I personally think this is a great idea and will do it if I ever somehow get married. I would kill myself if I had to spend every single moment of every day in the presence of my SO with no personal space. I've found a lot of people get angry at this idea, though. What do robots think?
What do robots think about sleeping in separate rooms during marriage?
Women only want this so it's easier to sneak out at night to fuck Chad
Interesting take
shes fat and a negro so in that situation its understandable
if i was dating a girl and she chooses to sleep in a room seperate from me she would immediately turn into my fucktoy until i find a different woman
Yes bc imagine ur bf sneaking into ur bf at night and touching u in ur sleep mmmmm
tranny sjw femnazi lingo *BANG*
i meant bedroom originally
I think the major idea behind this is that you don't always sleep in your separate rooms, but that you frequently choose to sleep over in one of the beds together, but if you need that alone space you still have it if you want.
The only time I ever slept in a different bed from my gf was when I had a night shift and she had to get up early, and even then I still got in bed and cuddled for like 15 mins before going to bed.
Fuck people begging for others to pretend their weird shit is normal.
I say pretty wise choice.
Based as fuck
i sleep in the guest bedroom but that's because i have a toddler who wakes up at night. normally i like to sleep with my wife.
No one is begging, user. Shhhhh it's okay
I unironically want this but I wouldn't sleep alone every night I just value my personal privacy.
I also get annoyed by everything so I'd probably slowly hate my husband if I had to sleep with him every night and listen to him snore and do gross shit idk. I remember having to share a room with two male cousins and once on vacation and it's just so gross. Men are so uncleanly. I would go insane.
she cant stand the men she can pull. and can barely hide it. That train wreck isnt fuckign any kind of Chad
the second someone treats you like this, says you are dirt i dont want you in the room with me. Your relationship is over, subconsciously she is saying "if you Married Me you made a Mistake"
hopefully you are upfront about this with everyone you re in a relationship with so they can avoid you from a mile away. As opposed to sneaking about and then "SURPRISE IM A LUNATIC" ok lets divorce now :)
Not the same user but having insane insomnia where I wake up at the slightest air disturbance and never go back to sleep to the point where I absolutely cannot share a bed with someone every night makes me a psychopath who can never have a wonderful marriage/relationship? Alright.
Sleeping next to each other is unironically one of the best parts of a relationship.
Listening to them breathing makes me fall asleep very fast.
hope you are upfront about your plans to make future partners lives hell , could always do the honorable thing and
i dont know
Not Get Married in the first place, but wheres the fun in never getting divorced ammi right
Why people are still getting married in the western World is beyond me
I will make my man live amongst my hentai figures and anime merch. Also, all of my gem art and my vaporwave posters. I can't imagine dating someone that didn't like that aesthetic anyway.
the moral of the story is Dont Get Married
I've thought about this before. It's not like you have sex 7 nights a week, and I can't imagine it being easy to fall asleep with someone else next to you. Having separate bedrooms sounds nice, but it would just scream cuckold too much for me.
>implying I'd give up my soon to be wizard powers
I think pursuing a relationship where your health would be a chronic issue for another person is probably fairly selfish, albeit not psychopathic exactly. You could potentially make that work, it's just going to put a strain on a normal relationship where this sort of intimacy is expected.
Well of course I wouldn't date someone who clearly expects us to sleep in the same bed all the time, I can definitely do it semi-regularly without too much strain on my sleep, but not every night. And I am up front about this when the topic comes up. I don't want to think I'm depriving my potential partner of something
You're a good cookie, user. I wish you success in sleep and love.
>Normalize X
>Normalize Y
"Normalizing" is what they called Soviet Union propaganda processes. These stupid shits openly call for propaganda efforts to convince people that something is "normal" without defending it.
"I want x. Everybody should want x. Do this so life is easier for me."
why are you all getting so pissy over this? you've obviously never slept in the same bed as a girl. it's hell. they are so fucking hot, it gets so sweaty and smells awful, and they either cling to you in a way that it's impossible to get comfortable enough to sleep or if she can't hold you she turns around and takes the entire blanket with her and holds that instead. air conditioners are useless when you have a 90 pound space heater attached to you under two blankets.