The thought of having a girlfriend is completely alien to me. I simply cannot imagine it. Living with someone...

The thought of having a girlfriend is completely alien to me. I simply cannot imagine it. Living with someone, having someone in my life every day. Someone to cuddle, someone to love, someone to share my life with.

Pure fantasy.

I am 42 now and never even kissed a girl or hold hands.

I don't understand how Normies are able to do all those things.

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ill be you in a decade except I wasa gigachad before my teens

Your post made me cry a little user. I sympathize with you. Anything I could do to make you feel a little better?

how did you lose the gigachadness

maybe you're gay, ever though of that

I am not gay. Gay pron does nothing for me, i have no male friends and was never attracted by males.

It boggles my mind how you niggas dont kill yourselves out of pure shame and embarrassment

Like how Samurais do with seppuku when they dishonor themselves this is beyond dishonor its more just straight up sad and embarrassing

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idk I stopped caring and had other things to do and play vidya was more interesting
I had makeout sessions with whores when I was extremely young and they even came to my house to go to school with me
then that completely ended some how lmao

>killing yourself over pussy
if anything this is the ultimate and final cuck move, you didnt think through this very much did you?
it's actually the embarassing move

you sound like a white guy. are you a virgin? how does that even happen?

maybe you're mentally ill

do you spend more time talking to males or females?

Probably not. 2/3 of my life are over. Acceptance is everything now, but i still want to know why i can't be like the others. That's probably the one question i have since my mother first introduced me to other kids on my first day of school.

Holy mother of cope

This level of cope shouldn't even be possible this truly is what zero pussy does to a mf

How does the opposite happen? If i knew what's wrong i would fix it. I obviously don't know why or how this happend.

I like living. Pussy isn't everything. Or to be more exact, for me it is nothing. Do people kill themselves because they can't climb Mount Everest or visit Neptun? It is a silly thought.

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you will never learn honestly. it takes a functioning brain to be human.

Same Mr Oldfag, except im 20 years younger but still i can't imagine that same scenario, maybe because i've never really desired it idk

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you must jerk it constantly

Did this guy really just equate getting pussy to climbing mount Everest LMAO

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Thats a quite accurate description for non-chads.

You laugh at the metaphor but it's true for most people who frequent this place

Stop posting your mentally weak garbage in almost every thread, giving me goosebumps imagining what you look like irl + what your sanity levels are on rn
Not being able to handle a clean defeat in an online argument with complete strangers who have no impact on your life whatsoever by just spamming the trendy catchphrase of current year is kinda pathetic, you can do better my child!

yes, this makes sense if there were 10 billion mount everests of very different heights, and most of the mount everests were warm and easy to climb.

i am 20, but i am sure that i will end up like you, i have not talked to a single girl since i was 13, and even then i was mocked and ridiculed by her, i think i have a chance to form a sexual relationship when i get a good paying job after finishing uni, but by then any pretense of romance will evaporate, and i can't possibly comfort myself with the idea that the only reason someone would tolerate being around me is if i have money. i really want to fuck a girl then kill myself, because i'll never have true love

do you talk to boys? any cute ones?

sometimes, they don't tend to like me though

Because your time to end the cycle of being on this world and repeat and repeat has come to an end. You should be happy, user. Those normies who knows how many life will it take them to spiritually ascend to finally end the cycle. And you have already achieve it. Just a little more and you will ascend after death, while they will get sent back here for their next repeat and try.

Actually if you have 50k$ you can climb Everest. Getting the pussy you want is way more harder. Because the law of this world says what you want you will not get. So you can suffer. Suffering is the essence of life .

50K gets you pussy, just not the pussy you want. And not the love you need.

Ok now your just Schizo posting oml

Quite impressive. I think i will eventually end up like you

neck yourself already you fucking faggot