/r9gay/ #1206

Pls Don't Delete Edition

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Ippo stop hitting your balls

I would hit my balls too desu

>literally skipped an entire thread
Ehem, Previous thread:

My bad, I'm done, never made a thread before

It's okay, cutie.
Just correcting you a bit.

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Ill fuck your ass so hard, youll need hemorrhoid cream for the rest of your lifeeeeeeeee

You say that like I don't like it, let's go

>boyfrend bought me couple gifts for birthday

I meant to say dumb instead of done, but I guess it speaks for itself, thanks anyway

jannies pls delete my nudes in the old thread this isn't cool you can't just leave them up for everyone to see

Aren't you gonna use your trip?

>tfw no ippo bf to my chadly takamura
why yes, i did once punch an overly friendly black bear, thanks for asking

Whatever is posted on the internet, stays on the internet. But they're good nudes, don't worry

There are more nudes here
you guys should try it

What trip? I dont get it

Nudes on /soc/ is boring, it'll be like in just watching porn

How pathetic do you have to be to be a gay virgin adult?

Only slightly less pathetic than a gay adult with STDs

You could get custom nudes over there, it won't be like porn, retard.

>got in another stupid internet fight that got me banned from a forum
Why am I so angry bros?

>a forum
Go back there please

I find anger pretty attractive

Limp dicked impotent anger included?

Including that, anger in itself makes me quiver. No idea why, it just feels like a huge contrast to how I act

I can't. I'm banned.

Why wouldn't you be angry? Everything is fucking awful

untreated mental illness is almost always the cause

What forum?
You better not be a reddit nigger.

I would say that you'd love me, but I'm trying not to be so angry all the time.

just had some bagels and coffee, comfy season is here let's FUCKING GOOO

anyway how's everyone holding up? drop some music recommendations! (if you want to obviously lol)
stay warm anons

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Fine by me, anger is a bonus to me, unrealistic to be angry all the time

You must be turned on 24/7 when you're on this board

>tfw no bf to cuddle with to stay warm during best season because you're an autistic angry retard

Hit the nail on the head man