Walk into your room, see this on floor, wat do?

Walk into your room, see this on floor, wat do?

Attached: 122909854.jpg (1080x1346, 220.52K)

make the thot leave

Give her an open palm smack on the temple and watch her eyes get all googly from it

nothing being im autistic, insecure about my body and my mind is rotten from years of watching porn

pull her pant down...sniff her pussy vagina...

Attached: 1552033722563317799.jpg (1080x1081, 827.03K)

Turn around and leave, fleeing is the only option.

I still have Brooke on Discord.

Who the hell are you get the fuck of my room

Ask what agency she works for

Where is my carpet?

Crumple the cardboard cutout and discreetly dispose of it at night. How embarrassing if someone saw me with it.

has she started camwhoring yet?

Ask her what the fuck is wrong with her asymmetrical eyes, skull?
But really ask for the succ, then laugh when she's unable to get me hard.

Jesus she hit the wall fast

smoking weed and fucking niggers ages thots like crazy

impregnate. multiple times for assurance.

I tell this young lady to stop giving me that retarded look and I keep drinking and shitposting. Maybe if she knows how to cook she can fix me something, otherwise I'm telling her to just read a book, I'll join her in a bit.

add her to my Bratz dolls collection

Call her a faggot and show her my penis

i would pull down my pants and press my anus to her lips

cringe elbows too pointy faggot

toasty roasties/trannies detected

Kill and rape her in that order

>leave r9k for 2 years
>come back the exact same underage thot is being posted

Tell her to get the fuck out. She looks fake as hell, would not bang. No eggs.

Just grab her by the hair and spin her around in a circle letting her go just before the mirror so she crashes into it and gets cut up. Take one of the shards and stick it in her wet cunt, work it in and out baby, slowly; gently the blood rushes out and I take the shard and stick it in her eye and watch the lights disappear. I finally ejaculate.

Ask what her name is so I can fap to more pictures

Kick her head harder than the ball when I scored a goal from half field

kiss her feet. I now i'd do this because it happened in a dream

Attached: Linda.jpg (1280x800, 367.41K)

>tfw I dated Brooke for 48 hours and leaked one of her lewds.
ffs, sometimes my inner chad rises and what it does, I kek.

checked, drop lewd

I believe it was this one. This was like 2 years ago already, jesus.

Attached: dddddddddd.jpg (462x616, 26.65K)

Close the door and hide in the bathroom and cry.

or maybe it was this one? Idk I have so many pics of her. I'm not even sure if any of these have been shared with anyone else.

Attached: notshared.jpg (463x617, 33.05K)

noice, I'm imagining I see nip, post moar

>post moar
Not sure if I can, Maxwell will kill me.

her face was a lot less bloated then