep women out. And no, a stem degree does not help at all on Tinder. Tinder is 100% about being tall, white, and on steroids.
>if I could have been out having sex instead
Ever thought that you maybe could be even better at your job because you have a loving girlfriend who cares for you, especially in hard times? It's not pure sex which makes me frustrated as a STEMlord but not having a genuine long-term relationship.
Been in computer science.
Literally one "girl" for twenty male students.
It's even more dire in electrical engineering.
Did you know that men who are looking for long term commitment are unattractive to women on a subconscious level?
Just get laid and expand your your dating pool.
The right woman will try to pin _you_ into a relationship first. That's how it works in a sexually liberated society.
Women are not capable of love like you think they are. They will "love" you so long as you provide what they want. Women will even abandon Chad the moment he gets out of shape or shows a bit of weakness. So no, a woman would not help my job performance. All she would do is cost me money. And since that's the case, why not just fuck a hooker and bypass the middle man?
As a man, you are always alone in the world.
kek. had a 3/10 ginger from a programming class ask me out. first time someone's asked me out, and first time I rejected someone. call me volcel, but I don't want my offspring to have my shitty genes AND be ginger.
What made her a 3/10?
>men who are looking for long term commitment are unattractive to women on a subconscious level
Holy shit I have never read something more false than this sentence. Women are looking for traits in a man which signal long-term loyal commitment because they do not want their husband to cheat or leave because this would mean that the wife loses all the resources.
I was an incel for most of my teenage and early 20s while pursuing my engineering degree. But I started slaying pussy during grad school. Just don't think you are going to fuck any hot girls from your classes lol
Except no because in our society if the man dies that the state ensures she still gets her pound of flesh. In marriage, men have to pay no matter what but women dont have to fuck.
You're both correct. Wanting to be in a long term relationship is a turnoff for both genders, even though you would obviously like a tradwife, correct? You want to be wanted -- you don't just want to be some easily replaced shmuck who a girl was interested in dating because he was there at the time. I worded that badly, but think about the classic scenario where a woman brings up how she wants to get married and have kids on the first date. Huge turn off.
>slaying pussy during grad school
How did you manage to do this? Any tips for a guy that will attend grad school next year but is still a kissless virgin?
It's not really true and Engineers have been in the top10 most desired occupations for men for ages. The kind of women who date STEM majors trend towards being the kind of women STEM majors would like.
People just like to make fun of others but the reality is that somebody who gets some Masters in STEM and has a good career is pretty desirable afterwards. Certainly more than some barhound who fucked every girl he could in his prime. Because the latter doesn't have anything going for him besides the past.
The people who have truly nothing going for them are those who have a high school diploma or less and are sitting around in their mothers basement muttering to themselves about how smart everybody says they are. You'll just read about lookmaxxing for a few years and quickly realize you're getting old and are obsessing about superficial shit you literally can't hang onto.
Women desire stem majors in the same exact way prostitutes desire rich men. It's a business relationship.
Women will 100% fuck a guy in minutes of meeting him if he's physically attractive, even if he lives with mom and has never had a job. Nothing matters for sexual attraction but your appearance.
This is 100% true and it's so weird how it needs to be said/there's people who don't believe it. It saddens me.
So what? What is the big revelation here? Women have been marrying ugly businessmen and having illegitimate children with dashing heartthrobs for all of recorded history while poor ugly men got wiped out. Do you think women seeing you as nothing but a hunk of meat would be intrinsically more fulfilling than them seeing you as a wallet or do you guys just watch too much porn? Women will also fuck men for no other reason than because they're popular and high social status even if they're broke and ugly.
If the game revolts you than you don't have to play, but even if you don't want to play the game, with a decent income you can get into other memes like FIRE.
I'll let you in on another secret, even if you convince yourself you don't care about the money you'll eventually want to learn the more fundamental abstract concepts you learn in these courses if you ever become advanced in them. Just for the sake of knowing.
I mean, men would do the same with an attractive women. Incels are constantly whining about how shallow girls are but they would do it themselves.
>"bro, just become filthy rich and then get a girlfriend, it's that easy"
I love these narratives.
>I mean,
I mean, I mean, I mean.
Yes, women seeing me as a sex object would be much more fulfilling because I would get what I want from them, sex, for free. It is always better to get what you want for free.
I dont play the "game" anymore. I used to think if I worked out, dressed better, and acted like a dick that i could. Turns out that only works if you aren't ugly.
The difference is people lie about the nature of women. It would be different if people admitted women and most men as subhuman, only feel sexual attraction for a tiny percentage of men, and simply use the rest for money. They don't, though.
I don't recall using the word easy, but that is just the reality of the world. To even be competitive in the relationship game you need to be better than the average person.
All I can say is that one of the biggest mistakes I made was trying to get good at stuff I'd never really be good at, and not trying to get great at stuff where I had real talent. I cared way too much about looks.
I'm doing cs major at uni and most of the guys here are pretty normie with gfs and stuff. Probably helps that there are like 50 girls on the course though
Wrong, Women are the gatekeepers of sex while men are the gatekeepers of commitment. This is ingrained in our primal animal brain. If a man is willing to commit to the first girl thats shows any interest in him it signals to women that he is low-value and women will subconsciously find him less attractive eventhough they consciously are searching for someone to settle down with. A man willing to commit to every girl he comes across is like a woman willing to sleep with every man she comes across.
It helps that I am naturally fairly attractive. I also had some "practice" girlfriends who were kinda ugly but at least I figured out some of the basics. You need to focus on fixing your health and appearance, get your house in order, get your finances in order, and then just start practicing getting girls using IRL or dating apps. You will have tons of failures and probably be shit at first but you have to practice and get better. Worst case you'll have some interesting stories and experiences. Bottom line is, you have to try. You have to improve yourself and then just keep trying with the girls. It's a numbers game really. And don't be discouraged by failures, it will take a few years to get decent at dating/seducing them.
You can't really relate to peoples experiences here if you think practicing using dating apps is even an option.
Why is that? Get your life in order and then make a profile with the best pics you are capable of. Then practice talking to them and try to get some dates. If you don't have any success then there are plenty of men's groups online where they will give you good feedback on improving. If you are ugly as fuck then yeah you will have problems but most guys here would probably look decent enough to get some dates if they put in the effort of fixing themselves.
Im in botany and most girls find that cute, also most of my classmates are female