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It's OK to play Slaanesh if I'm alt-right?
Noah Carter
Nathaniel Davis
Yes, but it's not ok to be "alt-right."
Blake Brooks
Why tf do nazis play a game that satirizes everything they're about? You guys realize you're the butt of the joke in 40k, right?
Asher Harris
but I hate you
Michael Flores
Because I'm not a triggered faggot.
Cameron Kelly
>thinks I'm talking about 40cucks
Jayden Hall
Then it's worse where you are being kicked in the balls rather often by autistic lot of leftie.
Brayden Bailey
Xavier Lopez
Liam Moore
Newfags, fuck off.
Owen Thompson
The 'Alt-right' doesn't exist unless you work for buzzfeed, vice, or NBC.
Samuel Carter
Well in time butt of the joke becomes the whole setting and the one making jokes find themselves fucked. That's how the cookie crumbles
Levi Lopez
yeah, they're just called neonazis
Aaron Campbell
Cringe and bluepilled
No, OP, you have to play Khorne or Tzeentch instead.
Josiah Green
Honestly, I don't believe you.
Chase Ward
Based decadence and rape
Of course best and most reactionary faction in 40k
Joseph Reyes
stormfags OUT
Cameron Brown
Adrian Morris
Slaanesh is highly faustian and Wagner pilled
James Bailey
You should kill yourself
Mason Parker
stay vigilant /tg/
Gabriel Bennett
Might I suggest the Dark Eldar as a much more Nietzschean and Authoritarian army?
Liam Gutierrez
Oliver Powell
Half of you are either fags or trannies, so I'm willing to say it's ONLY okay for alt-rightoids to play Slaanesh.
Nathan Watson
based, but I'm more in favor of the libertarian values of the dark eldar
Hunter Ramirez
No worse than any other faction, but there are better uses of your time than warhammer.
Cooper Hernandez
I imagine Vect as eldar Napoleon in the way. Badass authoritarian general turned dictator.
Lincoln King
shut the fuck up white nigger
Anthony Bennett
I mean, they're both basically "I'm going to take the prevailing morality I was raised with and turn it upside-down to be all edgy and rebellious", so sure, they should go together fine.
Jordan Cooper
What about being an alt-right coomer?
Bentley Anderson
ok russophile even stupidity must have limit yet you broke them. p*tin won't let you suck his vodka bottle.
Ethan Reyes
No one mentioned Russia, user. Get your eyes checked.
Joseph Ross
It's all-right by me!
Adam Williams
Checked and keked
Levi Howard
Hes better as Eldar Andrew Ryan, with Commorragh as Rapture.
Ryder Cook
this but unironically
both of them are raving fanatics of an infeasible system, to the extent that they are indistinguishable
Anthony Young
Great analogy.
Camden Walker
Aiden White
Luke King
This is the quality /tg/ deserves.
Brayden Phillips
Fuck off back to your shithole containment board.
Joshua Jenkins
>he actually fucking moved it