Please I need a femanon gf Please

Please I need a femanon gf Please.
I do everything for my gf

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but having a gf just for the sake of having a gf will not improve your life situation user

Yes it would improve my life
I had something I could work for

i doubt it. if you can't bring yourself to work for anything now, why do you suddenly believe you'll be able to do it with the presence of a girl in your life?

Because a girl will give me motivation
As I want to please a girl

why can't you get motivation any other way? its like new years resolutions, you tell yourself getting a gf will motivate you, but you have absolutely no proof of it. if anything, getting a gf will just waste more time that could be used for self improvement

drop discord user

Idk why it's my fault I know

Of course getting a gf will help me
If I had a gf to please I would do everything for her

really just sounds like you'll just put yourself in a vunerable position to get stepped on and treated like shit by your partner, rather than improve your own situation

>a gf will motivate me
if you arent already motivated for your future gf then youre already lost, youre trying to lay all blame and responsibility on some random girl you havent even met yet, get fucked and just kill yourself already

This would improve me and I could please my gf
But I can't get one

I don't blame everyone it's my fault I am this way but I still am this way

i feel like ur just in a denial state, you will not be able to achieve this if you cannot help yourself without burdening a girl. i dont think youll find a gf very easily either if you cant show any sign of being motivated in life already. i think you need to stop being so self-defeatist and sort yourself out

I won't be a burden I swear
I will get a job and then I could by my gf many gifts but I need one

do it now then, rather than "when i get a gf". you need to stop putting things to later, and do them NOW. start looking for a job literally right now, dont even give yourself time to procrastinate. build yourself up so you dont let people walk all over you

I am trying to get one
I already have an internship
Please I need a gf

i cant get you a gf user, idk why you're begging me for one. the only person who can get you a gf is you, by building yourself up into a bearable human being right now. you better apply for as many jobs as possible man, i dont wanna see you slack off

I think after the internship I get a job there.
But how will that help at all.
It won't I will never get a gf

stop placing your worth on getting a gf, no normie spends all their time looking and obsessing over it, and they're the ones successful at it, so take a page fom their book. you HAVE to improve yourself before you can even try and get a gf, unless you want to be abused your entire life.
are you certain the internship will guarantee you a job? if its not contracted you need to keep looking

I believe there is someone out there for everyone. It warms my heart to think of robots finding love.

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How do I need to improve myself?
Please I'm sorry for being not good enough I'm sorry
I can't find one

step one is to stop apologising to me. you are your own person, your choices are your own, and you don't need to bow down to other people, especially me, so why apologise?

i dont live your life, so its not like i can give you a list of what i'd improve if i were you. all i'd say is to build a base of looking after yourself properly if that's not already there

Not him but... my life's good already. I have a nice job that pays well. I'm in good shape and working on a personal project I always dreamed of doing. The only thing missing from my life is a female partner. Everything else is already great, and I made it so.

I already looking after myself.
Fine I stop apologizing

aaa please dont do it out of necessity to me, i dont want to force you out of it. i just dont need any sort of apology because you've not wronged me in any way. you said if you had a gf it would give you motivation and something to work for, but surely you have an idea now of what you want to be motivated towards doing?

I need to apologize for being so garbage I know it's my fault I'm sorry
My parents told me to get a job so I am trying to get a job but a gf would really help me. I then have a reason to get money

even if you think youre garbage user, realistically that affects nobody but yourself and thus you have wronged nobody but yourself. get the money for yourself, even if its with the focus of "i will earn this money with the goal of getting a girlfriend in the future". you need to do it now, rather than later, because you have no idea when later is

lol reminds me of that femanon thread from a few weeks ago. She basically got trapped by a fag like you into e-dating. He didn't improve or get motivation from having a femanon gf.

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Of course I'm objective garbage I have no gf
And what do I need the money for if not gf?

I swear I will do better myself I do everything my gf would tell me to do

why does not having a gf make you garbage? jesus, so many successful people don't have gfs, are they garbage? i think you really need to reframe your world-view

>I do everything my gf would tell me to do

But I am not successful and I don't have a gf. So I have nothing going for me
Why should I stop with what?

It literally does if she actually cares for you though.
My life was immensely better during the time I managed to have a gf. Now it's all back to nothing.

never place yourself below your partner. you know what that does for you? sets you up to get absolutely shit on and makes your life worse than it would be while single. a relationship is something where you both should be EQUAL

>But I am not successful and I don't have a gf
okay well, i think that rings true for the majority of the earth, though. i doubt most people consider themselves successful. but either way, so fucking what? if youre not successful, you know what you need to do? you need to build your self up and take the necessary steps in order to become successful