Can Chud ever recover?
Can Chud ever recover?
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American left is as retarded as the right, both deserve the rope for shitting up Zig Forums
If your really passable show bepis
>nonwhite Trump supporter
>white Biden supporter
imagine thinking biden will win
why not just choose a republican who can actually speak coherently
Mr. Swamp Drainer didn't do anything
He won two weeks ago did you just wake up from a coma pham
cope. take the magapill and do some research
He has won tho.
Even if trump wins his lawsuits he won't have enough seats to get to 270
clearly you dont follow the news at all nigger, trump is exposing all of the fraud. remember me when trump gets 4 more
The Trump supporter is literally white
I think he means there's going to a be a war over it.
There should be desu. Violence solves everything.
Maganiggers won't do shit like always
its going to either the house, or the scotus. both of which WILL favor trump.
>both of which WILL favor trump
On what legal basis, they don't just decide on a whim
Not to mention that like half of Trumps own party hates his guts
cope more you streak of pelican shit.
Funny coming from the ones absolutly seething from the past 4 years but oh well
Funny how that thing doesnt ressemble a man or woman
when will MIGAmutts admit they lost? When tehe election is certified? When the lolsuits are thrown out? When Biden is inaugurated?
>shit all over people like this for not being able to cope with Trump's win for years
>Trump himself and his Magatard sheep having, quite possibly, a much worse autistic meltdown after losing the election
Don't even like trump but who's freaking out worse than 2016? I have heard nobody say in real life they are moving away. In 2016 I heard at least 6 people say to me they were moving because of Trump.
Trump literally said this lol
I dunno, I'm just hoping they will go away so I can discuss video games.
They will never go away, the site died in 2016
>listen to Q and ignore all evidence that shows how shit of a job trump did
At least now they're not the majority and people are showing open discontent for them thanks to the rise of leftism among autists in the rescent years. Things are still bad don't get me wrong, but they're getting better I would say
When biden is inaugurated
We have 4 years to see if the right are just children like the left , be patient, breathe
Clearly you don't follow the news lmfao considering all of the key lawsuits Trump has been bringing up have been dismissed for insufficient evidence.
Here's the full list of lawsuits he's brought to court, read their statuses and weep faggot.
They're providing quality entertainment so far
I gotta admit. I was on the Trump train as an europoor but now it's seems just depressing
Trump and his cultists are instead denying that he lost the election lol
Is he so full of shit he's starting to sweat it or what's happening here
I dont really care about any of that stuff, I just like to be able to discuss a game without the discussion being hijacked because a group of people thinks its not historically accurate because the main character isn't saying the word nigger enough.
He's sweating out his cheap hair dye
There's some stuff here and there where their complaints are actually justified like some of the Witcher casting choices but it's more likely a broken clock being right twice a day, and thei certainly aren't helping their cause by being as retarded as they are.
It's just Americans being retarded and unable to find a healthy middleground like all the time I suppose