I am going to throw myself off of a tall building

I am going to throw myself off of a tall building.

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make sure you don't hit any innocent bystanders

Please land on top of me. Thanks

dude at least do a bunch of drugs if you haven't already

do a flip, maybe two

It will hurt pretty bad, user.

And also,
the opposite of this.

why even bother, user?

agree , it would be dope to see a flip from flr 50 desu

stream it! if you do you will be remembered.

Yeah like that one guy from here. What was his name again?

shuaiby, you obnoxious cunt

Allow me user.

The terror I'll feel from falling to death will be nothing compared to the suffering I'll endure over embracing this miserable existence. If I don't do it I'll just end up going through the misery of working 40 hours a week at dead end jobs, never connecting with anybody, watching people that have treated me like shit succeed, and watching my youth disintegrate.

There is literally no chance of me ever being happy. Every time I wake up I immediately start thinking about all of the horrible mistakes I've made and how horrible my future is going to be. I always wake up thinking about how good it would be to just commit suicide. The majority of my time is spent distracting myself from these thoughts, there is nothing I can focus my attention on for long periods of time.

Is death preferable to life? I honestly don't know, nobody does. But I'd rather gamble on it than settle for this shit existence.

I will give you big, big money if you don't do it.

If you do then livestream it for gore videos.

>If I don't do it I'll just end up going through the misery of working 40 hours a week at dead end jobs, never connecting with anybody, watching people that have treated me like shit succeed, and watching my youth disintegrate.
how about instead of committing suicide you actually try, for once in your goddamn life? buy a gun, cut ties to your retard family, go find a better job, and if it doesn't work out then you can always come home one day and shoot yourself in the fucking head.

I can't buy guns, I've already cut ties with my family, and any job I will get will be low end and shit because I'm somebody without experience or a higher education.

is that how you really want to go out OP? or is it the most convenient way to go?

have you tried going for anything else? have you found someone with a job that's actually good and talked to them? what have you done, in terms of actual concrete actions?

I don't want to make you feel bad, user, but if you've got nothing to lose you might as well just fucking go for it and see what happens, and it upsets me a bit to think of you dying without ever trying these things

I've tried day-trading but actually ended up losing a significant amount of money since it's a stupid fucking joke that I fell for, I've tried applying for jobs that required a degree that I could probably do anyway since I self taught myself programming since I listened to dumb fuck youtube conntrepreneurs, I've tried creating a video game to sell on steam but I know that almost all forms of art fail commercially. I haven't tried talking to anybody with a decent job because I don't see how that will lead to anything on its own.

all these people itt trying to push their "path to success" bs yet cant even do it themselves

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honestly that's pretty good. at least you'll die having tried some stuff, and you'll be taking some minor achievements to the grave with you.

Stop trying to stroke your ego you fucking narcissist.

How is questioning suicide narcissistic?

can you explain that a bit more?

Because you're trying to be a hero so you can virtue signal about saving someone's life like a disingenuous shrimp. Lacking any authenticity whatsoever. It's been done a million times.

im debating it myslef honestly... right now... idk what to do ... theres no reason for me to live but im scared

you replied to the wrong guy lel.
your opinion doesn't matter and there's no reason to virtue signal to you, or anyone else in this thread.
I am a little tipsy and OP dying would make me feel bad if I didn't ask him anything. that is the reason why I have asked him things.

Get a hobby and find friends, way more valuable than getting succesfull.
That cringe motivation coach itt should khs

What if he's Syrian?

Please stay safe
Do it for me

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Then he can kill himself by walking outside and making finger-guns at a Kurd.