Sleep for 12+ hours

>sleep for 12+ hours
>wake up at noon
>refresh the same few websites over and over again
>do absolutely fucking nothing
>start and try to play video game
>quit after a few minutes because i cant even force myself to have fun with it anymore
>continue refreshing Zig Forums and youtube for hours again occasionally watching a few youtube videos that look interesting and that i havent seen yet
>go to sleep feeling like a tired corpse even though i havent done anything

is this even a life anymore?

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No it's not, break the cycle OP. You have a human will, just like the rest of us. Or continue to live a miserable life of boredom and numbness, up to you.

>break the cycle OP

if only you knew how bad things really are

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sounds like me except i sleep for 4-8 hours

do you have a job user? sometimes you can find the right people in the most unlikely of places.

what happened to Zig Forums? why are we being invaded by redditors and normies?

when life collapses into that unending grayness, and you think you've hit rock bottom
know that the floor supporting you is slowly cracking beneath the weight of your ennui, and there's yet to fall a long way down
grayness will soon cede to the true void, and you might feel you have to catch yourself with a fucking dangle cord to finally know peace, but don't, please don't

I love you user

I'm not sure it ever gets any better, it hasn't for me
but please don't do anything foolish

because it still might

I used to feel like that a few years ago, I started shoplifting to feel alive.

Me right now because I have corona and can't leave the house. Idk how NEET people do this

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Same life here user. But I've given up now. I accept it. I will not get a job or move out or go to school. I'm stuck in this hole and I'm not getting out, ever. Homelessness will happen eventually and I've accepted that too.

Don't care though. I don't like this world and I don't like living in it.

at least you've achieved awareness of this reality, all things considered
it's better than the alternative

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Turning my pain outwards made me feel much better, people kvetch and moan about me being an asshole now but my mental health is in a much better place now.

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>Turning my pain outwards made me feel much better
Are you serious?

Yes, I decided I was not going to let society push me around, I would be the one doing the pushing from then on. Has it gotten me into serious trouble? yes. Does that make me sound like a nigger? YES

same man. I recently wanted to get out of this circle and started going to college but nothing has gotten better and I can't really keep up

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At least you aren't a slavie.

>when you can't find a solution and choose to become the problem
you're a selfish kind of guy, user

you need to break the fuckin cycle OP you have to do something and i would say find a job, something simple and easy just to leave the house and get a routine in life

trust me ive been there for 6 years, but atleast i liked world of warcraft before that

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man that's depressing as shit, but accurate as fuck
I thought I'd hit rock bottom before but then I very nearly killed myself a few days ago, and I had never felt worse in my entire life than how I felt then
I made it through, albeit in hospital, but now life just feels even worse than before. Now my family know I nearly GGed out on them, and they will forever live with that knowledge. The guilt I already felt about myself has only got worse.
I am desperately trying and trying to make things work, and trying to be happy, and trying to stay alive for my family. They love me, they have done all they can to make me happy and better.
But I'm not getting better. Every step of progress I make is so miniscule compared to those in the world around me. People don't see me for the difficulty of each step I've taken. They simply see how far behind everyone I am. When I'm not in my self-loathing mindset, I am proud of what I've achieved despite the odds against me, but most of the time I just think how far I have to go and how impossible the road ahead is.
Would it be so selfish of me to die? In those moments I nearly did it, I don't think it mattered anymore, so overwhelmed with despair that I was.
I hope this doesn't read too much like an edgy teenager as this comes from the heart, and it probably is pretty pathetic to read.
All I cling to is the hope that maybe it might get better one day, and that I need to be alive for my family to be happy. It's not fair kill myself because of how much it hurts other people. But at some point, I have to take an act in my own self-interest, right?
The worst part about living for me is that I'm stuck here. I can't quit or die because so many people are invested in me, but I sincerely don't enjoy life and all it entails. So what is there left for me?

getting a job does nothing. his life will become
what is the difference?

you are at stage 1, denial

you wont understand and i wont even bother explaining

>and i wont even bother explaining
Good. because you're wrong now fuck off wagie.

Oh i know, I love it. Fuck all those people who thought they were bigger than me, I showed them. I am my own god.

ladies and gentleman this is denial

oh fuck off with this self help improover bullshit
I spent from 18-23 NEET and literally just crying, playing video games and living with my parents. I improoved just like the memes, I got a job, learned social skills, made better friends, moved out, went on meds, went to the gym, went to therapy. And you know what? I STILL am miserable! I still can't find a reason to get up every morning. And people are at a complete loss on how to help me because I've done everything that is supposed to make me 'happy', I have achievements and things I have worked towards and succeeded at. And I'm STILL unhappy! And I still want to kill myself, and nearly have.
I loathe people like you because you naively think that because something worked for you, it will work for everyone.
You were clearly just a failed normie, who just needed a little confidence boost and you'd be okay. Your lack of empathy with proves this

Like I said, get mad. Everyday I wake up ready to do battle with the world and it feels good and gives me purpose. Life made me dig my trench with a spade so I slapped a broomhandle on it and sharpened it.

Well said bro, i 100% understand you, although i cant give you an answer to your questions, hence i dont even know where my life is going, the only difference between me and you is, that i never had the balls to even attemt suicide, i was always too scared off the afterlife

>complain about not doing shit and life sucking because of it
>say to break the cycle
>get called a plebbitor

I am a normalfag, used to think I was an incel when I was younger but realized I was kidding myself. I've been here since 2011 though faggot, and I will never be a plebbitor.

you are the kind of person who will tell someone that had acne for all of his life to just wash his face, get the fuck out of my thread

you sound like a gigantic faggot who's smoking a large amount of copium

I did for a very long time
but now I'm just tired. because even on the days that I actually 'won', I didn't even enjoy victory. it's like playing a video game that you really hate and beating it. great! you won. but you hated every minute of it and there was no elation when the victory came
you clearly can't empathise with people like us because you never were like us
there are so many people on R9K that have desperately tried and tried to break the cycle and find a way to be happy, and yet can't find it no matter what
what is the difference between you and me? I did the exact same shit you did, and still am trying every day for my family, but I don't want to do it at all and I find it crushing to pretend all the time. you're lucky, because 'winning' makes you happy. I'm playing and I know I'm not going to 'win', and that 'winning' isn't even something that would make me feel happy. it's very easy to motivate yourself when you have goals and things you want to achieve. I don't want to do anything. I don't have goals. I want to die. That's all I genuinely want. I hit rock bottom just like you and kept scrambling upwards only to fall even deeper again and again. At some point, you just let yourself fall. You were never a robot and you never will be.

kek you shouldn't complain when you're the author of your own pain. If you masturbate and sleep and browse Zig Forums all day do you think this is somehow not your fault? You're a retarded self defeatist whining faggot, and you deserve the place you're at due to your lack of ambition and will.

you're not edgy, you're sincere. it's much more admirable
and I'm in no place to talk you out of anything, having failed myself last week
but please don't
just don't
not for your family, I don't give a shit about them to be perfectly honest with you
if you need to do it or not do it it's down to you and you only; it's your life

but please don't

hold onto that hope, and just wait until tomorrow
and tomorrow, wait until the next day
and somehow struggle through this fucking MEAT THRESHER

don't kill yourself, user

I'm reading your posts, I'm listening to you
don't know what to say other than I care about you

please don't do it

it might not be any better when you get there, so just try your best to ride it out in this monstrous place, because you'll end up there soon enough either way

you're only here briefly at worst
it'll fly past

The feminazis were right all along, men need to be free to express themselves.
So fuck this world.

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I would probably knock you on your ass for saying that to my face but alas this is the internet so hey what have you right?

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furiously based, you beat him up and i still his phone and shoes

have fun

>start and try to play video game
>quit after a few minutes because i cant even force myself to have fun with it anymore
>>continue refreshing Zig Forums and youtube for hours again occasionally watching a few youtube videos that look interesting and that i havent seen yet
>go to sleep feeling like a tired corpse even though i havent done anything

Haven't been able to relate this much to something in a long time.

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>I would probably knock you on your ass for saying that to my face
Haha look at mister big tough guy on the internet. You're so cool. FAGGOT

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and what if I:
>go to the gym three times a week
>have a circle of friends that really vibe with me and love and care about me
>have a family that love care and support me
>have a nice rented place and lots of spare income for hobbies
>eat well and no worries about money
>been to therapy and on medication
>have a stable job where I am soon to be promoted
>keep myself occupied with a series of different hobbies, some of which involve regularly being around other people
if I'm still unhappy and want to die then? I fulfilled all your retarded criteria for being happy and yet I am fucking miserable to this day
get fucked you failed normie

>I loathe people like you because you naively think that because something worked for you, it will work for everyone.
Your post works the other way as well logically. Just because something didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for other people.

Projecting hard, most of us here would break your neck with a single hand sissy.

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Firstly, I never said to do any of this. Secondly, even if you did try to do this you couldn't positively say it wouldn't be better than jacking off and sleeping all day. Thirdly, what you want to do in your spare time is your choice and doesn't have to follow these normalfag guidelines. Fourthly, shrinks are faggots never go to them. Fifthly, one reason you may be miserable is because you fell for the happiness meme (who's the normalfag now, you're the only one talking about muh "happiness"). Sixthly, you're fucking gay. I hope you continue to feel misery and numbness, and that it hurts more due to knowing that it's all your fault.

fair, but it's the self assured way that he assumes it's magically going to solve everything that irks me. I'm sure it can work for some people and in general it's not the worst advice. but it's tone deaf considering this is r9k

keep coping brainlet, you have come completely unstuck
but I'm sure your perfect normie life is great, that's why you're here posting with us as well
absolute retard tier faggotry