Suicide Encouragement

Well, you've proven yourself incapable of living on this earth and not being a complete failure. Why not try dying and see where that leads you?

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Do it. Just jump. Just fucking do it. And before you faggots say "hurrrr this is illegal" No its not.
Only if its targeted, this is just an open invitation making it no less legally dubious than a 12 year old saying they're going to blow up the world.

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why should I kill myself when I didn't create the problem in the first place

I have to wait until my parents are gone at least.

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im so fucking ashamed that this makes me hard im sorry everyone

cord snapped
neck hurts
very very lonely

This but my younger brother, fuck my dad and my mom's already dead anyways.

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You die and you are going to induce suffering into the few people that care about you on this planet. You kill yourself and they will stay behind, their lives made one bit shittier by your fucking idiotic ideals. You will die in the end, no need to rush it.

You really want to kill yourself? Get out of your house, go innawoods and do whatever the fuck you want until death catches you. Go fight in a war, die for some idea.

What is that typesetting?
What the fuck?
Look at it

Blue and purple holy shit man, are you blind?

you're going to have to force me to do it not this weak encouragement shit


Back in the days of Rome there was a way to die with honour, and it was not looked down upon. What you and OP are suggesting is just weak faggotry. Go kill yourself if you really want to, I don't even know why you are shilling for this idea when you could be dead already.

Sorry, I don't do requests!

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Why does that caption make my peepee hard ?

i don't like poeple who complain or think about suicide when they havent done shit. you dont deserve suicide until you have at least accomplished something. become a coal miner or soldier faggot.

do you have more user

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I only make the threads when I make a new one

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it's kinda hard to get images, and it's just not the same if I'm the one writing it

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Just a reminder that you'll go to hell for encouraging suicide.

Shoosh beautiful suicide angel

There is no hell, and if there was no loving God would've made such a place
Hell is a state of mind

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Not just asking for more, but also delivering

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Scathe is a really simple concept. Just commission an actual writer.

give me images or ideas and ill consider making them

Why do you have to post this, I dont think my mom ever loved me

Ask yourself- to what end am I currently employing my mind and my rational faculty? You will be embarrassed to answer.

Man exists to suffer. Man exists to overcome the suffering, to find meaning in it. This is nature. Resisting this and retreating into insane fantasy is antithetical to human nature and the reason you are stuck in such a disagreeable position. So much pain caused by not allowing the mind and body to do as they must.

Seek God. But most importantly, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if this present state of being is acceptable, regardless of your religious disposition.

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Gah fuck now I have a new fetish

i'd knock her and your ass out. im tired of your demoralization psyop and insecurity projecting bullshit. when i am king by devine right. i will have all incels and trannies on this board perma banned or contained.

>Found an asmr of a woman comforting you passing you into the afterlife
>watch it frequently before bed imagining i'm dying rather than going to sleep
I don't think about killing myself, but I often fantasies longingly about being dead

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Would like the first one, without the mom fetish, more comparison, something like how everyone at your age is already succesfull and I'm not, and something along the lines that nobody really likes being with me.
For images I don't really have anything specific

The text is a bit hard to read but it kinda "pops out" at me. Like there's some 3D illusion, it almost seems like the text is moving, but when I move my eyes to catch it, it stops. I also have not slept in a day or two so that might be part of this thrilling thrall of thaumaturgy.

I like these things, so many captions for masochists just refuse to push their boundaries at all. It sucks when something you legitimately get off on is considered so weird that everyone would rather assume it's a discord tranny spam raid than sincere jerk off material.

I'd be gratuitously grateful for the great gift of... good web sites for getting more of this stuff.

just rub bbq sauce on your neck, then get mauled by some pitbulls

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