Do fembots like getting their pussies licked

Do fembots like getting their pussies licked

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Even tho this hentai is widely popular, here is the sauce: Mankitsu Happening

duuuuuuude this hentai...

never really had it happend much, always felt way too weird letting a guy do that so i would either stop him or just not let him at all

Some do, some don't. Really depends on how slow and patient the guy is.
You have to go super slow, so slow. Just the tongue, zero teeth or beard fuzz. Slower than snails pace. Porn is fake and too aggressive. In real life it has to be slow and extra gentle.
With any luck you'll get a shower in first as sweaty genitals taste and smell nasty

As a smellfag I think sweaty genitals smell and taste amazing actually. Also some girls prefer fast and hard licking and sucking almost right away. This one girl I ate out only liked that, which I liked because it was more fun and exciting to do, also pretty easy I think.

felt weird? do you mean the physical licking felt weird or that a guy would do that?

>never really had it happend much, always felt way too weird letting a guy do that so i would either stop him or just not let him at all

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Some women are uncomfortable with receiving oral for some unknown reason. I don't understand it, but whatever. There are even men who don't believe in performing cunnilingus, which is next level retarded. The majority of the thrill I get out of sex is from pleasing my partner and sucking clit is my absolute favorite. Only been with two women in my life and didn't get the chance to eat out the second one, unfortunately. Sure did love eating out the woman I lost my virginity to though, even if I was amateur back then. The next opportunity that comes along will be a game changer since I've been studying. I'll plunder the briny deep and not surface for hours. I'll hide between those legs as if my life depended on it and dine on my meal like it was the only way to stop global warming.
I've coomed to it many times.

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letting a guy do that, the actualy physical act didnt feel bad, if not the opposite

what didn't you like about it? was it too submissive of an act or didn't like that he was too pleasing of you or something like that?

studying? how do you study it

i honestly dont know, just always felt like i would rather do other things than that, which usually didnt turn into much

I've never experienced it but I don't want to either. It just seems embarrassing desu.

can we at least smell your pussy pleeeeease

Watch videos, read guides, and know the anatomy & physiology. Penetration does not make the vast majority of women orgasm. Hands and tongue make them quiver, not your penis. Can't become a pro without doing your homework my friend.

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No that's just as embarrassing you idiot

>hazukashii desu!~ b-baka! >\\\

ok forget you i didnt want to smell it anyway get away from me creep

Silence, weeb.
Well good I guess the feeling is mutual.

>Well good I guess the feeling is mutual.
so like can you smell my balls instead

>I've coomed to it many times.

Me too, I think I m cooming to it tonight

I imagine you as a delicious and blushy cute girl and forcing you to sit on my face gets me rock hard

No. There's nothing in the world that could convince me to do that.

>projecting your perverted fantasies on anyone charitable enough to interact with you
I shouldn't be surprised desu but even so you still disappoint me.

i would love to eat out a NEET fembots stinky pussy (stinky in a good musky way)

Lmao you're one dumb tranny. Every guy thinks about having sex with the majority of women they see on a daily basis as long as they aren'y 500lb whales

I am a powerful cumbrain and I like cute girls. Them being embarrassed only makes me more interested.

Stop elaborating, I don't want to know.

I will be stroking and thinking about you and there's nothing you can do about it.
Little whore.

Not really gross when women are only useful for sex. That's why I date a boy and occassionally fuck women on the side.

You don't even know what I look like at all so I don't care.
You can admit to being gay if you want, I don't think it's a big deal anymore.