vagina sniff smell pussy vagina sniffing smell this smelling sniffing smell
Vagina sniff smell pussy vagina sniffing smell this smelling sniffing smell
you're not the real sniff cat are you
real...real....what mean this....i are just post on board...
May I have your attention please? May I have your attention please. Will the real sniff cat please stand up. I repeat, will the REAL sniff cat, PLEASE stand up?
ngl wish i could sniff the smell and maybe even lick the taste of a vagina pussy
hello friend good...good see you....why all talk with word real...when sniff not be real...? is alway real...
yes....oh yes...i want this sniff...sniff most of all...always sniff...maybe i lick after sniff...? i not know...must sniff....sniff first do....must sniff...we both day....we do this friend good...
i was just thinking about you the other day sniff cat. i hope youre doing well, if thats really you.
friend think me...? this so nice...make smile...what you think...? i do...not good...bad times...very bad...many very bad time....i wish you is do better than i do...
Then will you tell me... Mr Sniffcat, what did Riley Reid's pussy smell like? Or.... is this just a photoshop? I cannot tell, sometimes. Forgive my poor eyessight
>many problem
I have seen in your other post about your brother passing... I am sorry for all the things you are going through.
Hi sniff cat, what a blessing to see you again. Keep strong fren
wow what a nice OC, did you make this user? It is nice to see others making OC of sniffcat.
oh oh...hehe...this make smile so much...this best picture i ever good...i like good....i lover this cat in neet good...i lover edit...i never sniff girl....yet....will be day...real....i lover this picture so much...i not stop smile...hehe...thanks you for this...
I missed your posts sniffcat. You were the best part of this board.
Yes, i made it myself. It's my honor to be able to share this with you all
Ok we get it, you're based.
yes...very bad in sky now...i cry many tear him...i not have any tear in eye now...all gone...empty car no oil...he leave me when need him so ok....i see him again...when i go sky...i see him...i tell him i do my dream....i tell him i do it...after all this year....
i dont ever wanna see that cat again. hes weird and probly smells like tuna
hello good friend...nice see you...i happy see you...always happy this...this picture...this day i go sky....when i do sniff...then i go sky....dream is done...i try stay strong...stay strong for dream....i thanks you for post this very nice...
>reddit meme cat
spotted the redditor
you don't even know what you're talking about retard poser
out out OUT!
is hard...many thing happen in life...many...hard to have time...for this...thanks you for say good friend...
hehe...thanks you...
smell....? no...he good...good cat...only bad...
sniffer vagina pussy sniff
>sniffcats family is dying
Why is sniffcats story so tragic? I just want my guy to find some pussy to sniff. I know sniffcat you said you think this is cheating, but I would buy you an escort any time.
>be me
>on period
>notice that my cats are way more interested in my panties
>start smelling them after I remove my pad
>started ripping my pad open to smell it
>fascinated with watching my blood clots in the toilet
>would sometimes stick hands in to play with them
>start free bleeding into my underwear
>don't wipe
>fabric near crotch turns brown
>ugh it smells like good chicken soup
>I don't shave so my armpits are twisted into these sweaty curls
>have major swamp ass
>hairy asshole
>hairy for a woman, period
>period stops
>massive white yeasty sludge slithers out of me
>eat it
>post period constripation
>reach finger into asshole
>use muscles to push shit past finger
>use finger like a hook to fish turds out
>smell finger
>smell my wipe
I don't know if all ladies smell good but I know men and ladies smell different. I also don't think I smell good so for me it's a case of loving my own brand.
One day may you brothers be reunited in Heaven. I am sorry for you sniffcat, it is always so nice to see you on here.
I wild have retched but this site has desensitized me to disgust. Still got a fhil run down my back.
offer present your pussy for sniff inspect and and scent investigate
is ok...the path...path is alway be hard...i still go...i keep go...i not fall...keep go....path is long...very long...on this many year....big brother go away...i see him day....i thanks you for this friends...yes is very nice good man...but is cheat on dream...must not be pay....i thanks you for this good friend...
hehe...funny...funny are sniffer...!
One thing I always lived about this shit is how easy it is to scare men - just talk about female bodily functions as graphically as possible. I was here on Zig Forums before advice animals were a thing so I remember "bachelor frog" and "bachelorette frog", and the latter was always the one that broke people and made them gag. Always found that funny.
Sorry, it's marinating in it's own juices.
you didn't scare me, because I didn't read that gay wall of text you old whore
good friend...i use think all tear is done....i crying much now....this picture make tears hurt much...much hurt...thanks you so much...for this...and words....i see him again one this picture...i see forever ever...i lover you
You didn't read it but you know the part about me being an oldfag? Sure thing, fag.
You honour me by calling me a sniffer. I saved a screenshot of your post. Thank you, and God bless.
So, you are an old whore? I did not read your greentext story, I read your second post. And your "old whore" status was a presumption by the way you carry yourself, not by any personal info you specified. And, it appears, a correct presumption.
tldr frog fag
hehe...nothing about vagina...ever scare me...never....i always want sniff it....hehe...
That's because you're cool, sniffcat.
vagina sniffer...with vagina...hehe...funny you good friend...your post...funny...