Questionnaire time boyos!

Questionnaire time boyos!

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
>What kind of porn are you into?

If you match with someone you have to exchange discords

Let's see if we can get some matches on the go!

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>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
N but i may as well be since i last had sex over 5 years ago
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
The closest i've come was when this cute metalhead girl was very obviously flirting with me, she invited me over to her place one night but i was stuck at work, i saw her at a friend's house a few weeks later while we were all getting drunk, but i got too drunk and tried to jump off a balcony, she left shortly after and she never flirted with me again
>What kind of porn are you into?

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>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
No. Lost my virginity at 17 and have not been laid in 3 years since then. Wasted so many opportunities.
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
Woman I met in one of my uni labs this semester told me multiple times that she had sexual fantasies about me that kept her awake at night and that she got turned on just from being around me. She had a boyfriend though and refused me when I told her to invite me over to her place so that I could fuck her sideways. What a tease.
>What kind of porn are you into?
Hentai of many varieties

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Damnnn that's pretty rough, I guess this is why people shouldn't go diving from balconies on their first dates? haha

It was a learning experience for sure, it sucked because i had no idea what had happened until a friend told me what i had done the next day, me and the girl kept texting for a few weeks but the flirting basically ended that night, i try not to get blackout drunk whenever i drink now.

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
Nope. That ship sailed at the ripe age of 20
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
Covids really out here killing my opportunities
>What kind of porn are you into?
Used to be fairly soft bdsm type stuff. After losing my v-card just got into more vanilla-ish amatuer type stuff though. Guess I'm getting soft

Yeah I guess its best to just take these chances when they come or at least keep your options open lmao

Any specific kinds of hentai?

Mannn I really hope things get better for you. Laying off the booze a tad's probably a pretty good idea

>Any specific kinds of hentai?

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>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
met online gf in person but never closed. was too awkward and i was too retarded
>What kind of porn are you into
used to watch cumshot compilations i had some weird obsession with it. got cheated on in online relationship and got really weird cope related obsession with cuck porn. stopped being a neet and got my life together but i cant get away from the cuck stuff. always feel ashamed after. haven't spoke to girls at all in any capacity since.

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>seeing a hard on slip out of boxers
>depends on mood
>feeling happy?
>romantic stories about couples in missionary position making babies
>feeling angry?
>humiliating some twink, cunnilingus, orgasm denial
>feeling sad?
>stepfordization, hucow, bimboification, breast and ass expansion, ugly bastard, blowjob face, paizuri, smegma, impregnation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, lactation, cock worship, mind break, forced marriage, etc.
I'm sad a lot.

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you sound absolutely awful. What's your integrity like?

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
>What kind of porn are you into?
A lot of stuff like creampies and throatpies. I also love brown girls and doggy style but I will still watch all types of girls.

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
Eye contact.
>What kind of porn are you into?
None. Sex kind of disgusts me.

Male, as most on this board.
Yep, still don't care.
ao3 has decent erotica tags, I stopped watching actual porn years ago though.
oh and I had an impreg fetish but I'm pretty sure that's natural if you're male

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Ambition-wise pretty decent

Relationship-wise ehhhhhhh....

There's a lot of fuckboys out here. I like to have a black and white world that's fairly consistent.

Lost my virginity at such a late stage largely because of circumstances, but also because that was the only guy I could really picture the rest of my life with

Not that that's how things worked out

M late 20's
jaded af after close to 500 women
vanilla porno eroticism preferred

>Was pretty close with a girl once and she was giving me real "Fuck me hard" vibes but she was an unstable retard with fake depression
>Usually I try to keep it to vanilla hentai but when I feel extra degenerate I turn to real life, then hentai tranny, then real life tranny, then gay furry hentai and then 3D furry animated hentai.
There's probably more to that list but I don't wanna find out.

Continued. I also greatly miss intimacy. Hand-holding, kissing, cuddling, touching, and laying on each other. I literally fantasize about that like 80% and sexy times like 20%. I fucking hate being a cyborg, I just need someone to hold and kiss.

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
I went on a pity date with my oneitis once and brushed her hair and gave her a foot massage
That was like 2 years ago
>What kind of porn are you into?

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Gentle femdom is nice. Anything that looks painful is a turn off for me though.

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
>What kind of porn are you into?
I pay a local cosplayer to make spastic ahegao videos for me

whaaaat? you've never even been around a girl or anything?

>a hug in middle school is the furthest I went

Can you post pics of your ahegao cosplayer user?

Wat? I said I'm not a virgin. There have been no times when I've been close to getting laid, because if that was the case I either got laid or didn't. No middle awkward stances.

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
I went to an African country before and got proposed to for arranged marriages several times. They flat out said I wouldn't have to pay bride price because my citizenship was more valuable.
>What kind of porn are you into?
POV. Missionary POV is best.

>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
when I was in high school I had a cute girlfriend and we kissed a lot i guess. she said she'd have sex with me "once you marry me, user" but obviously that never happened
>What kind of porn are you into?
monster girl hentai

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Why didn't you take them up on their offers?

I like both gentle and brutal and everything in between. To me its about the attitude, anything can be loving if you frame it right
I have a thing for blood, something about it is romantic and sensual, I never grew out of my high school emo phase I guess

Because Im a uni student and can't support a family. More importantly I still dream of marrying someone who loves me.

No brewski, it's pretty special to me and it's the last source of coom I can tolerate, without it I would not be able to go back to porn. However if you are a connoisseur of the genre, especially on instagram, the lady I'm talking about is decently famous and has a lot of sets with many many characters. Plus sized but still shapely, and somewhere around Europe.

>>Are you a virgin? (y/n)
>>If so, what's the closest you've come to getting laid
Getting nudes from both girls and boys.
>>What kind of porn are you into?
Lots of hentai.
Side note: Never even had my first kiss yet, is there any hope?

Sure! You'll probably get there :)